Der Schpl?terhaus - Infiltreren
Archive: 13 posts
level removed | 2010-11-05 16:21:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
Awwwww SNAPS. Been "Ages" ; ) since we worked on this. I look forward to LBP2 homie. | 2010-11-05 19:43:00 Author: DarkSeraphim666 ![]() Posts: 96 |
+ Bike looks cool. + Nice background. - I would emit the bike faster if possible. - The music also changes back after you die, which starts to get annoying after multiple attempts. - Can't re-read instructions. + Fun once you get gthe hand of it. I would just say "hold onto R1 unless you want to jump" or something, as I slowed down for ramps. + Bike at end of course. - Magic mouth goes by too quickly, I only read half. - Cool underwater enemies, but their bodies seem to be lethal was well?! + Took me a while to figure out the coloured ball puzzle, sometimes got annoying trying to swim back down after you got it wrong. Managed to get the spill kart past the shooters and the slime hazards, got to the bathroom/stairs. Unsure how to progress because it's in german I guess. Little help? EDIT: Oh darn, you had to.. climb in the hand dryer in the bathroom? | 2010-11-05 20:43:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Try "venting" ur frustration | 2010-11-05 21:34:00 Author: DarkSeraphim666 ![]() Posts: 96 |
oh wow somebody actually played it! I think there was a technical reason for the slow spawn of the buggy... which i may have fixed and then never changed the spawn time on... i'll have to double check. i really hate the way magic mouths work (or often dont) in LBP1. Also yeah: Hand dryer -> Across the pipes -> Air vent. You're almost at the end! Thanks for playing! | 2010-11-06 19:06:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
Ah, made it! That last construction beams with deadly paint part is tricky! On the very last jump I missed the ledge, fell into gas, but activated the scoreboard. Then I kept spawning and dying. I'll take that as a completion though. ![]() I feel that last jump is a little far. Still a fun level though. ![]() One suggestion is to move the first and second last checkpoints foward one layer, as it the layer switching gets annoying after a few deaths. BTW, you can make MM's replayable by hooking them all up to a sensor switch. Question: Why is it in German? | 2010-11-07 05:22:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
That i must say was a difficult little level. I must have died at least 20 times before admiting defeat at the clean up cart. The spill area had me. Upon later thought, maybe I should have used a push up to speed and jump on to roll past the area. Either way here are my opinions... Pros: +Very good use of the 3D glitch and artwork +Like the way the buggy broke at the end, almost thought I did it +cool closed door/ emitted open door setup Cons: -Buggy emit too slow -Return to orginal song redundant (buggy stage of player died) -Magic mouths way too fast Possible Recommendations: *Maybe a English caption on bottom of screen to suppliment German language. (like a movie) *Add a perm switch to the magic mouths and the player decides when to next bubble? *Maybe some in game clues or instructions on how to pass certain areas? ( players tags of frustation) In summary the level was fun and had nice ideas and eye candy, I especially liked the buggy part. That was fun. | 2010-11-07 06:20:00 Author: sascha_winter ![]() Posts: 163 |
hmmm maybe it is harder than i took it for. To get past the spill, you should be able to hang from the towel bar on the front of the cart and pull it across. I dont really know why i decided to put the enemy dialog in German... it just fit the title. Also the dialog is all very pointless, so it being in German is kinda a joke. | 2010-11-07 15:34:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
No, dont change the dialog, its a good twist. I think it would be perfect with the German dialog with the addition of a thin layer of material and a piston with the english translation that comes in from the side (like a movie caption. Some people just want to know what is being said. If you need help with that, I'll would be more than happy to show you. I did something like that in my "Little Big Catch" where I dislayed a contract in bigger format. Check it out. | 2010-11-07 16:27:00 Author: sascha_winter ![]() Posts: 163 |
i changed the spawn time on the buggy and stopped the music from restarting. thermo doesnt seem to want me to have subtitles. up to thirteen plays now! i saw a level called "skateboard" that got 133,000 plays in 3 days. | 2010-11-09 16:49:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
i saw a level called "skateboard" that got 133,000 plays in 3 days. sometimes i dont get it either.... | 2010-11-09 17:04:00 Author: sascha_winter ![]() Posts: 163 |
thats one more for the crap stack. | 2010-11-16 01:00:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
Great thinking-man's level, man. It's set in an environment and art style that's what I would call believable cartoon, because everything is really well thought out and the setting never really compromises itself architecturally or in theme to make the platforming fit or the action happen. It's pretty tough to get a realistic feeling environment to 'have' gameplay in it, but you did a good job. Alot of detail and creative stuff that has really outside the box solutions. I like the cleaning cart section the most, and thought the way the overhead security cams hit into the curved mop bucket to tip you back and slow you down was well thought out. I also like the last section with the moving rafters and the paint drips - nice new obstacle idea. the german gave it an original feel too... kind of absurdly humorus and again, very original. I enjoy puzzling and demanding levels that you have to spend some time in, so I can appreciate it... but I can see the few who've tried it have probably been really confused about everything if they got to any of it. There's alot of ways it could be super simplified and changed into a run of the mill 'weeeee let's jump' level (like making the car ride a hold R1 and nothing else) that has mass appeal, but it wouldn't have been very engaging or original to me if it was. | 2010-11-21 14:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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