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Some small tools for level designers

Archive: 4 posts

I made a few small tools that I occasionally use myself during LBP1 level development. If any in the following list looks handy to you, lookup my PSN ID (Stellakris) through the community search and you'll see the level right there.

- two depth rulers (for fore- and background layers)
- tools to reliably put objects under a specific angle
- the R1 sticker, for who doesn't have it yet
- a scoreboard that only uses a flat layer
- a tiny checkpoint
- a small object to temporarily store wires onto when you are trying to select an object but the wires get in the way

In turn, if you have any handy tools yourself or know of any shared resources, let me know.
2010-11-25 15:37:00

Posts: 1340

Nice idea you should consider adding some pictures and expanding the set 2010-11-25 21:29:00

Posts: 715

I've used most of them and they are pretty handy!Nice idea you got there though,to inform creators that there are new tools. 2010-12-02 19:47:00

Posts: 354

sounds pretty cool, the wire one would come in pretty handy... omg those mag switches are everywhere!!!!!!2010-12-15 05:44:00

Posts: 41

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