My non-six axis controller?
Archive: 3 posts
I have a Logitech PS3 controller that when it says to press the ps button during the beginning of the game it doesn't work. Any suggestions? I lost my sixaxis and have only been able to play the game once. | 2008-11-01 14:42:00 Author: Ineedhelp9 ![]() Posts: 32 |
I have a Logitech PS3 controller that when it says to press the ps button during the beginning of the game it doesn't work. Any suggestions? I lost my sixaxis and have only been able to play the game once. I could only really suggest getting a new Sixaxis, theyre fairly cheap off of ebay. | 2008-11-01 14:59:00 Author: floor3013 ![]() Posts: 287 |
and who knows, you might get a tricked out one ![]() Cheers! | 2008-11-01 18:08:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
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