A Place Far Away
Archive: 2 posts
A Place Far AwayOriginalCreator My new level based out in space Hi I just want to tell you about my new level A Place Far Away, it is a survival but it isn't an irritating noob one that are cluttering up LBP this is a nicely detailed one with nice LED display showing stats.this survival is extremely fun and addictive. ![]() | 2010-11-12 16:08:00 Author: OriginalCreator ![]() Posts: 217 |
Addictive? In less than a day of publishing (in fact about 5 hours) this level had over 1,000 plays. It is also on cool pages when I type, and I was lucky enough to see it in Create. I like the feel of it and the LED Timer and the SCI-FI LED's along the top give it an extra touch. However, the obstacle where you grab can be tackled in a different way by running, jumping, landing on top of it then jumping across instead of grabbing and spinning. Gave you a 4 Star and a rather generous heart, I won't rate 5 Star until that obstacle is fixed, replaced or added to. ![]() FOUND YOU ![]() | 2010-11-13 12:33:00 Author: mutant_red_peas ![]() Posts: 516 |
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