Should I stay? (Creative Level Designer wanting to get into LBP but finding no Help)
Archive: 4 posts
Hey ill try this again. I am a game designer looking for help regarding LBP level design and Creature Design. Way back when LBP started I tried to get into level design and Creature Design. But the community went EMO on me and wouldn't help me, because I was being honest. so I?ll try this again. I would like to have some help making a really cool boss for LBP. Some boss design elements I?d like to use are used allot in the Dragon Slayer levels made by Centurion. Especially Part 3 and Part 6. So yes making a Dragon Type boss but not the same old Dragon Slayer Crap.. You?d actually be able to be the dragon and run around destroying things. So it would take some understanding on how the A.I. mechanism and arms movement to work in this game. Which I have no clue how to do and need help or being shown how to do it, since most levels which have great examples of this that I mentioned usually the creators are too busy to show you how they did it. I think LBP is a great game. I'd love to get LBP 2 but the designing of making advanced creatures is beyond me. Frankly I think that is why I don't get on LBP much is that people refuse to show you there levels and you can see how everything is made. I think that is one of the problems with LBP's game design and why you don't see many levels or designers is because they would like to view the advanced levels themselves and get inspiration. You know see how everything is put together and functions. I am willing to bet money that you'd see a huge explosion of really awesome level designs. If people were able to copy and view others levels! But sadly you cannot do this. Not to talk about another game but I will. I have no problem creating advanced Content and cool stuff in a game called "Second Life". Why I don't have that problem? Because when I got on second life people helped me and most of the stuff on there is modable. So you?re able to see how things are done.. Visually. I am a visual learner. So once I see how something is done like that or shown in game. I can catch on real quickly. If you'd like to show me how this is done.. Please leave me a PM. Thanks if you can help me out. | 2010-11-29 20:34:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
If MM allowed us to make levels copyable in a temporary state (maybe disappears after resetting, or not so that you can keep your favorite community stuff on your HDDlong after the servers go offline on a sad day in the future), but so that nothing can be captured or republished, we'd all probably make things copyable to take a look around in create mode. There is quite a huge help forum on our site containing tutorials for many of the essentials for creation, and playing the LBPC Logic Pack is a great way to learn what in-game logic has evolved into over time. What you're wanting to do is definitely doable in LBP1 really just using wobble switches, winches, pistons, bolts, magnetic keys/switches. a good body design can be had using all 3 layers, thick and thin, as well as glitch material thicknesses called theck and thack that can be found in community levels for nicer proportions and layering. A walker of sorts is very prone to breaking and will have a very limited user interface, even if it's being supported by an off screen string set and guiderail, but i have seen quite a few good concepts out there whether it's johnee's machines, gilgamesh's mechs, celteen's mg rex etc even for centurion, it was a learning process to build his dragons for the project. all of us started out not knowing a thing about create, but from my own experience, i learned everything by doing the tutorials in the game and then building: self taught. things aren't done by code or wire frame modeling, it's all trial and error, playing with the physics, and trying anything that pops into your head. your scripting is built as a chain reaction of physical objects that tell proximity based signals to turn on and off based on where they are in relation to other things. movement is typically done using pistons and winches, and both emitters as well as dissolve material can create temporary states that are easily reset. dark matter holds everything in place. The best way to learn is to put yourself in a situation where you want the player to X in order to cause Y. You're guaranteed to find a solution of your own, and with modern resources such as the logic pack, it's easier than ever to get a handle on the techniques we've all been developing for years. i'm really a lazy kind of guy, and only build when i'm really into what i'm doing (with a final goal in mind) so I can't really hop and build a walking dragon on the fly for you step by step, but at the least search the LBP servers to find the LBPC logic pack. it singlehandedly turned a huge portion of the community into great creators and equalized the playing ground to being separated only by ideas and style and IMO should be readily available on the main menus the way the GOTY levels, MM picks, cool levels, and DLC packs are. if you want to add me on PSN though, and hop into an existing level of mine and ask questions about anything there, feel free. fair warning though, i usually forget what something i designed was set up to do once i've gotten it working and moved onto something else. if you do pick up LBP2... the thing you want to build will have so much more potential to be realized, and will be so much easier to design since logic, AI and movement can be handled without physical attachments, all on circuitry boards that are not physical objects, and everything can be mapped to buttons on the dual shock controller. | 2010-11-29 22:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You might find some of the info you are looking for in the Tutorials as well as the Logic Packs. Another great resource for behind the scenes looks at levels are the Creator Spotlight videos. I wish I could say "Sure, let me help", but I am just horribly swamped with all the projects I am doing here at LBPC. ...however, you can always ask a question in the Help forum on a particular this or that. You might even shoot some of those creators a note to ask.. "How did you get this to work". Try to do it in smaller bite sized chunks and you might be on your way! | 2010-11-29 22:25:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Seeing as LBP2 will be out soon, it may be beneficial to wait for LBP2. Using "Mover" objects is far easier to pick up for a newer creator since it removes many of the physics obstacles. As for the Dragon Slayer levels.... Centurion24 and Jaeyden (they both did the series together) are, well, technically 2 of the best creators out there and the techniques they used are a culmination of several years of experience with the game. For a first project it may be better to shoot a bit lower. Build some simple levels to learn the mechanics. (oh, and as Ninja mentioned - look at the LogicPack levels. I believe quite a bit of the switches in the Dragon Slayer levels can be found in the LogicPack) | 2010-11-29 23:05:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
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