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Texting. Good? or. . EVIL!?!

Archive: 33 posts

Howdi Everyone! =D

I'll bet almost everyone on here has a phone and can text on it. How do you like being able to do it? Is it awesome, or is it annoying? For me, I've found it useful in some situations, but sometimes it's horrible =( (From a social stand-point, not the actual way its done)

Warning The following scenario is purely fictitious, and in no way resembles any real fight I've had over texting. Ever. *Cough*

It's nice to be able to just send a message to a bud and be all like "W0rd up h0m!e" and have him be all like "Yo, whad up Brah?!"
But. . . sometimes its annoying. Say you text a person. You're textin' 'em up like it's your job, when suddenly. . . BAM! Bear grylls is on T.V. Instantly all your focus is shifted to Bear and his manly man surviving in manly places and you forget all about your phone. The next hour you're like "OH SNAP!" check your phone and you have like 3 messages from the people you texted being all like "Yo bro wtf, why you no text back broski?" Or the nicer one like " Hey man you there?". You text em all back being all like "Sorry brosef, was watchin Bear GRYLLS!". Some of them text back like "oh haha". . . but sometimes you get that person that has anger issues (or your lady friend, if she's in her evil phase) and says something stupid like
"So you like bear grylls more than me eh?" And a fight insues. Over text messaging. Tragic and powerful are the words. Heartbreaking messages one after the other fly into your inbox saying things like "I wish I never met you, you self-centered pig!" When, obviously, they started the fight over nothing =P. Eventually you can't come up with any other things to say to the person and try to back out of the argument. However, deep inside, you're fearfully thinking of the next time you will encounter said person in public. Will they freak out on you right then and there? Will they just completely ignore you? Who knows? All you know, is that you don't know why your friends with this person, and that you want a bowl of cereal for no reason other then you love cereal. And this, my friends, is a classic example of texting GONE WRONG!

. . . so. . . What's you opinion on texting?!?
2010-11-30 03:50:00

Posts: 60

I think texting ruined communication. I'm of the old school that if you need to talk to someone you will CALL THEM or meet them face to face.

The reason I even have a cell phone is so people can reach me when I'm out, and when I'm out I'm busy. If I have time to waste on idle "yo whassup - nm you? nm" style chatter I'll be logged into AIM. If you actually have something important to say call me. It seems like a utility to bind people to be permanently available for useless banter.

You know what else I hate? People that text when you're hanging out with or talking to them. Because talking on the phone is rude, right? Texting is fine! ... right.

And texting while driving... REALLY!? If it's so important isn't it a million times more sensible to CALL so you don't have to use your hands or divert your eyes?

I disabled texting entirely on my cell phone line.
2010-11-30 04:01:00

Posts: 2278

My phone sux to bad anyway, so if i do call, its a call, not a text.2010-11-30 05:43:00

Posts: 1117

I'm GUILTY! I text a lot. I hate it though, I would much rather call, but no one likes to call anymore so I text.

My lady friend does that to me all the time. Usually there is a good excuse but I still end up saying sorry like a 20 times.
2010-11-30 06:03:00

Posts: 626

I don't have a phone that is really text friendly and I don't really care for doing it anyway. Besides, other then increasing the dexterity of your thumbs, I don't really see the major advantages of doing it as opposed to just calling people instead.2010-11-30 06:36:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

I don't have a phone that is really text friendly and I don't really care for doing it anyway. Besides, other then increasing the dexterity of your thumbs, I don't really see the major advantages of doing it as opposed to just calling people instead.


"Hey they ran out of LBP 2 copies at GameStop sucks for you, lolololol"
"OH WHAT THE ****"

"Hey they ran out of LBP 2 copies at GameStop [interuption]"
"WHAT THE MOTHER ****!? HOW THE HELL DOW THEY RUN OUT OF COPIES!? IT'S MOTHER ****ING GAMESTOP [rant continues at volumes higher than your mother yelling at you to wash the dishes]

Texting = Good Hearing

Calls = Bad Hearing
2010-11-30 06:40:00

Unknown User

What're y'all talkin' 'bout? Out here, we've got a good 'ol pony to mail them textin's. Phones are fer yellerbellies!2010-11-30 06:42:00

Posts: 5757

What're y'all talkin' 'bout? Out here, we've got a good 'ol pony to mail them textin's. Phones are fer yellerbellies!

coughsaysthecowboywiththedisneylandjacketandintern etcough

I needa get this cough checked aut
2010-11-30 06:43:00

Unknown User

I don't reply to texts that are grammatically incorrect. Well that's a lie, I allow a few errors. Text speak sucks.2010-11-30 07:18:00

Unknown User

I don't reply to texts that are grammatically incorrect. Well that's a lie, I allow a few errors. Text speak sucks.

Tho technically you're doing it right now!
Not Phone Text, but still text, nevertheless.

As for me...well I'm one of the few w/out cellphone... D:
Yes, the horrible horrible thruth has arrise. T^T

Actually I don't really care, I can just call my friends from the house phone, or borrow theirs if I'm hanging out with them and I need to use one or whatever.
Don't really need it tbh.
2010-11-30 07:56:00

Posts: 6707

I hate texting, and calling people, and phones in general. The main reason I use my phone is to organise a time/place with people so I can meet with them face to face. The only other reason I use it is if I need to know/tell someone important information quickly, and no gossip doesn't count as important.

But yeah, I hate phones.
2010-11-30 09:07:00

Posts: 2431

So I'm roughly of the age where mobile phones became ubiquitous at schools, and text messaging became the de facto communication method of choice for teens, but I've never really had that texting obsession that seems to curse so many.

I'm of the old school that if you need to talk to someone you will CALL THEM or meet them face to face.

Isn't that the same old school that used words written down to communicate things that were more important

For the case of texting in social gatherings, I can only assume the issue here is people sitting opposite you texting away their mindless jibber jabber constantly, because if it's the occasional message every hour or so, taking up a minute of their time (which is realistically the socially acceptable form of this behaviour) I can't honestly believe anyone is that needy that they demand the full, undivided attention of their friends so constantly.

I think the simple message:
Hey guys, got any plans for the weekend?

Highlights an absolute trump card for the text message. It's quick, simple, communicates with several friends in a non-intrusive manner and allows them to consider their responses before getting back to you some time later. Through phone calls, this would take many, many times longer to communicate to your friends, including repeated calls because people are busy, or at work, or their phone is in the other room. Then there are the follow up / confirmation calls because 95% of the time people are rubbish and won't commit to anything if put on the spot....

Asynchronous communication is fantastic and mobile text messaging, much like email, is a useful communication tool. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes it's useful, sometimes it's pointless - it's how you use it that makes a difference. Yes, if you use it for "yo whassup - nm you? nm" style chatter it's pretty pointless, but then that has nothing to do with the medium. You can do that over email, IM, on the phone or face-to-face or even snail mail - the logical extrapolation of that argument is: "all forms of communication could be used for mindless nonsense, therefore all forms of communication are worthless". Really?

Oh, and txtspk abbreviations suck. They really, really suck.
2010-11-30 09:59:00

Posts: 6497

Awesome. More people who think texting sucks <32010-11-30 12:00:00

Posts: 60

i text different on the person it is

texting a boy: 'yo you kool ? u out today or what

texting a girl: hey you alrite are you out today ? x x

i have been texting a girl before and adding the ' x x ' and my male friend text me and i accidently put the 'xx' and the end and he was like 'thanks for the kisses' :/
2010-11-30 12:06:00

Posts: 623

You're right, the text message technology itself is a good thing, a utility. I'm not really hating on the tech itself, just the attitude that plagues everyone I know.

Sort of like Facebook, I love the idea behind Facebook and myspace but can't stand things like people organizing important events through it, but also not mentioning anything about the event when you talk to them. I feel that very important events should have personal invitations. It's like there's nothing personal in the communication between my peers anymore.

But you're right, that's not the fault of the tools, they don't do anything on their own. It's people's fault.

So I'll just retract everything and say I hate stupid people
2010-11-30 14:58:00

Posts: 2278

Texting is a nice and handy thing to have at disposal, but grr, watching Bear Grylls is more entertaining 2010-11-30 16:25:00

Posts: 1627

Foofles has the right idea

2010-11-30 17:34:00

Posts: 637

I don't know why people hate texting, to each their own way of communicating.2010-11-30 17:38:00

Unknown User

Tho technically you're doing it right now!
Not Phone Text, but still text, nevertheless.

As for me...well I'm one of the few w/out cellphone... D:
Yes, the horrible horrible thruth has arrise. T^T

Actually I don't really care, I can just call my friends from the house phone, or borrow theirs if I'm hanging out with them and I need to use one or whatever.
Don't really need it tbh.

You're not alone!
2010-11-30 17:58:00

Posts: 935

I don't have a phone. I don't want one either, I have no need for one. And I'm 14 :O

But no, I hate text speak, it makes it look like you don't care at all about what your saying or the person you're talking to.
2010-11-30 18:03:00

Posts: 1893

i dont text i BBM

(Black Berry Messenger)
2010-11-30 20:12:00

Posts: 623

txtspeak? LOLOL newbs!!1
|t$ 1337speek!!
u n0, g@m1ng t@lk?
(@||t bl33v juu d|dnt n0 t@t.
d0nt n0 wh3n It tr@n$f3r3d to (3llph0n3$ th0.
2010-12-01 02:14:00

Posts: 1800

When my phone DOES work I text, but that is only because my friends don't answer calls (I don't know why). I'll call them and wait for it to go to voicemail or the tone to end, and than I immediately get a text message asking to text not call. None of that matters though, Sprint's coverage sucks so how would I do either of the two. I mean seriously, look, right now I have 0 bars. *Takes two steps to the side and raises phone* And now I have "FULL" bars. ATandT and the iPhone were the best, sprint and the blackberry, not so much... 2010-12-05 20:01:00

Unknown User

Texting is too impersonal for me, that and I use a lot of sarcasim so it dosn't help show my smart arsery (thats right I made that up just now). Any who's-a-doodle. I always end up writing paragraphs and I kinda get upset when people respond with "k" or "cya" or "", It makes me feel as if I spilled my guts for no reason.2010-12-05 20:50:00

Posts: 96

I used to text a TON. But now I have mixed feelings about it...2010-12-05 20:53:00

Posts: 1536

Texting is too impersonal for me, that and I use a lot of sarcasim so it dosn't help show my smart arsery (thats right I made that up just now). Any who's-a-doodle. I always end up writing paragraphs and I kinda get upset when people respond with "k" or "cya" or "", It makes me feel as if I spilled my guts for no reason.

You don't text 'k' to a man.
2010-12-05 22:00:00

Posts: 1800

As David Crystal said though...

Actually, i'm not gonna go into that. English Language A level FTW.
2010-12-05 23:18:00

Unknown User

It's funny: when I text, I use good grammar and punctuation, but my mom uses text speak. Seems kind of backwards. 2010-12-05 23:28:00

Posts: 1702

It's funny: when I text, I use good grammar and punctuation, but my mom uses text speak. Seems kind of backwards.
Same thing with me
My mom uses the craziest abbreviations,
2010-12-05 23:47:00

Posts: 6419

Yeah, I have a bad habit of not checking my phone ever.
People do tend to get angry with me when I don't finish a "converstion".
Just don't reply. They stop texting you after a while!
2010-12-08 04:52:00

Posts: 2513

I hate texting because people think its "not normal" to talk or right how we were tought to, In English with correct spelling!

I dont even know how to use text speak and im 15 (the texting age)
2010-12-08 05:09:00

Posts: 1668

I hate texting because people think it's "not normal" to talk or write how we were taught to, in English with correct spelling!

I don't even know how to use text speak and i'm 15 (the texting age)

Correct English.

If you're gonna rant about using correct English, at least have proper grammar.
2010-12-08 05:23:00

Unknown User

I don't text much, but it's a LOT better than calling.

Calling people on a phone is one of the rudest things ever in my opinion. As Stephen Fry once said on QI, it's like banging your fists on someone's door shouting "TALK TO ME NOW! TALK TO ME NOW!". Most of the time when someone calls you, it's not like you're just going to be sitting there waiting for the phone to ring. You'll be in the middle of doing something, whether that's eating your dinner, driving, watching TV, playing LBP, or even ranting on forums. And if you ignore the phone ringing, or say that now isn't a good time, YOU'RE the one who is accused of being rude. They're the rude one for expecting you to be able to talk whenever they call.

That's why texting and emails are so much better. You can look at them later and reply in your own time. Even Skype and MSN etc are much better, because at least by being online you're saying that you're free to talk.

The only time it is acceptable to call someone if it's urgent and cannot wait at all. Like if your leg has fallen off and you need help.
2010-12-08 13:05:00

Posts: 927

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