In the Name of Science
Archive: 20 posts
I had to write a short story for school over the four day weekend, and I decided to share it with yopu guys just because. They had called me crazy. They didn?t understand. They followed society?s laws, followed it's foolish regulations to stamp out the truth. They were idiots. But I, I am the only one in the true quest for knowledge. I am the one who will stamp out the truth, allow the truth to override laws and customs. I will find the truth. For I have created a time Machine. Yes? A Machine, and with it, everything may end? Or everything may begin. * * * I reformed in a dark alley. Quickly, I looked around to see if I was complete- this was a one way trip, so I hadn?t been able to test it beforehand. I walked slowly to a dumpster, and found an old newspaper. May 8th, 2009. I have done it. I have traveled through time, to my elementary school days. I couldn?t help laughing- who could? Well, maybe those regulators back in Washington might? But I had to stop- somewhere, I had to be. My younger self. Pure and innocent. Yes? somewhere I must be. Unknowing of what is about to happen. For I must find out the TRUTH. I must see time?s defense mechanism. And to do that, I must kill my younger self. * * * I had kept a wallet full of 2000?s dollar bills on me- they had reformed in the transporter too. I needed supplies- but I had no time to WORK. I had to do this quickly- the faster the better. So I took a wallet full of contemporary money on me, and it recreated itself in this time period too. Politely, I thanked the Car Salesman- he expected the car back by next Friday. It wouldn?t be. But I couldn?t let him know that; I just took it and drove off. I took the 2040?s pistol I had with me and placed it in the glove compartment- I was sure to bring that, because ever since the election of 2024, guns could be easily found at any hardware store. Not so here in the past; we still had to have gun licenses and the like. But I shrugged it off and drove- today is a Friday, so I should be alone with my dad?s. Time for the experiment to commence. * * * I never liked my dad. He and my mom were high school dropouts, after my mom got pregnant with me by him. His parents forced him to marry my mom, and so he was tied down to me. He never bothered to get divorced, nor did my mom, and so he?s just an unemployed drunk while my mom works two shifts. Hm? now that I thought about it, they were both idiots. But no matter- having only my dad there would make this easier. My pistol was in my jacket pocket, hidden from view. I could hear the TV blaring; I was probably watching it. I rang the doorbell, and heard it ring twice. The door opened. I fired my pistol. Twice. My dad fell backwards. He had answered the door. I quickly ran into the house, back into my old family room- I tried finding me. I ran throughout the house, firing anywhere I could see I may be. Then, I remembered: I ran out the back window, to my neighbor?s house, where I?ll call the police. But? how did I remember that? I didn?t remember that two seconds ago? I could already hear the police siren! They were faster then I remembered? As I ran out, I fired my pistol once at my dad to make sure he was dead, and ran out. * * * Of course. I remembered that memory because THAT is what happened to me now in my past. I had already changed history, and so my mind changed to reflect this new image of history. But I remembered both paths of history- I remembered the one with my dad involved, and I remembered the one in hiding in the Witness Protection Program. And then I remembered my dad showing me the original Back to the Future when I was in 4th grade, beginning my blossoming into a creature of science. But that was in the old history- my dad was dead now, so a new history, a new memory had sprung up. Now, I saw Back to the Future when I was at a school meeting in my new identity?s home Alabama. History had changed to fit its new life. Time?s Defense Mechanism. .The fact that I remembered both paths of history could easily be attributed to my method of time travel- I was still in my lab, in my original body, in my time machine- the time machine merely traveled my brain waves, the DNA of how my mind works, across time and space into a new time. Then, it condensed air into how my mind remembered I looked. As such, my true body was still in that lab, unconscious in that time machine, never to awaken as my mind was in the past. Seeing as how I thought in the past but existed in my present, I truly existed in two times. I remembered the truths of both. However? If I?m still here, and my original body is in a time before I altered events? Then could I have created an alternate dimension, and my original body is in the old? This requires proper testing. This requires the experiment to be completed. * * * I had been on the run for three years. I remembered all the places the Witness Protection Program took me; it's just that it kept changing. History kept rewriting itself in my mind, so that the place I thought I would show up was a different place, as in actuality history had changed its course so that they put me somewhere else. Time was a crafty foe, always changing itself to prevent what may happen- but I had to defeat it. I had to best time. Again, wrong place- I wasn?t in Arizona now. I was in Oklahoma. I decided that I would have to wait. I had to wait until they decided to move me. Then, I would be able to know where the plane was landing. I made sure to hide- I was on America?s most wanted list. Hm, with all the murders out there, it's strange that I would be on there. Maybe Time itself forced me to be up there, so as to save itself? But I had no time for that- I remembered a new memory. My mom was in a seat on an airplane across from my child self. She? looked a lot more sad then she used to? She tld me that everything?s alright, that soon the murderer will be gone, that soon everything will be alright? Everything will be alright when we get to Houston, Texas? My younger self looked at my watch! April 6th, 2012? TODAY! This? this memory was happening TODAY! Texas? Houston wasn?t that far! I quickly stole a car from a junkyard and basically flew down to Houston, trying to remember where my house was before we even got there. As I pulled up to what looked to be our house, some movers were moving us in. Those movers were secretly Witness Protection Program officials, though? I quickly drove back, careful to not be spotted- I ran in the back, and hid in the dumpster. I waited. A few hours later, I heard footsteps. Could? could this be it? Someone opened the trashcan, and I fired! My mom fell back, dead. I had no time to consider what changed- this could be my last chance! I may never fool time again! I ran up the house, no one hearing my fire my silenced gun. I heard TV upstairs- ?Great Scot!? ? Back to the Future. I was watching Back to the Future. Gently I walked upstairs, making sure no one heard me. Strange? no one else was here? no guards, nothing? Unless there was security cameras? But they couldn?t get here fast enough! I broke down the door, and pointed the gun at my younger self. This was the first time, in all three years, I had actually SEEN me? he just paused there, scared and frightened at the strange, scary man who had been hunting him for three years now. But now was not the time for that! THIS is when everything ends, or everything begins! I didn?t stop to consider all the memories that came rushing through my head- I just pulled the trigger, and fired the bullet. It hit him dead on. I had done it. I have cheated Time. As my body hit the floor, everything began to change? Thoughts? Comments? Opinions? | 2008-11-03 18:28:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Lol, I see back to the future was there for a reason. But yeah, I enjoyed it. I would've happily carried on reading if there was more ![]() Job well done ![]() | 2008-11-03 18:55:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Cool, might have to steal it if my english teacher assigns a short story with a prompt close to this. ![]() | 2008-11-03 18:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
That was awesome... Mind if I use the same idea for one of my projects?..![]() | 2008-11-03 19:07:00 Author: TheArmedReaper ![]() Posts: 1543 |
Back to The future was there because it is the main Time Traveling movie I know, and I needed an example for how, in this universe, time traveling would affect the mind- and that just so happened to be the first thing in my mind. albeit I had some problems ending it- I know it ends abruptly, but I didn't want to continue it, mainly because I have no good idea HOW it should end. What WOULd happen next? I... I just had no answer, so ended it befoee that. And I see some people are trying to steal my idea >_>. I don't want you to, but it's not like I know where you live or you have to tell me or stuff like that. | 2008-11-03 19:30:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Back to The future was there because it is the main Time Traveling movie I know, and I needed an example for how, in this universe, time traveling would affect the mind- and that just so happened to be the first thing in my mind. albeit I had some problems ending it- I know it ends abruptly, but I didn't want to continue it, mainly because I have no good idea HOW it should end. What WOULd happen next? I... I just had no answer, so ended it befoee that. And I see some people are trying to steal my idea >_>. I don't want you to, but it's not like I know where you live or you have to tell me or stuff like that. IM NOT GONNA STEAL YOUR IDEA! I'm gonna steal your story, word for word. :eek: | 2008-11-03 19:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well, we're in different countries, so I'd like to see you track me down...![]() | 2008-11-03 20:18:00 Author: TheArmedReaper ![]() Posts: 1543 |
that story is excellent. 10 out of 10 ![]() | 2008-11-03 21:59:00 Author: Don Vhalt ![]() Posts: 2270 |
It's nice to see that people like it, but does anyone have any other thoughts on it? | 2008-11-03 22:14:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
i like it but there a few flaws for exmaple if go back in time to kill your self and succed, there will be no one to go back in time to kill your self. so its impossible to change history, it possible to go to the past | 2008-11-04 18:39:00 Author: panzer3000 ![]() Posts: 362 |
i like it but there a few flaws for exmaple if go back in time to kill your self and succed, there will be no one to go back in time to kill your self. so its impossible to change history, it possible to go to the past Uh... first off, we don't know that... second off, the whole point of this story is that the Scientist WANTED to see what will happen. Third off, if it's possible to go to the past, then how could it be impossible to change anything? Would we just look but not be physically able to DO anything? How do you KNOW this? It appears you missed the main point of the story- a scientist is so engaged in the quest for knowledge that he wants to either PROVE or DISPROVE the Grandfather Paradox- and also see about what Time will do in the case of doing something that alters time. But yeah, in it's essence, it is kinda just a story about a scientist who wants to know everything, and will do what may destroy the universe to see what would happen. | 2008-11-04 18:49:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Uh... first off, we don't know that... second off, the whole point of this story is that the Scientist WANTED to see what will happen. Third off, if it's possible to go to the past, then how could it be impossible to change anything? Would we just look but not be physically able to DO anything? How do you KNOW this? It appears you missed the main point of the story- a scientist is so engaged in the quest for knowledge that he wants to either PROVE or DISPROVE the Grandfather Paradox- and also see about what Time will do in the case of doing something that alters time. But yeah, in it's essence, it is kinda just a story about a scientist who wants to know everything, and will do what may destroy the universe to see what would happen. Yeh Panzer! O_O Lol. | 2008-11-04 19:23:00 Author: TheArmedReaper ![]() Posts: 1543 |
If i was your teacher i would be like those crazy buyer people on ebay when they leave feedback for buying somthing A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ has anyone noticed that seriosly my dad sells things on ebay and he has like 20 comments that are like A++++ but with 10x more plus sighs XD Im sure you will get an A rock ![]() | 2008-11-04 19:26:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
here my point if you change the past to your liking why would you go back in the first place. they have done it, it was on a tv science show i think they slow time down and something happend with the light particals my point is that you could go back into the past and save your self from getting runed over, for exmaple you get save by a voice and you never knew who it was, so you go into the past to find out and then you fihure out it was your slef that did it, but if you go back into the past and killed your self, then who going to go into the past to kill u. as you cant kill your self cause you are dead. if you mannage to kill hitler before he was born, if you succed why would some one go into the past to kill the person who never lived, so you never went to to the past in the first place, all im saying you probly kill this person, the first time but on the second time round their will be no one to kill because their is no reason to go back and kill this person. | 2008-11-04 19:51:00 Author: panzer3000 ![]() Posts: 362 |
here my point if you change the past to your liking why would you go back in the first place. they have done it, it was on a tv science show i think they slow time down and something happend with the light particals my point is that you could go back into the past and save your self from getting runed over, for exmaple you get save by a voice and you never knew who it was, so you go into the past to find out and then you fihure out it was your slef that did it, but if you go back into the past and killed your self, then who going to go into the past to kill u. as you cant kill your self cause you are dead. if you mannage to kill hitler before he was born, if you succed why would some one go into the past to kill the person who never lived, so you never went to to the past in the first place, all im saying you probly kill this person, the first time but on the second time round their will be no one to kill because their is no reason to go back and kill this person. One: How do you know all this stuff? The point is the scientist didn't know, and so he wanted to find out the truth. Second: Why are you trying to prove the point of this story? You just believe the Grandfather paradox, and this guy is a scientist- thus he wants to make sure. ... It seems this story is going way over your head, and that... that's bad for you considering it was written in an hour. o_0 | 2008-11-04 19:54:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Just read it and it seems pretty good, probably an A or B. | 2008-11-04 21:25:00 Author: floor3013 ![]() Posts: 287 |
At first, looking at the length of this thing, i considered reading it but im glad i did ![]() Great Job Dude! ![]() | 2008-11-04 21:29:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
Awesome story. I love creative writing. I kind of wish I had taken a class on it this year. | 2008-11-05 15:02:00 Author: HobocidalManiac ![]() Posts: 117 |
One: How do you know all this stuff? The point is the scientist didn't know, and so he wanted to find out the truth. Second: Why are you trying to prove the point of this story? You just believe the Grandfather paradox, and this guy is a scientist- thus he wants to make sure. ... It seems this story is going way over your head, and that... that's bad for you considering it was written in an hour. o_0 i liked it, but the thing is i was pointing out the flaws in the story, and it is common sense, if thew granfather paradox the one where if you go back intime and kill your granddad you would not exist in the future, if it that one then i found a flaw in that one you go aback and kill him yes, who going to go back and kill him the second time because you was never born | 2008-11-05 18:07:00 Author: panzer3000 ![]() Posts: 362 |
i liked it, but the thing is i was pointing out the flaws in the story, and it is common sense, if thew granfather paradox the one where if you go back intime and kill your granddad you would not exist in the future, if it that one then i found a flaw in that one you go aback and kill him yes, who going to go back and kill him the second time because you was never born what do you think the main character was trying to decide?! What do you think the point of the story was?! | 2008-11-05 20:28:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
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