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possible glitch lights

Archive: 5 posts

so in my level i'm working on ( which is simply amazing!!! ) i've set 3 lights ( christmas tree lights to be exact ) on three pistons to move them up and down to indicate something with all 3 lights having a diffrent color.... now every time i save my level and change it to play mode it changes all 3 lights back to it's original white color. then to change them back i have to press triangle on them and click on the color that's already highlited, which is the color i chose, then it changes it back...

how do i make a color light stay colored? lol
2008-10-31 01:41:00

Posts: 262

Hmm, that is weird. I've not noticed it myself. Maybe it's a glitch with that specific level. Have you tried starting a new crater and testing it there?2008-10-31 05:07:00

Posts: 3729

That's a glitch for you there..2008-10-31 10:35:00

Posts: 1543

if it's just for then that's really weird...


even if i try saving the level, then staying to make sure the lights are colored, and when i see they are i go to play... they all change to white!

w/e if it's just for this level i'll use stickers on matierial instead of lights

thanks for all the help
2008-11-01 18:52:00

Posts: 262

You know, you can simply glue coloured glass material to your lights (bellow or above, whichever way the light is going) and it should effectively filter the light to the right colour? Depends on what you are doing and how you are doing it, but coloured glass + lights is a possible solution to your problem.

Hope that helps
2008-11-01 18:57:00

Posts: 1348

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