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The X and Y

Archive: 6 posts

So you know how people come up with ridiculous comebacks, and then the occasional good one? Some people see them as memes but I think it should get its own thread. It's also to think of these memes with a formula, where you use the variables X and Y, for example:

Don't call me an Alcoholic, I prefer to be called an Alcohol Enthusiast.

The formula for the above sentence would be, Don't call me a X, I prefer to be called a(n) Y.

There are many good ones and I wanted to see what you can come up with, don't JUST use the example formula, use ones that you've come up with! But also make sure you include the Variable version of your meme/whatever you want to call it.
2010-11-28 21:36:00

Unknown User


Don't call me a mass murderer, I prefer to be called a society cleanser. (That's pretty dark and not very funny, I apologise.)

And there's the famous "I didn't trip, I head-butted the floor" (I didn't X, I Y'ed the Z ...lol?)
2010-11-28 22:05:00

Posts: 2266

i used to drink all day

now i dont drink any more ... or any less
2010-11-28 23:28:00

Posts: 623

I bring back thee, oh sprouting thread, comback to the forums to haunt and lol again!
(Idk, don't ask.)

Ah well, anyways, there's also:

- Quitting smoking is super easy, heck, I've done it dozens of times!
- He didn't punch my nose, I Nose'd his fist!
- I would [something], I just don't want to.
- My watch isn't broken, I just stopped time around it!
2011-01-05 07:58:00

Posts: 6707

I didn't bump this thread, I nudged it encouragingly.

Edit: I think im doing it wrong.
2011-01-05 08:25:00

Posts: 1477

That's no moon! It's a space station!

that's no X! It's a Y!

That's no Sackboy Plushie! It's a teddy bear!
2011-01-05 08:51:00

Posts: 1970

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