Manic Miner 2010
Archive: 1 post
Manic Miner 2010Laeraneth A recreation of all 20 levels of Manic Miner, the 1983 platforming classic, split over 4 different LBP levels with 5 stages in each. I've tried to stay as true as possible to the original game while accounting for LBP's rather different game physics! Hi there everyone! I have posted about this before, but then I think I only had the first two parts complete. Well... now, it's completely done, and I can finally stop thinking about Manic Miner! For those who don't know what Manic Miner is (or was), it was one of the earliest 'blockbuster' games for home computers back in the early 1980's. One of those ones that everyone heard about. I've seen a few other attempts at re-creating some of the levels before, but I wanted to give it a proper go myself, and see what I could do with it (these are my first LBP levels published, you should see that things look a bit more basic back in the first few stages and tend to get a bit more slick and polished as you progress though!) Anyway. Screenshots are attached of a few choice levels that people might remember if they've seen the original. Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy them! Oh, and as a little warning, they are a little tough... not as tough as the original mind you ![]() 266722667326674266752667626677 | 2010-11-21 22:44:00 Author: Laeraneth ![]() Posts: 2 |
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