Three levels to try
Archive: 9 posts
Hi Everyone. First post here. I've published three levels so far, two made with the beta, and one with the release version. My PSN ID is RenderFX, in case searching for the titles doesn't work. :eek:Night of the Living Skulls Creepy & challenging. YouTube - LittleBigPlanet (LBP) - Night of the Living Skulls Desert Offroad Challenge (from beta) ATVs that can handle just about anything. YouTube - LittleBigPlanet (LBP) - Desert Offroad Challenge Uphill, Both Ways (from beta) Easy, and fun to watch. YouTube - LittleBigPlanet (LBP) - Uphill, Both Ways | 2008-11-02 06:04:00 Author: RenderFX ![]() Posts: 22 |
Those are pretty sweet! Especially the Night of the Living Skulls. The lighting there is awesome. | 2008-11-02 13:30:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
Very clever vehicle you made in the second one! Nice! | 2008-11-02 14:20:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
love the levels! the lightning in skulls was awesome! | 2008-11-02 14:33:00 Author: Gondito ![]() Posts: 1082 |
I thought 'Night of the Living Skulls' was great. Although in the 3rd video (Uphill Both ways), you've got me slightly puzzled. How did you manage to get the car to drive upside-down? I would of thought gravity would of taken over. Care to shed some light on that? Is it cause you're using what appears to be rubber wheels, (i.e grippy) that prevents it from falling or is there something else I'm missing? | 2008-11-02 14:46:00 Author: scooby4953 ![]() Posts: 43 |
I thought 'Night of the Living Skulls' was great. Although in the 3rd video (Uphill Both ways), you've got me slightly puzzled. How did you manage to get the car to drive upside-down? I would of thought gravity would of taken over. Care to shed some light on that? Is it cause you're using what appears to be rubber wheels, (i.e grippy) that prevents it from falling or is there something else I'm missing? A rocket pushing down on the vehicle ![]() | 2008-11-02 15:03:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Yeah, I see now. I've just watched it again. Good idea ![]() | 2008-11-02 15:12:00 Author: scooby4953 ![]() Posts: 43 |
A rocket pushing down on the vehicle ![]() Clever idea. This gives me some Anti-Grav Ideas... | 2008-11-02 15:12:00 Author: floor3013 ![]() Posts: 287 |
Yes, the rocket gives it enough downforce to climb anything. The only problem is, if the vehicle comes off the surface and is re-activated, it can take a spiraling flight across the level. grr The only way I saw to avoid that was to litter each of the paths with magnetic keys and use a logical AND gate with the grab switch to ensure the rocket only worked if the vehicle was on the track. In the end, it was just easier to say "Hang On". ![]() | 2008-11-02 18:03:00 Author: RenderFX ![]() Posts: 22 |
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