Sonic DLC Pack Removed
Archive: 18 posts
I'd like a refund for my $1.99 I used for the Dr. Eggman costume. I understand the Sonic DLC was removed, but I was never given $1.99 or received anything of equal value for my purchase. PSN: Sivious | 2010-11-23 17:18:00 Author: Sivious ![]() Posts: 69 |
There are no refounds, I believe itx clearly stated on the store before any purchase. (Also, why do you want a refund anyways, you only say you want one but not why?) Sry m8, but that's why you research online products you're buying before buying them. Oh and the Sonic pack is still there. | 2010-11-23 17:28:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
removed? WHA??? I am confused, why would it be removed? There wasn't anything wrong with it was there? | 2010-11-23 17:37:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
removed? WHA??? I am confused, why would it be removed? There wasn't anything wrong with it was there? It wasn't removed. Just like what Silver said, it's still there. Sivious, either you haven't looked all over for it or there's something wrong with your PS3 because it is still there. Also, like Silver said, you can't get a refund for DLC, at least for that. | 2010-11-23 18:26:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
oh hey that's cool. You all magically have access to my PSN? It was removed and you're not able to see that unless you could log on my account and see it was removed from my account. Yes it was removed. Yes it was removed from my download list, yet it's there in my inventory. There is no way that I would be able to have an LBP costume in my inventory unless I purchased it or downloaded it off another account, but I am 100% sure I didn't. I even went to the community store directly from littlebigplanet and it's unavailable. like I said...I'd like my refund because I rightfully own it. | 2010-11-24 02:12:00 Author: Sivious ![]() Posts: 69 |
Was 1.99 deducted from your account? (BTW, no need to get all angry - Your lack of clarity led us to believe it had been removed from the PSN Store in general. Don't complain if the fault of communication was on your end.) | 2010-11-24 02:13:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
oh hey that's cool. You all magically have access to my PSN? It was removed and you're not able to see that unless you could log on my account and see it was removed from my account. Yes it was removed. Yes it was removed from my download list, yet it's there in my inventory. There is no way that I would be able to have an LBP costume in my inventory unless I purchased it or downloaded it off another account, but I am 100% sure I didn't. I even went to the community store directly from littlebigplanet and it's unavailable. like I said...I'd like my refund because I rightfully own it. Like Astronimi said, no need to get angry at us.We're merely trying to help. Also, like I had said... It wasn't removed. Just like what Silver said, it's still there. Sivious, either you haven't looked all over for it or there's something wrong with your PS3 because it is still there. Also, like Silver said, you can't get a refund for DLC, at least for that. I'm sorry it's been removed but there's nothing we can do and I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can't get a refund, sorry. | 2010-11-24 02:24:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
It already happened to me but with limited time DLCs : Valentine's Day Pack (payed 3 euros) and Chinese new Year costume (free) As they were limited time only, it was normal that they get removed from the store at one point, but they also dissappeared from my download list.... But after two weeks or so, they reappered in my download list without me doing anything, and so I could download them again..! It was when I changed my PS3 so I needed to download everything back https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=25860-Limited-time-DLC-problem-Valentine-Day-Kit Anyway, what is weird here is that the Sonic pack is not time limited, but yes it still on the store because I saw it just 2 days ago I advice you to wait a little, check the store/download list regularly in the coming week(s) and see what happens! After that, try to contact Sony if there's a problem with your account! A question : why do you need to download it again? did you get a new PS3 ? | 2010-11-24 02:34:00 Author: dajdaj03 ![]() Posts: 1486 |
Same thing happened to me, just with the PoTC pack, MGS pack, Monsters pack, and lot's of other things. I simply sucked it up, worked for a couple weeks, bought some new PSN cards and moved on. | 2010-11-24 02:40:00 Author: booXely ![]() Posts: 654 |
saying "you're wrong" is not a form of help. Why are people acting like developers on this forum? Try to help all you want, but I'm afraid you can't help. This is for the developers, not random gamers who browse the forum. Found a better way to contact them. Will be getting my DLC. If you lose content you shouldn't "suck it up". It's a business who are here for the consumers. If they scam the consumer then there's a much bigger issue on your hands than you realize. A "suck it up" attitude is what keeps scammers around. | 2010-11-24 06:57:00 Author: Sivious ![]() Posts: 69 |
saying "you're wrong" is not a form of help. Why are people acting like developers on this forum? Try to help all you want, but I'm afraid you can't help. This is for the developers, not random gamers who browse the forum. Found a better way to contact them. Will be getting my DLC. If you lose content you shouldn't "suck it up". It's a business who are here for the consumers. If they scam the consumer then there's a much bigger issue on your hands than you realize. A "suck it up" attitude is what keeps scammers around. Then how come you went asking on a forum populated by consumers? You should've just reserved this for an informal letter to Media Molecule, wherethen your problem would've been solved. There's no need to write-off other people for giving advice that you didn't want to hear. | 2010-11-24 07:02:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
Must... not... give... snark... remark... ... wait... I... already replied... frak... ... But yeah, uh... I really have to say... what the hell? O-o ... Eh, yeah I'm useless I know. But yeah... the developers of MM don't really go here. Asking for them to magically see this thread where it looked like you were asking random people to refund your two bucks... ya. :/ <_< >_> >_> <_< ... /dies | 2010-11-24 13:58:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I believe it says somewhere on PSN that you can't get refunds. If you can't find the Sonic Pack something is wrong on your end. QUESTION ANSWERED. MOVE ALONG. | 2010-11-24 14:52:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
i just wanted to say that the sonic soctumes look ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING like the sonic that u see on cartoon or video games. I mean srsly,anybody can make a better custom sonic costume rite?? | 2010-11-25 04:56:00 Author: FEAR ![]() Posts: 337 |
I'd like a refund for my $1.99 Really man? its 2 bucks, if it were me I would just take a coin of my brother's bedside tabe, no need to be raging all over the place and telling us we're not helpful, leave your rage for something worth raging about, like LBP2's delay. | 2010-11-25 05:04:00 Author: Merc ![]() Posts: 2135 |
I know this is a bit off-topic, but its the same with the watchmen costumes, two of em are missing from the in-game store and the PS store, they have been missing for ages, and there also missing from my friends one as well, so its not a problem on my end 0.o | 2010-12-01 18:35:00 Author: Blanchrocker ![]() Posts: 142 |
Blanchrocker, that sucks, but the advice already given should answer your question: it may sort itself out after a little while, and if not, you will need to contact Sony/Mm. None of us know of any other methods of fixing the problem. | 2010-12-02 03:56:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Huh that's weird?I recommend an area of search in your recent purchases maybe they'll let you download it again.I saw it in the store last I checked,there also might be a problem with your ps3's internet to where it screwed up a download file or something. ![]() | 2010-12-02 22:28:00 Author: robotixpro ![]() Posts: 354 |
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