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Pixel Platformer Tutorial Needed!

Archive: 9 posts

How are you able to change the animation of the controlled character on a pixel platformer (i.e. walking animation, jumping animation) without it flickering from the emiter effects, is there some special way of doing this? I'd really like to know 2010-11-14 05:52:00

Posts: 67

You might wanna ask this in the beta forums cuz not half people here have the beta you know!2010-11-14 05:55:00

Posts: 2442

this is in the beta forum under project and planning...2010-11-14 14:04:00

Posts: 67

this is in the beta forum under project and planning...

Not really. This is just talk about LBP2, not everybody here has the beta.
2010-11-14 14:38:00

Posts: 255

I'm not adressing my forum post to people who don't have the BETA, I'm in a Forum Section for Lbp2 Level Makers. So people without the BETA shouldn't be looking in posts like these.2010-11-14 18:16:00

Posts: 67

Jeez cut the kid some slack.
They are probably using a controlled Sackbot,
You can change that stuff through Sackbots.
2010-11-15 00:38:00

Unknown User

You use the Holo material, sequencers, and batteries. Not sure EXACTLY how its done, but there was a youtube vid on how to do it.2010-11-15 11:07:00

Posts: 172

this is in the beta forum under project and planning...

this thread/subforum is under LBP2 as in the game coming out in january, not the BETA.

I'm not addressing* my forum post to people who don't have the BETA, I'm in a Forum Section for Lbp2 Level Makers. So people without the BETA shouldn't be looking in posts like these.

This kinda sounded rude (then again it is pretty early for me). This part of the forum is for everyone to plan and bounce ideas back and forth between each other not just the BETA users.

make each frame (From HOLO material) and then set them to a sequencer that activates when you walk, then glue them together in a way that makes it look like it is walking, then loop it. (pretty sure thats how others are doing it)

how is that for no BETA!

and FYI you are posting in a board that everyone on the site can see/post/reply to (and usually do) and is intended for planning and ideas for the BETA as well as the official release of the game.

If you are looking to get access to the BETA part of the forum, where only BETA users can see and post in the threads, you need to send ConfusedCartman, the admin of this fine site, a PM with a screenshot of your BETA code. (He wont steal it)

Good luck.
2010-11-15 11:45:00

Posts: 626

I don't see a problem this being here, besides beta project and planing section is most inactive part off forums now

But to the topic:

Do piece of block in size of your character with 0% friction (material tweaker) and make some mover system (up mover to jump forward mover to move forward and so on, also don't forget about gyro so your hiro will stand still), then make sprite frames out of holos and create animation logic that changes frame depending on move system, also plug every frame thru selector so you will be sure that only 1 frame is display and it will reduce blinking effect. Ofcorse for a block youse something black so iw ill we easy to hide it and whole level need to be in black material

It's a wide topic, you might try contact The_lil_joker on LBPC, he maybe uses motors for animation but he might help you with block part if you get that done animation is easy since you just need to plug holos to movement system
2010-11-15 16:34:00

Posts: 3991

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