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Cyberpunk Train

Archive: 9 posts

Hey people, I just published a level showcasing the old train I planned to use in my Tracks level.
I am open to F4F, so just leave a link to your object's thread link and ill be certain to check it out within a few days of posting.

2010-11-22 20:03:00

Posts: 133

Cyber I have seen this but the good people of LBpC havent! Where are the pretty pictures of it floating and all the fiddly ma doodads!2010-11-22 22:55:00

Posts: 715

Nice name I gave this level a try and I liked the design for it. Sicne I got this new thingamajig Capture Card I'd record avideo but I still have to find out how to transport a VOB file to MPEG or AVI and it would take a while to upload. I did manage to take two pictures and upload them which was wuick and easy so here's the first.


I'm not sure if it was intended(I say this because there was a mouth to the right of the scorebaord) but there is a way to pass the scoreboard and sort of escape the level and it's not just from the 2 player scoreboard trick. Maybe this picture will tell you a bit.


You get on the block then jump and balance yourself on the invisible dark matter wall and you can go to the right and stay on the train or stay there and it'll go in and there's a ceiling and you can jump over the top and get off the train and run across there and then escape.
2010-11-23 00:15:00

Posts: 5208

Ha, thanks for the pics varsity
As for the whole escaping bit, that was mostly intentional, so that the adventurous ones could get a better look at the front.
I also made sure to especially line all the surfaces with gas during the train ride so that no mischievous little sackboys or sackgirls could take advantage of their escaping capabilities
2010-11-23 20:50:00

Posts: 133

Probably nothing, but why does the train have a track if it floats?2010-12-03 12:50:00

Posts: 1799

I'm guessing they're a form of "guide rails", not actually tracks that involve physical contact. am i correct 2010-12-03 21:26:00

Posts: 607

Actually ( I'm the cocreator) we were doubting to either make a hover train or one with wheels. Cyber wanted wheels but I wasn't really digging that so we let a third party tell us which would be better and well so it became a hover train.2010-12-04 17:20:00

Posts: 72

Nice train!I have many threads....2010-12-05 08:16:00

Posts: 354

Probably nothing, but why does the train have a track if it floats?

'cause it's a kinda post apocalyptic-y place so the tracks are old but the train is new!
2010-12-05 22:25:00

Posts: 133

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