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Now Hiring Site Filmers

Archive: 26 posts

What is a "Site Filmer"?
A "Site Filmer" is someone with a capture card who has been chosen to help record levels and creations our members have made. Along with that, a "Site Filmer" would also be on call for any special requests, such as screenshots from specific levels for the Featured Creations newspost.
What do I get out of being a "Site Filmer"?
It all depends on what you'd like. You can set your price in xp per video(as long as it is reasonable), you could request a flat rate in xp(once again, it needs to be reasonable), or you can do it out of the goodness of your own heart. It's your decision.

Aside from payment, we will also give you a custom user title, the ability to edit threads in the Level and Object Creation Showcases(so you can edit the video right into the first post), and access to a private forum dedicated to helping the Filming Team organize themselves and decide how to work together with each other.
What would a "Site Filmer" be expected to do?
You would be expected to periodically add videos to threads in the "Level Creation" and "Object Creation" forums. You would have to use your judgement in deciding which threads hold priority over others. We wouldn't expect every thread to have a video, but we'd like the best ones to have one if the author has not already provided one.

Along with that, you would also be on call for special requests for the site. If we need you to snag some screenshots of a level so we can feature it on the site the next day, that might be asked of you. However, you will not be expected to fill requests from users. You'll work at your own pace and do as many as you think you should. This will not be an easy job; you'll be expected to be commited to it.
Am I eligible?
Go through this checklist and see if you meet the basic qualifications:

You own a capture card.
You have time(30 minutes to an hour) nearly every other day or so to dedicate soely to recording and uploading.
You believe you are a mature individual who can handle responsibility, and can meet the expectations we have of you.

How do I sign up?
We're not taking just anyone, but you can apply for the position. If you are interested, send me a PM (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=118) and tell me why you think you'd be a good candidate. If we decide on you, we'll let you know and we'll get the details sorted out, such as payment(remember, in Experience) and recording quality.
2008-11-03 05:10:00

Posts: 3729

thank you cartman. 2008-11-03 05:12:00

Unknown User

thank you cartman.
No problem. Now we just have to hope people are interested.
2008-11-03 05:16:00

Posts: 3729

30 mins to an hour every day is very steep indeed. I'd probably consider it otherwise. I had intended to purchse a capture card anyway.

The way you've worded this is like a job. It's more of a big favour. You should be begging for a filmer. BEGGING, I SAY!
2008-11-03 05:19:00

Posts: 1097

30 mins to an hour every day is very steep indeed. I'd probably consider it otherwise. I had intended to purchse a capture card anyway.
I typed every day? Whoops, it's definitely not that often. I fixed it.

Not to say I wouldn't love it if someone spent that much time on it, but it's not going to be required of you.
2008-11-03 05:21:00

Posts: 3729

I typed every day? Whoops, it's definitely not that often. I fixed it.

Not to say I wouldn't love it if someone spent that much time on it, but it's not going to be required of you.

Alright, I'll be considering it then as I know how important video footage is. I need to look into capture cards and various other shin-diggery so I can't give any guarantees yet. Just be patient and I'll get back to you. ;P
2008-11-03 05:27:00

Posts: 1097

how about editiors of the film? no one wants to have the surprise ruined by watching the whole level but if we made up trailers then people will want to find out the rest of the story for themselves.

id put my hand up for this. Of course it would have to be by request because not everyone would want a trailer of their level. Some might want the full level.
2008-11-03 23:59:00

Posts: 843


Edit: soley
2008-11-04 00:05:00

Unknown User

how about editiors of the film? no one wants to have the surprise ruined by watching the whole level but if we made up trailers then people will want to find out the rest of the story for themselves.

id put my hand up for this. Of course it would have to be by request because not everyone would want a trailer of their level. Some might want the full level.

The only problem that may come from that is we couldn't be as quick as we'd like. I was hoping to have this be fairly effective. If you can edit something together fairly quickly, then do what I suggested(PM me) but instead explain why you'd like to edit.
2008-11-04 00:06:00

Posts: 3729

Edit: soley

EDIT: Solely
2008-11-04 00:09:00

Posts: 2767

EDIT: Solely

I actually thought of that, but I thought it looked weird. I was too lazy to look it up.
2008-11-04 00:11:00

Unknown User

I actually thought of that, but I thought it looked weird. I was too lazy to look it up.
Why waste a post and correct someone if you aren't even sure you are right?
2008-11-04 00:13:00

Posts: 3729

Why waste a post and correct someone if you aren't even sure you are right?

YEAH Clank WHY????
2008-11-04 00:14:00

Posts: 2767

Why waste a post and correct someone if you aren't even sure you are right?

I felt confident in my choice, and dorien hasn't proved his correction either.
2008-11-04 00:38:00

Unknown User

Why waste a post and correct someone if you aren't even sure you are right?

You're talking to Clank, the SpamBot, you know that right?

It equaled an easy post, why else?
2008-11-04 00:43:00

Posts: 10882

I'm going to have to retract the favour I said I'd do, there's no way I'm going to be able to afford any sort of equipment right now. Sorry. 2008-11-10 22:08:00

Posts: 1097

I'll definitely apply for it when Christmas break comes. I simply do not have the time right now...but I might then. It's a good idea anyhoo.

2008-11-10 23:44:00

Posts: 1603

I'll apply tomorrow. I plan on getting a PS3 this Christmas along with LBP and I have some free time. So, expect me to apply sometime soon!2008-11-12 01:45:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Well, I have a good capture card. I'd be willing to do this if someone told me what levels I needed to record. I wouldn't like going through and making JUDGEMENTS.2008-11-19 12:42:00

Posts: 10

When is all this going to start? I'm a bit confused atm.2008-11-19 21:37:00

Posts: 984


I was the original!! Wasnt I supposed to be doing this already? My offer still stands.
2008-11-19 22:00:00

Posts: 2914

if anyone wants a trailer made up for their level rather than showing a video of the whole thing then you guys can film it and i'll edit it together.2008-11-20 05:04:00

Posts: 843

How long will spots be open? Because I will be able to be a site filmer once I get Little Big Planet hopefully by the end of December.2008-11-20 21:52:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

How long will spots be open? Because I will be able to be a site filmer once I get Little Big Planet hopefully by the end of December.
At the rate people are signing up, for a pretty long time. So far I've got a total of 2 people interested.
2008-11-21 01:40:00

Posts: 3729

Right, I could still do it if you want me to. Am I invisible because I'm a newbie?2008-11-21 02:12:00

Posts: 10

Right, I could still do it if you want me to. Am I invisible because I'm a newbie?
Send me an example of your film quality along with info on how often you can help, and I'll consider it.
2008-11-21 02:29:00

Posts: 3729

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