The temple platformer
Archive: 4 posts
The temple platformerkiller231_PL This is a demo of the level for now. It's just a platformer without story made by me. Please feedback, i can offer a feedback for your's lvl . | 2010-11-17 18:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
loved the level great theme, could you try my level The Arabian Ruins ![]() | 2010-11-17 21:22:00 Author: nillrecuring ![]() Posts: 104 |
Good Level, not a lot of substance, but what you had you did quite well. Nothing was too overly difficult and there are a few different elements. I liked the box where you needed the sticker to activate it. Some things I noticed: Eliminate the cheap death at the beginning with perhaps a caution sticker, you can't see that there is no ground so you think you can just run over to the bubbles behind. Add a few more sound effects, especially when you activate a switch. I was able to swim at the very bottom avoiding the entire obstacle and simply ran backwards to collect the point bubbles. Attach the bubbles to the spikes or hang with rope so its not so easy and perhaps some spikes attached to the floor to force the player to swim up. I would decorate a bit, while I understand the focus is on gameplay but perhaps just 'some' decoration to bring the level to life When you finish, there is no feeling of award, add some clapping and perhaps emit a few point bubbles. Before you know it, its over. I enjoyed the level, it just lacked in certain areas and perhaps thats why its in Demo phase. I think you have something very good brewing though ![]() Oh, and try to add some pictures if you can, it will get more plays from the community because they will have a better idea of what you have. Would love F4F on my own as well. It's located in my signature. | 2010-11-18 03:10:00 Author: John82wa ![]() Posts: 221 |
Thank you for all feedback, especially John82wa for some ideas. The level will be longer that the demo version (maybe it is not last demo ![]() Someone played it with 2 sack's ? | 2010-11-18 16:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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