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The Arabian Ruins

Archive: 22 posts

The Arabian Ruins by Metalhead_as

In sackboys quest to find the mysterious Golden Temple amid the Arabian Ruins, he must find a path through the most trecherous land in order to reach his goal.

1 player recommended.

Please check out my new level and give me some comments, either on LBPC or the game comments. A lot of work was put into making so please try it, thanks

Update: You can now have a sneak peak at my level without playing it.
If the pitures dont show up i also attached the same images to this post
2010-11-13 20:23:00

Posts: 104

This was a pretty cool level. I could tell you spent a lot of time working on the visuals as they looked fantastic. Your choice in gameplay worked well with the level too. My only gripe really would be that it's far too short. I was totally ready to keep on going through this awesome level and then out of no where I'm at the end. It made me kind of sad. Anyway keep up the good work.2010-11-14 03:33:00

Posts: 170

Thanks zynax555, i wouldn't agree with you more about the length of the level. I kinda loose my concentration on levels i've spent time on. Tell me what you think of the sticker i used for the cover (i had a lot of trouble making it). Thanks for playing my level 2010-11-14 04:21:00

Posts: 104

Excellent use of stickers! That would make me lose my concentration too! Very very short, not a lot of difficulty, but just walking through the scenery made me feel like I was Alice in Wonderland. Good job!2010-11-14 23:57:00

Posts: 44

Amazing Visually

-The waterfall at beginning was just super creative with light, it added to it so much
-The stickering was good to moss and plants growing all around on things
-The ruins had nice broken feel and look to it

-Was incredible short... I wanted more!!

Overall was great visually,:star::star::star::star: and <3

Edit: Please feedback my "The Distant Crystal: Part 2"
Edit #2: Scratch the first edit... but you could play it anyway if you want. I think its pretty good.
2010-11-15 02:36:00

Posts: 187

Hey metalhead, thanks for playing my level. I'm here to do your f4f.

The beginning area looks awesome. Love the camera work and absolutely love the waterfall. Aw, I jumped in the waterfall and I died . I wanted to go swimming lol.

I'm on the part a little after that with the 4 rising and descending platforms and I went to get the prize bubble at the bottom. However, there isn't a way to go back up. You would have to die and spawn at the last checkpoint. Some players would be put off by this as it encourages unfair deaths. Also, if you time the jump just right at one of the platforms on the end, you can jump up on top of the structure. Players could bypass the obstacle completely if they wanted to.

Love the little leaves and mushrooms props laying around. A little bit after that, with the structure with the sponge ball, it's a little hard to determine how to get on the second floor. I ran back and forth a couple times and only when I randomly jumped at the sloped concrete, I ended up on the second floor. The vine in front of that spot doesn't help either. Maybe add a fairy light or a sticker so the players can distinguish that there is a layer there to jump onto.

Love the foliage stickers scattered throughout.

Surprisingly, the level was really short. Is there no thermo left?

Although, I wish it was longer, all in all, the level was really nice to look at, and has some nice gameplay elements in it.

I gave it 4 stars & a heart. I look forward to more of your work.
2010-11-17 17:17:00

Posts: 216

Thanks for all the feedback guys, 2010-11-18 08:30:00

Posts: 104

Pics look good, i'll be sure to check this out tomorrow 2010-11-19 19:00:00

Posts: 142

Hey there metalhead_as, i just finished playing your level, and i have to say it is very good. It has excellent use of decorations and stickers to create that arabian feel, well done. The only negative point i have about your level is that jump pad, i got caught under it 3 times, and the checkpoint was all the way at the bottom, i think a simple tweak of the sensor switch would sort that though. I gave your level :star::star::star::star: and a <3, well done

F4F: Tales from Steam City: Union Freight (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=39310-Tales-from-Steam-City-Union-Freight)
Tales from Steam City: Late Arrivals (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=36326-Tales-from-Steam-City-Late-Arrivals-*SPOTLIGHTED*)
2010-11-20 09:57:00

Posts: 142

I just fixed up the jump pad, if you are still having problems it will be very hard to change them otherwise if you dont jump on the middle of the pad it wont shoot you in the air, thanks for all your reviews guys 2010-11-21 20:40:00

Posts: 104

Oh I liked this level, it was fun, yet I didn't like the lack of story.
4/5 <3
2010-11-21 20:58:00

Lilly Wild
Posts: 7

thanks for all your comments guys 2010-11-22 04:57:00

Posts: 104

I really like the visual design, but there wasn't many puzzle or platforming elements. The level was pretty short, but it wasn't too hard to look at. Good job. I gave you four stars, I think Thanks for playing my level.2010-12-01 22:47:00

Posts: 26

Gorgeous level! I loved the decorations and the stickers. And the waterfall was awesome! Though so short! haha. I was pumped to keep going and it just ended unexpectedly... But other then that it was awesome! 2010-12-02 22:40:00

Posts: 21

Nice level! Assuming the thermo ran out?

Short but good visuals, I'd play the sequel should there be on


-Original Gameplay
-Looked after
-Nice waterfall (although rtm223's was the best )


-Short (tip: make sections separately so you can thermo glitch them in. Wanna know how? Visit Aya042's tutorial, it's really helpful)
-Water kills. You could add some gameplay in water, I always say [I]"In a realistic level, there'd be water as there's water everywhere on Earth. Well not everywhere but you know what I mean." [I] That'll come in a sequel should you choose to make one! Hope you do.
-Jump pad. Killed me a few times.
-Sometimes it was unclear what to do. Just once, actually. But once is enough. It's the section in the picture third down (back at top of page). Unclear how to get up. Being my adventurous self I figured it out. Maybe add visual prompts?

Four-star + heart. Nice work! A few minor niggles here and there, easily fixable
2010-12-03 16:43:00

Posts: 516

This looks great wow, the detail looks amazing, those pics are very well taken im definatly checking this out.2010-12-03 21:12:00

Posts: 58

Thanks guys, im starting on a new level and im gonna need beta testers, if anyone wants to help just message me.

2010-12-03 23:52:00

Posts: 104

This level was amazing i loved the visuals in it!
True the length could be longer but i had fun looking at all the details and trying to collect as much bubbles as i could.
i rated :star: :star: :star: :star: and a <3
2010-12-04 05:10:00

Posts: 262

Thanks guys, remember i need beta testers for my new level so just message me if you want to help2010-12-04 05:15:00

Posts: 104

Thanks for checking out my level Giant Trees. And this is what I think about yours.
Good: Playing the level feels great!. The music was adequate, it is noticeable that the areas were made carefully. It looks like what it is supposed to represent.

Bad: Too short, it leaves you wanting more. Very few obstacles. No enemies.

In my opinion, the level is good. I imagine there will be a second part. :star: :star: :star: :star: <3

I will work on my level to make it better. When I'm done, I will let you know, so please check it out at that time.
2010-12-04 16:32:00

Posts: 74

Thanks guys for your reviews, if anyone wants to help me complete my new level or wants to be a beta tester just message me

2010-12-05 01:01:00

Posts: 104

Returning feedback....
Dude this level was really incredible! I loved the whole atmosphere you had going and the waterfall at the beginning was really well done, I'm a sucker for enviromental elements Great use of stickers and materials and I also was happy with the amount of point combos there were as well. Great level dude, :star::star::star::star::star:'s from me and I would have given it a heart, but I would really like to see it extended more, try reading up on comphermc's Thermometer Guide which can be found here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=16840-Comprehensive-Thermo-Overview-and-Guide
2010-12-09 15:07:00

Posts: 771

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