To the UltimateClay......
Archive: 7 posts
your a bit of a noob ain't you really the space costume is coming out again with lbp2 so you are wrong pal.. a marvel costume pack is worth more than that space costume for sure... seems everyone is going to have it soon anyway the fact that you might be an admin/site mod shocks me i think this site should rethink who they pick to be mods idiots closing my thread.. reopen as it was a fair question!! just because i'm new to lbpc i shouldn't get singled out by idiots.. i'm probably older than you also what adds insult to injury | 2010-11-08 01:30:00 Author: reefer007 ![]() Posts: 54 |
Don't make threads like this. Don't. | 2010-11-08 01:40:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Hey man you cant go on talking about other people in LBPC like that specially To UltimateClay, he is a devoted member in the forums. If I were you keep it to yourself because they can banned you for saying this things. | 2010-11-08 01:40:00 Author: Arnald23 ![]() Posts: 1843 |
your a bit of a noob ain't you really Meyess, I'd say so the space costume is coming out again with lbp2 so you are wrong pal.. NO WAI a marvel costume pack is worth more than that space costume for sure... seems everyone is going to have it soon anyway Yes it is. ... :kz: the fact that you might be an admin/site mod shocks me i think this site should rethink who they pick to be mods lol, wait wut, Clay becoming a mod? Where would this idea creep into your mind? D: The mere thought of that happening scares me O-o I'd give the mods a bit more credit then THAT... especially without any reason to think they would. idiots closing my thread.. reopen as it was a fair question!! just because i'm new to lbpc i shouldn't get singled out by idiots.. Threads like this aren't really helping your case <3... whatever that case is. Especially calling the mods idiots ![]() i'm probably older than you also what adds insult to injury OOH, SNAP! Age card. Gotta love it. Especially since you don't know how old he is. I do, however, and I'm betting he is MUCH older then you <3 ... I also like how he is THE clay. ... Why can't I have threads calling me a noob and saying I suck?? ![]() Oh, and I hope I don't get infracted for this post... He himself is insulting stuff, so, uh... you can't infract me for defending my friend... even though I didn't really defend him... but still, I have no clue what's happening. Never do. ![]() /runs | 2010-11-08 01:42:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
what is this I don't even... I was just letting you know the rules of the site, sorry if I offended you ![]() | 2010-11-08 01:46:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
please someone lock/delete this before it gets worse, personal insult threads are prohibited anyways... | 2010-11-08 01:48:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
Well the "idiot" locking the thread wasn't ultimateClay, though you know that now as Schm0 has been in touch with you. As for re-opening the thread it's categorically a no. Gamesharing is piracy, as you have been informed. Therefore it is not a reasonable question, as per the Site Rules (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21530-Rules-Consequences). That is why the thread was shut down - it's got nothing to do with you being new to the site, piracy is forbidden on this site whether you've been here 2 minutes or 2 years. | 2010-11-08 02:02:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
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