Microsoft to remake 'Halo: Combat Evolved' and make Halo 4?
Archive: 11 posts
Microsoft is working on a remake of Halo: Combat Evolved, according to a report. The latest issue of GamesMaster (via CVG) has suggested that 343 Industries is working on an update using the Halo: Reach engine. The game will be scheduled for release in November 2011, ten years after the original's debut on Xbox. The claim is backed up further by comments from Xbox UK's director Stephen McGill, who said that such a remake would be "a good idea". "I think some people want to go back to older games and see them revisited and I think a lot of developers want to see that too," he said. It was added that a full Halo 3 sequel will be released in late 2012. Source (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a290669/microsoft-to-remake-halo-combat-evolved.html) | 2010-11-30 17:35:00 Author: CheezeBo ![]() Posts: 832 |
Ahh this had to happen since the halo franchise was bought by MS, they will try to squeeze everything of it until it gets lame, it's a shame that now the video game industry is jumping into the same practices of the movie industry of re-makes and re-dubs, we want original content for god's sake!! (And if they make Halo 4, well that would answer the question of what happened to the MC after he went into the forerunner planet but it would uncover the forerunner mystery and i don't know if that would be good or not) | 2010-11-30 17:54:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
The claim is backed up further by comments from Xbox UK's director Stephen McGill, who said that such a remake would be "a good idea". "I think some people want to go back to older games and see them revisited and I think a lot of developers want to see that too," he said. Well, I think that people are sick of the same old same old - we have been fed and re-fed the same tired old FPS formula for a decade - Halo: Reach was the same as Halo: ODST was the same as Halo 3 was the same as Halo 2 was the same as Halo:CE. How about they try and make something original - there's a novel idea ![]() No, much easier (& lazier) to just re-hash something that has been done a gazillion times before - in a genre that is so over-saturated it has long since past saturation point, and we are now in the gluttonous feasting on excrement constituted from the regurgitated vomit of past feaces stage. Change the F-ing Record | 2010-11-30 18:04:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I could've swore I read somewhere that said they weren't going to remake CE. Also, a halo 3 sequel? Now THAT has to be wrong. | 2010-11-30 18:49:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
I could've swore I read somewhere that said they weren't going to remake CE. Also, a halo 3 sequel? Now THAT has to be wrong. Unless Master Chief is now a Zombie (they seem to be very zeitgeisty at the moment). WARNING TO ANY M$ DEVS THAT MAY BE READING: Categorically DO NOT re-animate Master Chiefs corpse... some things are best left buried ![]() | 2010-11-30 18:52:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Ahh this had to happen since the halo franchise was bought by MS MS owning Halo isn't a recent thing they've owned the IP for the entire series, they got it when they acquired Bungie and kept it after Bungie bought its independance. | 2010-11-30 19:39:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I think both are a bad idea, now I've been a halo fan scince I got my first xbox, and Halo 1 is perfectly fine how it is (plus if it's not made by Bungie, it will most likely fail, like Halo Wars) and a Halo 4 is DEFINITLY a bad idea, cause really, how do you make a story line for it? It ended with *SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN'T BEAT HALO 3* Master Cheif and Cortana floating towards a mysterious planet. | 2010-12-01 22:20:00 Author: Xero Space ![]() Posts: 249 |
MS owning Halo isn't a recent thing they've owned the IP for the entire series, they got it when they acquired Bungie and kept it after Bungie bought its independance. Actually they got it when halo was in development, halo was originally meant to be a RTS for mac | 2010-12-04 18:51:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
Surely if Microsoft want to make an updated Halo: Combat evolved that's there buisness? If it's a bad idea it'll sell badly and they won't try something like that again. It's not milking every single penny they can get out of a franchise. If this was a PS3 game they were updating everyone would be all over it like a bunch of flies. I can't remember the thread but I'm pretty sure it was about sly cooper thingy majigy. This is a PS3 game fan site so it's obvious that people will be a bit biaste. Oh and @Xero Space Your being sarcastic, Right? I don't own an XBOX 360 but I don't mind shooters. So what if there following the same formula again and again and again? They sell. People get fun out of them. Every game dosen't have to be like little big planet. Sometimes devolperes will think of original and novel ideas. Most times they don't. But when they do how do they fund them? With the money they make with the more mainstream games. Sorry if I offended anyone: This is my opinion and it may be wrong. | 2010-12-04 19:24:00 Author: wev99 ![]() Posts: 67 |
Actually they got it when halo was in development, halo was originally meant to be a RTS for mac Well I was just going back as far as the first published stuff I knew they were bought during the development of the first but it wasn't relevant to my point to go into that much detail. The wording of your previous post really made it look like you thought Microsoft had only recently acquired the IP and were suddenly going to milk it to death. Although looking back at the recent level of output in the series you could argue the milking has already started. | 2010-12-04 20:05:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Well I was just going back as far as the first published stuff I knew they were bought during the development of the first but it wasn't relevant to my point to go into that much detail. The wording of your previous post really made it look like you thought Microsoft had only recently acquired the IP and were suddenly going to milk it to death. Although looking back at the recent level of output in the series you could argue the milking has already started. The milking process began since halo became a success with Halo CE, it wont stop until that success gets worn out | 2010-12-05 19:01:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
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