Sackbot Bounce (Beta Level)
Archive: 3 posts
Sackbot Bounce (Beta Level)VenemoX Simple yet Challenging. This is a level that I've had in mind since the launch of the beta back in September. The goal of this level is to keep as many Sackbots in the air as you can for 2 minutes. You control a platform with Bounce Pads on it. Each time you manage to hit a Sackbot you'll get 10 points. However if you miss one and it get electrocuted you'll lose 20 points. The level will get harder and harder over time. It starts of with 10% gravity but soon enough it will increase and eventually become 50% which makes it a lot harder to hit all the Sackbots. Leave a comment below or in-game, all sorts of feedback is welcome. The important thing is that you at least have something to say ![]() That's all! Thanks Link: http://beta.lbp.me/v/be8z | 2010-11-28 14:50:00 Author: VenemoX ![]() Posts: 197 |
Nice Idea! I wish I had the beta to try it out... Do you have and pictures or videos by any chance? | 2010-11-28 15:32:00 Author: Super_Clone ![]() Posts: 849 |
Not at the moment. I'll try get some later. | 2010-11-28 16:02:00 Author: VenemoX ![]() Posts: 197 |
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