Reaction Room [1 Player]
Archive: 4 posts
Reaction Room [1 Player]The_Jump_Doctor Reasons why you should play: 1) Once you get into it, this level is really intense and fun...A LOT of action 2) Its an original survival level! If you're tired of stupid bomb or shark survivals that are horribly made..play this! 3)I spent time making the level run smoothly and friendly to the player. I made it so that the gameplay is perfect 4)NO CHEAP DEATHS! Nothing that has the ability to kill you will do so unfairly..you'll know about immenent death before it happens. This level is a survival minigame for one player. The gameplay is so intense that the only time i could take a picture to upload was in the start position. It involves platforming, timing and of course how well you can react to incoming hazards. A floor of dropping platforms, falling electric balls that can go airborn, and plasma balls that are fired directly at you. The level is basically a small room with a floor of buttons. the buttons act as touch sensitive platforms that lower into deadly gas for 1 second when the are activated. While the player moves about, point bubbles and electric hazards fall through the cieling. The electric hazards have a nasty ability to activate the floor buttons and get shot back into the air. There are also two plasma guns on the sides of this room, which begin to shoot directly at you as the difficulty increases. The difficulty is seperated into 5 distict stages. With increased difficulty comes added electric hazards as well as more rapid fire from the two plama guns. The player earns points based on how long they can survive as well as the amount of point bubbles they can manage to collect. If the player can survive until the 5th stage of difficulty, then they win a useful prize ![]() | 2010-11-11 22:21:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Nice idea for a level. It seemed to be well thought out and executed. The simple visual design worked well for the levels gameplay. The learning curve wasn't that large but it did take me about two plays to understand fully how the level works, not that it was confusing, just the speed that the platforms drop was startling at first. I don't play survivals very often, but this, I feel I will come back to. | 2010-11-12 00:58:00 Author: zynax555 ![]() Posts: 170 |
Hello there, You got yourself a fun little survival challenge here. Again well thought out and mechanically everything seems sound. Pros: +Fun quick little game +Nice twist from the norm of a survival challenge +Progressively becomes difficult Cons: -Instructions were not automatic, player may grab the start switch w/o reading instructions. The "!" had me thinking hazard. Recommendations: -Maybe set it up where the instruction start up automatically prior to game start. -In the beginning, maybe state "score to beat". All in all, fun game and engineered well. Good job. I have a few levels that are need of some feedback, ty. | 2010-11-12 01:31:00 Author: sascha_winter ![]() Posts: 163 |
Ok, I had some friends play the level and they basically ignored the grab swicth for instructions...so I took away the exclamaition sticker...made the grab switch visible and made a finger point to it while moving up and down...that way first time players will hit the switch..while returning players, who already know what to do, will be able to start the level very quickly...thanks for the suggestion winter. Anyone reading this BE SURE TO HIT THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!! haha maybe my friends are just dumb...but wtvr. | 2010-11-13 22:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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