Horizontal Rockets?
Archive: 9 posts
I want to make a gun-like contraption that shoots rocket propelled missles. But when I put a rocket on a missle and try to make it go horizontally through the air, the rocket weighs the back side down, making the missle fall backwards and shoot up. Is there anyway to make a missle that will shoot through the air straight horizontally? Thanks. | 2008-11-02 13:23:00 Author: RadarFlea ![]() Posts: 85 |
Hmmmmmmm, I have 2 ideas... I don't have the game so I am just using common sense, here goes. First option is have another rock on the back pushing it down a bit... Or possibly put one at the front pushing downwards with the tiniest of power. Much thanks, Will. | 2008-11-02 13:27:00 Author: Callahan90 ![]() Posts: 98 |
Hmmmmmmm, I have 2 ideas... I don't have the game so I am just using common sense, here goes. First option is have another rock on the back pushing it down a bit... Or possibly put one at the front pushing downwards with the tiniest of power. Much thanks, Will. See, that's what I thought too. I tried to weigh the front down to offset the weight of the rocket on the back. This might work, but I tried for a long time and it has to be very precise. I can't get it to exactly counter the rockets weight, and I can't think of a way to make it more precise. | 2008-11-02 13:32:00 Author: RadarFlea ![]() Posts: 85 |
Make sure the rocket is perfectly balanced on both sides first and then try changing the material. I hope that helped, stuff like that happened to me all the time in the beta. | 2008-11-02 14:13:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
Make sure the rocket is perfectly balanced on both sides first and then try changing the material. I hope that helped, stuff like that happened to me all the time in the beta. Do you think that any one material would be best? And any suggestions on how to perfectly balance it? | 2008-11-02 18:08:00 Author: RadarFlea ![]() Posts: 85 |
Do you think that any one material would be best? I've always found sponge and polystyrene difficult to balance so i would use a heavy material (Metal or wood) And any suggestions on how to perfectly balance it? Make half of the rocket and then copy and flip one of the two halves then without rescaling it add the copied half onto the other half of the rocket | 2008-11-02 18:17:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
Here's An Idea: On the back thin plane create a low level platform and 2 wheels. Then place the rocket body in front of the wheels and attach 2 bolts. Then place a rocket on the top so it doesnt go flying. I think that should work. | 2008-11-02 19:50:00 Author: floor3013 ![]() Posts: 287 |
Or u can just make an emitter which spawns them at a 90 degree angle (straight horizontal) | 2008-11-02 20:18:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Or u can just make an emitter which spawns them at a 90 degree angle (straight horizontal)I think the point is that after they're emitted they go up. The wheel idea sounds really good. | 2008-11-03 14:55:00 Author: HobocidalManiac ![]() Posts: 117 |
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