Creator Interview: RobotVampire
Archive: 8 posts
Hello everyone, I just wanna say that our most recent interviews haven't gotten much attention and the blog doesn't get as much views so I hope it's okay but from now on I'm going to have them here. Anyway, here's our 39th interview with RobotVampire, creator of "Behind the Veil" and "The Gunsmithe's Workshop", enjoy. 1. Out of all your levels, which is your favorite? I think the Gunsmithe's Workshop is probably my favorite of the two. I like Behind the Veil a lot too, and I also think it looks better, but I spent a lot more time planning out TGW and I think it shows in the gameplay. 2. Are there any levels your working on or planning and if so, could you give us some information about it? (This could be anything from the title, theme, plot, or even picture/teaser of the level.) I have started a few level, although I may not finish any of them before LBP2 comes out. I had orginally intended to have a scuba and jetpack level to follow TGW, and have the upgrades carry over into the next levels. Eventually leading up to a finale where you had to use all 3, but this idea probably won't be realized in LBP1, although I do have big plans for an inventory system in LBP2. Another level that I may or may not finish before LBP2 is called "Wave". It is a series of water based puzzles. I want to try and get it done because it features a lot of cool water gameplay ideas that I have yet to see in other levels. 3. Are there any creators/levels that inspire you to create or that you just think are awesome? (If there are too many to count than just name some of them.) This is a tough one, especially since a good chunk of my hearted levels have disappeared mysteriously. I have the GOTY edition and was initially inspired but a lot of the bonus levels, especially Stone, Cereal Isle, Watermill Valley, and Prism Panic. I can't even begin to name all of the levels and creators I like but here is just a few of my favorite creators: jumpbutton, IceMaiden, Celsus, Blanchrocker, Ricky-Bobby91, GEK83, and MetaHybrid. All of these creators make really unique and abosrbing levels. 4. Do you have any tips on creating or keeping the thermometer low for other creators? If so, what is it? (This can be basic like not using too many materials or corners or can be really specific talking about certain stickers and sound effects you find useful or both.) I suppose I have a few tips for creating. Using a low number of materials not only helps save space, but gives the level a design theme. I usually try and keep it between 5-7 different types of materials. Another thing I like to do is make use of objects that are already going to move in the level. Just slap a couple of keys on them and turn it into a logic device of some kind. Another helpful tip is to turn any complicated designs into a sticker (e.g. the stained glass sticker in Behind the Veil) 5. If you could add anything to little big planet that you don't think they're already adding, what would it be? One thing that I really hope they add in to LBP2 is a way to give your character a name. I think with the whole platform for games concept that being able to name your character at the beginning of a level or series would be a really cool feature. I would also like to see corner editing for camera zones to make them really specific. You can reshape them using sensor switches, but it would be much cooler if you could just shape it however you want. I haven't played the beta so they may have these features already. Another cool thing that would fit into my map idea is some sort of tracking device for you or a sackbot follower that would follow your position on the level and show it on the map whenever you choose to view it. I would also really like to see dirt in LBP that works in the same way as water does now. 6. Is there anything or anyone outside of little big planet that inspires you to create or at least gives you some ideas? Of course, I'm always keeping my eye out for cool looking designs and buildings. Whenever I see somethig I like I am already trying to think about how I would make it in LBP. 7. When and how did you get Little big planet? I didn't get my PS3 until the slim version came out, and I got LBP GOTY on the same day. I first heard about it through a friend who had a PS3 pretty much since its release. He would always try and get me to come over and play it with him, but I thought it looked like a kids game. Finally, I broke down one day and went over and played it with him and a few other friends. I was instantly hooked by how fun it was, but it wasn't until we started doing the create tutorials that I thought, "I have to get a PS3, this is just too awesome." I've always been a very creative person, I like playing music, architecture, drawing, writing, etc. and LBP (and especially LBP2) is all of my interests wrapped into one incredible game. 8. How did you get the name RobotVampire? There really isn't much of a story there, just two random things I stuck together to make a name. But in retrospect, it fits me well. I'm a night person and I am all about my PS3. 9. Are there any other games you play besides Little big planet or Little Big Planet 2? Yea, I play a lot of different games. One reason I haven't been on LBP as much lately is my Fat Princess obsession. I play FP all the time now and would recommend it to anyone who likes team games. Just expect to spend the first month getting pwned over and over again. I have a few of the PSone classics on my HDD, but Suikoden is the one I play the most, one of my favorite games of all time. Braid is a fantastic game, as well as the similar Xbox exclusives Limbo and Winterbottom. I had Borderlands and Killzone 2, but I traded them in to get Bioshock1, which is probably the best FPS ever in my opinion. I like Bioshock because of all the different ways there are to go about everything. I like a game that rewards me for being clever. Oh, I almost forgot, I am a big fan of the PixelJunk games, especially PJ shooter. I can't wait to play shooter 2. I don't have a Wii, but I want one for DKC returns and Skyward Sword. Don't expect a new one for a bit maybe sicne I'm going to take a break from the blog.(Yes, there's more than just interviews but I just show the interviews here.) | 2010-11-18 19:04:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Nice interview, I wonder if Robot will get the new level out before LB2...when I finish my projects I will finish my new level, but I am so far behind on the projects I am not sure if I will have any free time for a good while. | 2010-11-20 01:48:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Thanks ![]() | 2010-11-23 17:36:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
I've only just spotted this was here! That was an interesting read. It's always nice to learn a bit more about a creator - makes them more than just a name on a page. Gunsmithe's Workshop was a cool and original level too. I enjoyed playing it a lot when it first came out. Thanks for posting this. ![]() | 2010-12-01 19:56:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Awesome read. Robotvampire is a great creator, and his hearted list is always a good place to find amazing levels. ![]() Thanx ![]() | 2010-12-02 12:19:00 Author: tom230889 ![]() Posts: 117 |
Read this on the blog before, still just as good reading it a second time, one quick suggestion, you should change the font of the question's in this thread so the interview is easy to distinguish between them all and doesn't appear to be a wall of text ![]() | 2010-12-02 15:08:00 Author: damaz10 ![]() Posts: 771 |
Thanks for the comments guys ![]() | 2010-12-02 18:20:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Great interview Dragon!!! I loved it, keep up the awesome work! ![]() Robot Vampire ive played his levels, great creator and one of my fav, keep it up with these awesome interviews. | 2010-12-03 20:28:00 Author: Purple* ![]() Posts: 58 |
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