What Sex Would Be It Be More Offending To?
Archive: 20 posts
I was talking to my friend and she was saying how it is a ton more offensive for a girl to be mistaken for a lesbian than a guy to be mistaken for being ***. Theres nothing wrong with being *** but having someone automatically think you are is kind of "offending". Which sex do you think it "offends" more? NOTE: Again, just a battle of the sexes type thing, not ***-bashing (my aunt is actually ***, ask LBG if you dont believe ![]() | 2008-11-02 03:01:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I was talking to my friend and she was saying how it is a ton more offensive for a girl to be mistaken for a lesbian than a guy to be mistaken for being ***. Theres nothing wrong with being *** but having someone automatically think you are is kind of "offending". Which sex do you think it "offends" more? NOTE: Again, just a battle of the sexes type thing, not ***-bashing (my aunt is actually ***, ask LBG if you dont believe ![]() LBG, is your mom ***? ... what. that IS what I was just told to ask, right? Anyway, I believe that it would be mos toffending to gays themeselves for being used as insults, but meh. | 2008-11-02 03:13:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I'd be more offended if someone mistook me for a Welshman ![]() | 2008-11-02 03:18:00 Author: LittleBigChav ![]() Posts: 175 |
TO: RS no, the other aunt lol | 2008-11-02 03:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
TO: RS no, the other aunt lol Oh, ok, just checking to see if that was the case, and plus it's funnier to ask someone outright if their mom's *** because their cousin told me to >_>. Um... yeah, well I have nothing against gays, even though I don't know any personally (at least I think I don't 0_o), but I think it would most be offending to them for being used as an insult. Whoa... didn't I say this before? | 2008-11-02 03:22:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Oh forgot to say I've also got a *** Auntie. | 2008-11-02 03:23:00 Author: LittleBigChav ![]() Posts: 175 |
Oh forgot to say I've also got a *** Auntie. Cool! Both my aunts are awesome. | 2008-11-02 03:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
well i think "***" has been completly took out of its meaning. people at my school use *** all the time but in weird situations. If you had a candy bar for lunch somone took it then if you were a kid at my school you would say Dude your so *** give me my candy bar back. Yeah in my school its mest up | 2008-11-02 03:27:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
well i think "***" has been completly took out of its meaning. people at my school use *** all the time but in weird situations. If you had a candy bar for lunch somone took it then if you were a kid at my school you would say Dude your so *** give me my candy bar back. Yeah in my school its mest up Get with the times man, it's like that EVERYWHERE. | 2008-11-02 03:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Get with the times man, it's like that EVERYWHERE. Yeah... It seems like I'm the only one in my grade who isn't homophobic... maybe in my whole school. o_0 But yeah, um... >_> *runs* | 2008-11-02 03:35:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Depends on the person. Personally, I find it sad that gays are so discriminated against that being called *** has become a derogatory term. | 2008-11-02 04:06:00 Author: Code1337 ![]() Posts: 3476 |
Well that depends, if your a male its probably ***, same with females with lesbians, so I guess its a tie ![]() | 2008-11-02 04:12:00 Author: BloodFlameX ![]() Posts: 349 |
I don't see why it would be particularly more offensive to one sex over the other to be mistaken as ***. Sure, most people would get a bit touchy if it happened, but I don't really see it as being any worse for one particular gender. ![]() | 2008-11-02 11:08:00 Author: Yumpy ![]() Posts: 53 |
No comment..![]() | 2008-11-02 11:45:00 Author: TheArmedReaper ![]() Posts: 1543 |
No comment..![]() But comments are so much fun o/ | 2008-11-02 12:06:00 Author: Yumpy ![]() Posts: 53 |
No comment..![]() Your comment citing "No comment" really has brought so much to this discussion. Kudos, Reaper! ![]() If it's a guy, he'll be offended if he is mistaken for a homosexual. Same thing if it's a girl. Same thing if someone were to mistake me for a Chicago Cubs fan! ![]() | 2008-11-02 12:12:00 Author: supersickie ![]() Posts: 1366 |
I've got a few *** friends. One i can joke around with. For example - he once looked at a girl and goes 'oh maybe i'm not ***!' and i turn round and go 'STFU your ***!' and we laugh. With my other mate, noone else knows and hes very sensitive about it, and if i dare mention it he'd rip my head off. Everyone is different, so it's hard to say. | 2008-11-02 12:55:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
I don't see why it would be particularly more offensive to one sex over the other to be mistaken as ***. Sure, most people would get a bit touchy if it happened, but I don't really see it as being any worse for one particular gender. ![]() Well usually men are more insecure about this type of thing. I think it depends if the girl is a partier or not. Most party girls will do lesbian things but not actually be lesbian. It's a tough call. ALSO the poll doesn't seen to match the posts. Maybe I should have made it so you could see who voted for who ![]() | 2008-11-02 13:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It shouldn't be offensive to anyone should it? It implies that you find something wrong with being ***. | 2008-11-03 03:33:00 Author: Dropbear ![]() Posts: 272 |
I think the problem with the poll is that the answers are not mutually exclusive, and not all related to the same question. To the original question, who would find being called "***" or "lesbian" as an insult when they actually are not, from personal experience, would more likely be men, for two reasons. 1. In my experience, men are more likely to be homophobes and therefore take offence at this. 2. Again, just from experience, but women are more likely to see it as a mis-understanding than an intentional insult. A man being called "***" - I think would be more likely to be offended. A woman being called "lesbian" - Less likely, but could still easily offend, especially if done on purpose. I don't think either is offensive. I don't mind if people call me that. - The problem here is that in the question, you made it sound like someone is calling you this as an insult. Personally, people can call me what they like as an insult, I couldn't care, but it's still offensive as an intentional insult. Should I happen to be accidentally mistaken by someone for being *** however, I would just find it amusing, the same as when someone thought I was Australian for some completely unknown reason. I am *** so it is not offensive unless used in a demeaning way. - Well, I'm not ***, but I completely agree, if someone isn't trying to offend or insult me, I'm unlikely to be offended or insulted. If someone makes an honest mistake, I'll laugh. It'll probably be a funny story for later on. I find them both equally offensive. Again, I find it offensive that people would use either term as an actual insult, especially when doing so to actually hurt someone's feelings, but then again, it'd be nice if people didn't have to insult each other (why can't we just get along, group hug?). Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of winding up your mates and teasing them though, as long as you all know where the line is. | 2008-11-03 07:31:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
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