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Voice recording with PS Eye?

Archive: 11 posts

Simple question...how do I use the PS Eye to make voice recordings for my sackbots? I've figured out how to set up the bluetooth headset ok, but the quality is poor. I know the PS Eye quality is much better, but I can't get the game to register my PS Eye as a mic.2010-11-26 13:32:00

Posts: 2130

What device is should be use as input is problem of your PS3, and game can only use 1 input device that is selected by PS3


Settings > Accessory Settings > Audio Device Settings > change Input device to PS Eye since it probably remebers your headset as main input device (this setting is also accessable in-game)

Output settings in this menu is set where voice from communications come out, recorded voice in LBP2 always come out from TV
2010-11-26 13:59:00

Posts: 3991

Thanks Shadowriver...that did the trick2010-11-26 14:16:00

Posts: 2130

No problem For does who goes from voice-overing in LBP2 i recommend to get USB mics since Bluetooth don't give good qulity, PS3 support nearly every USB mic that don't need drivers (using USB Audio stabdard), but it's best to google to check if someone tried to use X mic for PS3 and if sure, to make it sure. PSEye would be good to, seems like it got nice qulity

Also LBP2 use same crappy codec from LBP1 to communication so your sound wont be too much great whatever shiny mic you will use. Some other games uses much better codec (for example MNR), but i suppose this low qulity in LBP is needed fo bandwidth and level comapsity limits
2010-11-26 14:48:00

Posts: 3991

Thanks for those informations...

I don't have PS eye, neither a micro....
so the best choice for me is to buy a PSeye I guess, if the recording quality is good?

Did you try Ungreth? How's the quality?
2010-11-26 15:48:00

Posts: 1486

Thanks for those informations...

I don't have PS eye, neither a micro....
so the best choice for me is to buy a PSeye I guess, if the recording quality is good?

Did you try Ungreth? How's the quality?

Yeah, the quality is much better with the PS Eye. I don't know how it compares to the official PS3 headset though , since mine is a Madkats bluetooth.
2010-11-26 15:55:00

Posts: 2130

My PS Eye isn't great quality. :/ Especially when recording my guitar and keyboard. Apparently the slightly more expensive Bluetooth headsets are pretty good...2010-11-26 16:41:00

Posts: 2266

USB headsets should be better at least in theory, im using Logitech Ventage my self


And quality is great (with that codec) , i can do sample on LBP2 if you guys interested. Sadly i don't have PS Eye or BT headset to compire myself
2010-11-26 21:24:00

Posts: 3991

If you do make a sample, could you also post a vid, for the BETA impaired?2010-11-26 21:58:00

Posts: 682

If you have one, a Rock Band mic seems to work pretty well (especially for low tones) but the recording volume is kinda' low so you have to speak pretty loudly, it doesn't capture sounds from speakers (computer speakers etc) as well as bluetooth mics (due to the low volume thing), but overall it works pretty good. Probably want to consider rigging a pop filter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_filter) though and if you don't have a mic stand, you'll need to hold the mic very still to avoid rustling noises.2010-11-27 04:28:00

Posts: 2188

I see you've put that mic to good use, Ungreth. *wink* 2010-11-30 01:37:00

Posts: 527

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