Archive: 7 posts
SACKS and SEAMONSTERSKILLA_TODDZILLA This was one of my first levels I created 3-4 weeks ago when I first got LBP. I've learned a lot since then and went back to fix this one up. I will make a video of it tomorrow but for now everyone is welcome to try it out and give feedback. Thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzeeYlahBK0 The audio is down for now but should be up later. | 2010-11-05 02:29:00 Author: KILLA_TODDZILLA ![]() Posts: 653 |
Was that the Narragansett Bay? I grew up in Middletown RI and I always wondered what lied under the Newport Bridge. Anyways, here is your feedback. I must say, I liked the way the boats crushed and crumbled in the jaws of the sea monster. One thing the boat did lack is reverse. There was a few times that I could have avoided certain death with such an option. Upon being crushed and surviving the distaster I let curiousity take over and I decided to swim to the bottom of the bay to see whats going on. First and only thing I see is chains and stone blocks. Unless thats ur intent, hide that stuff. Sacks are curious and will explore any and every corner. And maybe add some eye candy like the remains of a past boat distaster or something like that. Speaking of eye candy, having a few sea monsters in the near background was cool and added some depth. The foggyness was cool but the stage does need a checkpoint of some sort. Maybe a Lighthouse half way through with a check point. Add some stairs, a modded cam with a nice view, and a prize on top. In summary the level was fun I cant wait to see what you do with it next. | 2010-11-05 05:09:00 Author: sascha_winter ![]() Posts: 163 |
Was that the Narragansett Bay? I grew up in Middletown RI and I always wondered what lied under the Newport Bridge. Anyways, here is your feedback. I must say, I liked the way the boats crushed and crumbled in the jaws of the sea monster. One thing the boat did lack is reverse. There was a few times that I could have avoided certain death with such an option. Upon being crushed and surviving the distaster I let curiousity take over and I decided to swim to the bottom of the bay to see whats going on. First and only thing I see is chains and stone blocks. Unless thats ur intent, hide that stuff. Sacks are curious and will explore any and every corner. And maybe add some eye candy like the remains of a past boat distaster or something like that. Speaking of eye candy, having a few sea monsters in the near background was cool and added some depth. The foggyness was cool but the stage does need a checkpoint of some sort. Maybe a Lighthouse half way through with a check point. Add some stairs, a modded cam with a nice view, and a prize on top. In summary the level was fun I cant wait to see what you do with it next. Living in the "Ocean State" was my inspiration, but I never thought someone would pick up on it. The boat has no reverse in the spirit of the challenge same about the check point. I think it's way too easy to begin with but your right about the back stage stuff so I'll work on that. Here's to Chowda and clamcakes. CHEERS! and thanks for the feedback. ![]() | 2010-11-05 11:44:00 Author: KILLA_TODDZILLA ![]() Posts: 653 |
It required the same strategy the whole way through. R1, stop when you hit a monster, R1, repeat. Try mixing up the enemies, and like sascha_winter said, a reverse button would be nice. Also add more scenery, hide visible chains/switches, change colour of some monsters, etc. | 2010-11-05 20:56:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
It required the same strategy the whole way through. R1, stop when you hit a monster, R1, repeat. Try mixing up the enemies, and like sascha_winter said, a reverse button would be nice. Also add more scenery, hide visible chains/switches, change colour of some monsters, etc. It's done. I fixed up all those problems and added some twists too. I tried to think outside the box so i added scuba gear on the dock and more scenery under water. As far as color changes, when you see a whale in the water does it have different colors compared to other whales of it's species? Thanks for the feedback midnight. ![]() | 2010-11-06 01:57:00 Author: KILLA_TODDZILLA ![]() Posts: 653 |
Pros: -The whales looked nice and worked well too -The whales in the backround and fish were a nice addition -The sand at the bottom of the bay seemed to extend forever (you probably used the 3D layer glitch) -The wrecked ships at the bottom were nice -The scoreboard was nicely decorated Cons: -The level was a bit repetitive -Riding the boat across is difficult , while swimming under is very easy -There is visible dark matter at the scoreboard you get if you die Altogether, this level is beautiful, and fun, but also bit short and repetitive. | 2010-11-07 02:25:00 Author: Porkchops ![]() Posts: 7 |
I replayed this what i found Pros +like the new fish +like the new mini underwater crafts +the addition of a scuba tank was nice +the new sunkin ship Cons: -still no reverse -need to hide some of the visible pistons and mag switches near the beginning -couple fish found themselves "stuck" against the floor -still can simple swim undernieth everything Suggestions: *maybe but the scuba tank on the end of the boat so the player can explore at free will *add a cam on the large sea creatures and change the view to a upwards angle to give it a larger than life appearence. --keep it up-- | 2010-11-09 17:40:00 Author: sascha_winter ![]() Posts: 163 |
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