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The 7 reasons for 2012

Archive: 69 posts

SCIENTIFIC EXPERTS from around the world are predicting that in 2012, all life on Earth could well come to an end. Some are saying it’ll be humans that would set it off. Others believe that a natural phenomenon will be the cause. And the religious folks are saying it’ll be God himself who would press the stop button. The following are some likely arguments as to why the world would end by the year 2012.

Reason one: Mayan calendar
The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans.
Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it’s likely they’ve got the end of the world right as well.

Reason two: Sun storms
Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. Our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it’s supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the earth with lot of radiation energy. It’s been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse and calculations suggest it’ll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.

Reason three: The atom smasher
Scientists in Europe have been building the world’s largest particle accelerator. Basically, its a 27 km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it’s properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They’re predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.
Reason four: The Bible says it
If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn’t bad enough, religious folks are getting in on the act as well. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between good an evil, has been set for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese Book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.
Reason five: Super volcano
Yellowstone National Park in United States is famous for its thermal springs and old faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple -- it’s sitting on top of the world’s biggest volcano and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we’re many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.
Reason six: The physicists
This one’s case of bog -- simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berkely University have been crunching the numbers. They’ve determined that the earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event. Even worse, they’re claiming that their calculations prove that we’re all going to die, very soon. They are also saying that their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 per cent; and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.
Reason seven: Earth’s magnetic field
We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from most of the sun’s radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call North and South have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so -- and right now we’re about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30 kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.
2010-11-02 03:45:00

Posts: 2333


You need to get out more, just because the General Chat area is far from the PSP section doesn't mean it's PS3-exclusive. The PS3ers are nice people, well, most of em'

Thread belongs here:
2010-11-02 04:01:00

Posts: 1703

Um...m8, that special was shown a long time ago, the atom smasher has already been fired up and nothing has happened, black Holes produced by it don't have more power than a hand held vacuum.

The Aztec calendar is been recently seem to have been discovered to been read wrong, seems they mis-read something and it is possible the calendar's wrong for even hundreads of years, rendering the mayan calendar explanatiin useless, not to mention it may just be the end of a cycle, entering a new one (like when our calendar ends.)

Religion-wise, who knows, some stuff has happened, some hasn't, and many religions supporting an idea isn't that "impossible" as they may "unknowingly" be tied up somehow.

And the rest is prety much random things that could happen or not, no one knows "for sure".
2010-11-02 04:03:00

Posts: 6707

7 Reasons to why you would post a topic like that:
- You are Cory
That explains itself. XP

- You are scared.
You being scared out of curiosity; therefore, you posted a topic to get someone to help you calm down.

- You want to scare others
You just hate the community so much that you don't care about scaring them with news.

- Your mother spanked you if you didn't post this topic.
Some people have those very religous mothers. They just want to cause a riot, and yada, yada, yada. By the way, Amen. XD

- Your father Punched you if you didn't post the topic.

Everybody has a moment when their stress builds up to the point when they want to be total... flying turds... Yeah, let's go with that. Therefore, they let it out by doing something mean like posting a topic that may cause a flame. By the way, bring the extinguisher incase because it's going to get hot up in here. XD

- Yoda told you to
Everybody has a Yoda in their minds. What is a Yoda? He's a green dude from Star Wars. :O He told you something, and who dares ignore him? He told you to post this topic, didn't he? All I can say is "Ignore Yoda". Oh yeah, may the force be with you.

- Your computer did it
Your computer had a bad cookie. That's what you get for letting the cookies rot since last Christmas. Now your computer became corrupt and started to be a total dou- I mean, Meano. So your computer had its own mind and posted such a topic. Don't let it Byte another cookie. :O

Now, most of those can be false. Though, I could say the same thing back to you. :O
I'm not mean, I'm just teasing cory. You know I am because you rock! Anyway, I justed wanted to tease a bit.
2010-11-02 04:48:00

Posts: 801

I'm moving this to general chat... AND, if I may say, this is a very pessimistic topic. People have been predicting the end of the world for sooooo long now and so far they've all been 100% wrong.

Look at it this way, if by some miraculous coincidence it DOES happen in 2012, what are you gonna do about it? There's nothing you can do. So why waste your time worrying and PANIC-MONGERING? Just live your lives and plan for the future.

But yeah.. colour me skeptical.
2010-11-02 05:12:00

Posts: 1567

If 2012 does happen, I will note one thing, and that is the "Revelation"2010-11-02 05:12:00

Posts: 840

ugh, more ranting about 2012, SHUT UP! I've heard enough about 'huge disasters to know that this is all propaganda to get people to buy more stuff to comfort them in thier 'Last moments' remember Y2K? ya that didn't happen, this is only 12 years away, its too soon for more ranting about destruction and apocalypse. Also remember that just because they 'did tests' doesn't mean that it's 100% right, okay? now, enough ranting, and if you do still believe this, have fun in your last 2 years. Oh and you missed #8 - people who don't get out enough, and have no recourse but to believe this and mope. (wow that was the madest I've ever been on this site, I deserve a cookie.)2010-11-02 05:34:00

Posts: 2135

We'll be back in 2013. It's like a predator missle, you get hit, and you respawn a couple of seconds later :3

Except in this case it's, It's [whatever the hell kills us] and we all touch the same Checkpoint.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we had popits? We could just hover our hands over a meteor and press triangle
2010-11-02 05:36:00

Unknown User

Nah, the reason the calendar ends on 2012 is because the Mayans were lazy.

Also, if the world ends in 2012, when will Star Wars happen? Hey? HEY!?! Yeah.
2010-11-02 05:44:00

Posts: 2358

December 21, 2012
That's on my relatives birthday!

"Happy birthday!" *world explodes*
2010-11-02 05:51:00

Posts: 4193

My god, this is really laughable. I'll proceed to hand you your very ill-informed butt to you, scientist style.

Ready? here goes.

Reason one: Mayan calendar
The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things -- building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and sacrificing virgins.
Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar predicts that the earth will end on December 21, 2012. Given that they were pretty close to the mark with the lunar cycle, it’s likely they’ve got the end of the world right as well.

So because you're good at astronomy, that means you can successfully predict a catastrophic event years from now? Honestly? That's like saying that if I can solve a particularly hard math problem, I am capable of predicting the next 300 years of mankind's future. Learn to differentiate science from mythology and superstition.

Reason two: Sun storms
Solar experts from around the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery. Our sun is in a bit of strife. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic and it’s supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, recent solar storms have been bombarding the earth with lot of radiation energy. It’s been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is predicted to get worse and calculations suggest it’ll reach its deadly peak sometime in 2012.

This is probably one of the more believable ones you have here, but nonetheless inaccurate and overblown. More rational predictions put such events at around 2015-2030, and the solar storms will never reach the point of bringing forth the apocalypse.

Reason three: The atom smasher
Scientists in Europe have been building the world’s largest particle accelerator. Basically, its a 27 km tunnel designed to smash atoms together to find out what makes the universe tick. However, the mega-gadget has caused serious concern, with some scientists suggesting that it’s properly even a bad idea to turn it on in the first place. They’re predicting all manner of deadly results, including mini black holes. So when this machine is fired up for its first serious experiment in 2012, the world could be crushed into a super-dense blob the size of a basketball.

Seriously, do I even have to go through this? (http://www.hasthelhcdestroyedtheearth.com/) It's pretty much universally agreed by any rational scientist with even a speck of knowledge of particle physics that this thing won't cause anything. The biggest chances of a major event from this thing is a mini black hole. That has a one in a million chace of happening, and it'll probably spontaneously disappear. Besides, they've been running tests on this thing for two years.

Crushing the world? Come on.

Reason four: The Bible says it
If having scientists warning us about the end of the world isn’t bad enough, religious folks are getting in on the act as well. Interpretations of the Christian Bible reveal that the date for Armageddon, the final battle between good an evil, has been set for 2012. The I Ching, also known as the Chinese Book of Changes, says the same thing, as do various sections of the Hindu teachings.

The Bible Says It!?!? Seriously!?This is going to not go down well with the more religious of you folks... But if I write something in a book, does that mean it'll come true? Not even that, none of these texts directly state 2012 as the date on any event. Most of these assumptions are loonies who have pretended to find subliminal messages in these texts. It's complete lies. I'm sorry, but when you're talking to me about a scientific event, religious facts, misinterpreted or otherwise, has no holding in actual truth.

Reason five: Super volcano
Yellowstone National Park in United States is famous for its thermal springs and old faithful geyser. The reason for this is simple -- it’s sitting on top of the world’s biggest volcano and geological experts are beginning to get nervous sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we’re many years overdue for an explosion that will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.

Is there a large caldera under Yellowstone? yes. Is it capable of causing a natural nuclear winter? Yes. Is it likely? No. we've no reason to believe 2012 is when this thing's gonna blow, or if it even IS going to blow. The thing's pretty much dormant.

Reason six: The physicists
This one’s case of bog -- simple maths mathematics. Physicists at Berkely University have been crunching the numbers. They’ve determined that the earth is well overdue for a major catastrophic event. Even worse, they’re claiming that their calculations prove that we’re all going to die, very soon. They are also saying that their prediction comes with a certainty of 99 per cent; and 2012 just happens to be the best guess as to when it occurs.

Calculating what numbers? This is probably one of the weakest reasons you have. There is no magical equation that calculates catastrophes. That could be farther from any form of mathematical logic. If this is real, I'd like to meet those so called 'physicists' to give them a nice talking too. They shouldn't even have the distincition of being called men of science.

Reason seven: Earth’s magnetic field
We all know the Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that shields us from most of the sun’s radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call North and South have a nasty habit of swapping places every 750,000 years or so -- and right now we’re about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have noted that the poles are drifting apart roughly 20-30 kms each year, much faster than ever before, which points to a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is under way, the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV outdoors to crisp your skin in seconds, killing everything it touches.

Hah, crisp your skin in seconds. Did you come from the Hyperbole school of Yellow Journalism? Even if it WERE that serious, what are the chances it'll happen on that magical year you guys are scaremogering all over the place? As it turns out, these shifts are not usually on set dates, and may not happen for some more hundred of thousand years.

Get real. I know you guys want the world to end badly, but it's not going to happen. All of this is pseudo-science, not sourced and unfounded. You may say "Well, Astro, you've no sources yourself! Are we just supposed to take your word over his?"

Well, I do not have any sources. Most of this I did learn from believable programs on the Science/Discovery channel (while Cory probably got these theories from History Channel, those doom-saying yellowists.), I do not indeed have any direct source for m rebuttal. But he doesn't have any either, and I'll be content with just waiting until New Year's 2013 rolls along so I can just rub it in this guy's face.

Besides, I can dig up those sources tomorrow. Apologies for my rant, but this is the one pet peeve I cannot control.
2010-11-02 05:53:00

Posts: 2046

The Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012... but they couldn't predict their own demise? Odd...

Al Gore claimed that "global warming" is a real thing... it's been the coldest year yet since the mid 1800's.

A meteor has been told to hit the Earth in 2012... ok, it'll go NEAR the earth... around 1,000,000 miles or so.

Many religions around the world have proclaimed 2012 to be the end of the world... so is Hollywood.

2012 is said to be a switch in magnetic poles... oh no, my compass is pointing in the wrong direction. Aaaaaaahh.

... from all of this stuff I've heard over the short course of my life, it seems to me that the world will end because the morons that believe it will make it happen (like some nuclear holocaust out of pure fear of the end of the world). So go ahead, kill yourself; one less mouth to feed.

As for me? I'll probably be enjoying Christmas break, riding Space Mountain at Disneyland.
2010-11-02 06:09:00

Posts: 5757

@Astrosimi; what about 2013? obviously trolling

But yeah, if you're going to start 'worrying' over something that has no legitimate/physical/hard evidence, it's not worth the big commotion.

Also, let's say if this was all true, except the date, and we were to experience a big end of the world scenario/whatever you want to call it,as BabyDoll stated, would are you going to do about it? If all of this where to happen, the only thing you can do is say, "I told you so." and no one will think of it, you will not be honored for it, you will not be remembered, and no one will care. So seriously, why give a rat's *** about this now? Why? Just to freak out other people so they can forget about it the next week? Or so it can be all over facebook or something? I don't get this whole 2012 thing.

P.S. - Pulling out the Religion Card was weak.

P.S.S. - Lol you said maths mathematics.
2010-11-02 06:16:00

Unknown User

@Astrosimi; what about 2013?

What about it? Dates are irrelevant. Could all of this happen? Hey, it's possible, but there's no use freaking out over things which may or may not come soon. Doomsday dates are inconsequential in the grand scale of things. Could it happen in 2013? I could happen in at anytime! But there's no reason to believe it will happen during 2012, or 2013, or any date for that matter. Unless you mathematically prove that we are all going to be fried by a meteor at a certain date, because you calculated the trajectories and the speeds and the orbits, there's no basis on any dates you guys set. I, personally, will worry about the Doomsday when it comes knocking on my door and tells me it's go time. Otherwise, keep your fear-mongering to yourself.
2010-11-02 06:24:00

Posts: 2046

Reason 8.

I was recently abducted by aliens, (Don't worry, I'm fine. They just ran some basic tests.) and during my time in the waiting room for the alien doctor office, I began having a conversation with the alien beside me. He claimed to be a galaxy-famous scientist, who brough on the space age in several nebulas. I was skeptical of his story at first, him being dressed in rags and I had just saw him buying a mysterious green fluid from an alien in a spacepod with heavily tinted windows, but then he showed me a complex scientific tool he told me he used in his research. (I believe he said it was called a "beaker") We soon came upon the subject of the apocolypse. He told me, in hushed tones, that he had evidence the world will end in the alien year 6661269, which is equivalent to the human year 2012. He didn't tell me what world, as soon after this he began twitching and fainted. He was taken away by the paramedics while I continued waiting. After my testing I was returned to my house, still horrified by what the scientist alien had told me. I believe this is a feasible reason to fear the end of the world in 2012. Right?
2010-11-02 06:40:00

Posts: 654

Yay for optimism!!!!2010-11-02 07:07:00

Posts: 746

The Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012... but they couldn't predict their own demise? Odd...
Actually they did predict it m8...
Remember, just because you know something will happen, doesn't necessarly means you can stop it/ do anything about it.

Say some uber-advanced alien race broadcasted to earth they'd attack in 2 months, and because their Tech's so advance Earth looses, they knew about it and knew the battle was probably gonna be lost, doesn't mean anything could be done.

It MAY be possible to, but its not guaranteed.
2010-11-02 07:10:00

Posts: 6707

Naaaaa..... the world will end when we decide to nuke it2010-11-02 07:19:00

Unknown User

Actually they did predict it m8...
Remember, just because you know something will happen, doesn't necessarly means you can stop it/ do anything about it.

Say some uber-advanced alien race broadcasted to earth they'd attack in 2 months, and because their Tech's so advance Earth looses, they knew about it and knew the battle was probably gonna be lost, doesn't mean anything could be done.

It MAY be possible to, but its not guaranteed.

... Ok, I'm having problems interpreting your statement.

- I've never heard of the Mayans predicting their own demise. Perhaps the world, but not their own.
- People will still try doing something about it. Limitations don't stop others from doing things. And who knows! Whatever they do might end up working somehow.
- Of course it's possible that the world could end in 2012. The end of the world will happen eventually, but there's no way that we can predict when it will end. The Earth has been around for billions and billions of years, and only NOW are there intellingent beings inhabiting it... and we have the authority to predict when this planet will be destroyed? That's just misleading imo.
2010-11-02 07:27:00

Posts: 5757

... Ok, I'm having problems interpreting your statement.

- I've never heard of the Mayans predicting their own demise. Perhaps the world, but not their own.
- People will still try doing something about it. Limitations don't stop others from doing things. And who knows! Whatever they do might end up working somehow.
- Of course it's possible that the world could end in 2012. The end of the world will happen eventually, but there's no way that we can predict when it will end. The Earth has been around for billions and billions of years, and only NOW are there intellingent beings inhabiting it... and we have the authority to predict when this planet will be destroyed? That's just misleading imo.

No, no, m8, I didn't say "its impossible to stop it/ do something about it."
Its quite possible indeed, but there are circumstances where even if you know something's gonna happen, they may not be able to stop it, they most likely tried or something, but they just couldn't.
(There may have been a chance they could've still preveted it tho.)
2010-11-02 07:44:00

Posts: 6707

http://www.abhota.info/end1.htm It hasn't been updated for ages but theres been loads of times the world was going to end that we've been through.2010-11-02 09:36:00

Posts: 6728

Reason one: Mayan calendar
The first to predict 2012 as the end of the world were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things -- building highly accurate astrological equipment out of stone and sacrificing virgins.

1) Mayas are still alive.
2) They were good at many more things than "just" astrology. Examples: Architecture, math and they had a written language
3) Mayans were not bloodthirsty. Human sacrifice was hardly a every day occurrence and in any case didn't target virgins in particular.

The rest of the reasons are just as ridiculous and/or wrong.
2010-11-02 09:48:00

Posts: 3193

Reason 8.

I was recently abducted by aliens, (Don't worry, I'm fine. They just ran some basic tests.) and during my time in the waiting room for the alien doctor office, I began having a conversation with the alien beside me. He claimed to be a galaxy-famous scientist, who brough on the space age in several nebulas. I was skeptical of his story at first, him being dressed in rags and I had just saw him buying a mysterious green fluid from an alien in a spacepod with heavily tinted windows, but then he showed me a complex scientific tool he told me he used in his research. (I believe he said it was called a "beaker") We soon came upon the subject of the apocolypse. He told me, in hushed tones, that he had evidence the world will end in the alien year 6661269, which is equivalent to the human year 2012. He didn't tell me what world, as soon after this he began twitching and fainted. He was taken away by the paramedics while I continued waiting. After my testing I was returned to my house, still horrified by what the scientist alien had told me. I believe this is a feasible reason to fear the end of the world in 2012. Right?
So the medieval warlock was abducted by aliens? KEWL!!!!! (sarcasm)

Anyway, I can safely bet the OP is a pessimist?
2010-11-02 10:36:00

Posts: 1117

Reasons not to freak out:

If it does happen, we are dead anyway, and have just wasted the last part of our lives panicking about it.

If it doesn't happen, we will look very, very stupid.

...I think I will relax about this. Though it is pretty interesting.
2010-11-02 11:05:00

Posts: 1316

I lol'd at 'scientific reasons' 1 and 4.

Firstly, the Mayans were using some form of experiment to work out what they did. They didn't just hazard a guess "Well, derp. I 'spose it might be this amount?"
That, is what they've done with the end of the world. And besides, I'm pretty sure they never actually said it would be the apocalypse - I mean, if every Calendar estimated the end of the world, New Years would be awful.
That, and a whole load of calendars have been wrong, this far.
My calendar lied to meh! It never told me there was another January after December!

Secondly, the Bible? A 2000 year old book, written by mortal man as a means of controlling the uneducated masses?
Yeah, I'm sure that point has a leg to stand on. ;3
2010-11-02 11:09:00

Posts: 1017

2012 is said to be a switch in magnetic poles... oh no, my compass is pointing in the wrong direction. Aaaaaaahh.

To be fair, I think the switching of the magnetic poles will have much more significant effects than compasses pointing the other way...

I just don't know what they are!
2010-11-02 11:43:00

Posts: 841

To be fair, I think the switching of the magnetic poles will have much more significant effects than compasses pointing the other way...

I just don't know what they are!

No one does actually, because the last time that happened humans weren't able to measure it.

PS: But given that we are around today, I doubt it will have any long term negative effects on us.

PPS: The magnetic field isn't very stable anyway. It constantly changes a bit.
2010-11-02 11:52:00

Posts: 3193

To be fair, I think the switching of the magnetic poles will have much more significant effects than compasses pointing the other way...

I just don't know what they are!

As far as I know the events have never been linked to any mass extinctions so I don't think it's too much to worry about. It does supposedly weaken the magnetic field globally so the northern lights would become a global effect during the weakest points, which sounds pretty cool if you ask me!
2010-11-02 12:21:00

Posts: 1370

Just on the off chance that there's someone who might actually read this thread and got upset, I would like to post this here:

This was posted a few days ago and it says all the reasons that the Mayans may have been/were wrong.

I am a religious person and I usually stay out of discussions about religion, but the end of the world stuff is ridiculous. There's no point in getting worried about something you can't change, either, so don't let the 2012 crap scare you.

And if you're still scared, remember Y2K? Yeah, that totally blew up the world's computers and caused chaos just as predicted, didn't it now?
2010-11-02 12:41:00

Posts: 2569

well then i guess ill put down the infinite life check point .2010-11-02 12:48:00

Posts: 623

Reason Number 8: My doomsday machine is coming along on schedule.2010-11-02 12:53:00

Posts: 10882

The world better not end in 2012, I won't even be able to get my driving license 2010-11-02 15:28:00

Posts: 1627

To be fair, I think the switching of the magnetic poles will have much more significant effects than compasses pointing the other way...

I just don't know what they are!

Actually, I forgot that birds use magnetic cues to assist them in migration. Switching the magnetic poles around could have a knock-on effect on the food chain as different species of birds would not be in specific areas during seasons.
2010-11-02 15:52:00

Posts: 841

1. Mayans - Just because their stupid calender ends in 2010 doesn't mean anything. How the hell do you think they are gonna predict a disaster? We can't even predict earthquakes a year in advance with todays technology, you think they really could do it by looking at bloody stars?

2. What Astro said.

3. 'The atom smasher'? I'm not even gonna bother...

4. The bible is ********. It isn't predicting anything, it's a book.

5. Haha, Yellowstone set for 2012?

It's on what, a 700,000 year cycle? It could happen tomorrow, it could happen in a few thousand years. No one knows, and they won't know until something is actually happening. It will blow, but no one has said 2012... Also, it wouldn't end the world, it would annihilate America, but people would have months of warning before a Volcano of that size blew, and a lot of people could/would be evacuated from the area that would be directly affected. Pyroclastic flow would damage a large area around it, and the ash would send what remained of America to the stone age, and probably cause an ice age etc. But we'd survive.

6. Sound like pretty **** scientists.

7. So the poles switch, whatever. All i know is that it causes Magnetic striping, and adds to teh Geography i have to know this year. It isn't going to kill us.

I love people who think we are going to die. If we die we die, we probably won't even know much about it. Live life like you would normally, don't be so pessimistic.

New Years Eve 2013, while i'm out drinking, i'll spare a thought for your idiotic beliefs.
2010-11-02 20:19:00

Unknown User

But, the world can't end on 2012! It already ended on 2000 D:

Honestly I believe that some people are starting to believe in this SO MUCH that THEY will cause some horrific event. Sad really
2010-11-02 20:30:00

Posts: 3262

the button is in essense a re-start button.
the myans belived that all things in the universe worked on a cycle.
and every 4010 years or so a lot of overlap happens and a new age begins.
at the end of the fith age (11:11AM (GMT) 21st december 2012) all cycles overlap.
this means that the button i press at that time is basicly a re-start button.

Oh and fast mode hydro-dynamic waves are completely natural
2010-11-02 20:31:00

Posts: 1132

My goodness, have never seen so many people who want the world to end can we be a little more positive D:2010-11-02 20:49:00

Posts: 96

But, the world can't end on 2012! It already ended on 2000 D:

Honestly I believe that some people are starting to believe in this SO MUCH that THEY will cause some horrific event. Sad really

yeah... frankly I'm more worried about scientists rebelling because they were wrong, them and, the Mayans, and the Christians. And with regards to 2000, you are absolutely correct, and again I say it, it's propoganda to get people to buy more stuff they don't need, my next door neighbours got rid of their computer, and bought like weeks worth of food. soooo.... yeah. you guys owe me 100 bucks if we watch Elton John singing on new years eve.
2010-11-02 21:43:00

Posts: 2135

1st, The Mayans were NOT lazy, the calendar just restarts on 2010, that's the only thing that happens there, as if when our 12 month calendar (that is un-perfect) gets to December and its about to restart on January the world is going to end -_____-,

For them the ending of the calendar just represents a change of age, and that has happened before, so no need to go crazy ok? I'm pretty sure that life will continue after that date.
2010-11-02 21:50:00

Posts: 898

1. The Mayan calendar made a prediction for the world to end a few years ago, but it didn't happen, so yeah, that's not gonna happen.
2. Our meteorologists can't even predict what's happening tomorrow, much less what'll happen in a few years.
3. No, just no.
4. See 1.
5. See 3.
6. So you're saying there's a mythical formula in math that predicts major catastrophic events?
7. See 3.

I'm gonna watch the movie, 2012, in the year 2013.
2010-11-02 22:02:00

Posts: 1800

Hmm what Ragnarok said makes sense, the "end of the world" is just the end of their calander :3, I'm sure the Mayans will make a new one with pictures of kitties or puppies or hot Mayan super models on it (or some nonsense like that). Did I mention that I really DON'T want the world to end?2010-11-02 22:02:00

Posts: 96

it will not end!
its just going to be an earthquake.
anyway for all you know it could be 0.1 on the rictus scale.
2010-11-02 22:20:00

Posts: 1132

The world won't end, but a lot of idiots who think it will end are going to commit suicide, leading to 2012 being the world's biggest mass suicide.2010-11-02 23:00:00

Posts: 388

Also hasn't the world ended like 2 times already or something? I thought it was supposed to end in 1999 and in 2006 when It was 6/06/06 it was just my friends birthday2010-11-02 23:20:00

Unknown User

Also hasn't the world ended like 2 times already or something? I thought it was supposed to end in 1999 and in 2006 when It was 6/06/06 it was just my friends birthday

http://www.abhota.info/end1.htm It hasn't been updated for ages but theres been loads of times the world was going to end that we've been through.

100's of times.
2010-11-02 23:26:00

Posts: 6728

Did anyone actually care about the world going under 2012 before the movie "2012" came out, seriously? :/2010-11-02 23:30:00

Posts: 3871

Did anyone actually care about the world going under 2012 before the movie "2012" came out, seriously? :/


....no v_v
2010-11-02 23:35:00

Unknown User

You know, why do people care if they're going to die? Seems pointless to worry that you're going to die.

To be honest, I like these type of events. It tells you whose focused more on living life to the fullest and who's just paranoid.
2010-11-02 23:40:00

Posts: 5551

Al Gore claimed that "global warming" is a real thing... it's been the coldest year yet since the mid 1800's.

Wait, you don't believe in global warming? That's gotten to the point where it's an indisputable fact.

Anyone that tries to deny global warming by citing current weather patterns has no clue what they are talking about. You should learn about the difference between weather and climate; and climate and global climate.

Humans are dumping carbon into the atmosphere and the ocean at a faster speed than those pools are cycling it back out. To deny global warming is to deny that we are burning a forest the size of New York every year, to deny that we are burning fossil fuels that have been undisturbed for millions of years, and to deny that carbon + atmosphere = heat.

Where is the heat going? Heat, science declares, attempts to stay uniform... It is retreating to the poles, and the general public doesn't care or want to believe or have the self-discipline to act (myself included) on the fact that polar regions are warming and their species have nowhere colder to go. If global warming were to have as great an effect on California as it has on polar regions, you would be experiencing midsummer temperatures.
2010-11-02 23:41:00

Posts: 3251

You know, why do people care if they're going to die? Seems pointless to worry that you're going to die.

To be honest, I like these type of events. It tells you whose focused more on living life to the fullest and whose just paranoid.

But yeah, I agree with Sora, why bother worrying about something that's eventually going to happen to you? I mean, if you were an important person that's about to come up with a cure for cancer or whatever, i'd understand why you wouldn't want to die. But if you''re just playing LBP and enjoying life, theres no point to it, go with the flow~

Edit: zomg bremnen's gonna get banned. lulz
2010-11-02 23:46:00

Unknown User

That's right Bremnen. Use proper language, my protege.

(Before anyone picks up on it, i can't be bothered finding the accent)
2010-11-02 23:57:00

Unknown User

I have no regrets.

When you say something offensive and stupid you have to expect people to get angry and respond.


All I have to say is, speaking your mind is the way to go.

Also I never understood what was so 'family' about this site....I can see the family mood in the GAME but not a forum.

Anyway. I think this thread has caused enough commotion :3
2010-11-03 00:02:00

Unknown User

Also I never understood what was so 'family' about this site....I can see the family mood in the GAME but not a forum.

Family as in people of any age could sign up? You don't get how a forum can be a good environment for kids and family? wait wuh? Am I imploding?

Anywho, uh... @Bremnen

... I would say dang commies, but it's been so long since I've called Code that that it's lost all meaning ;-; Ah well. Wait, what's going on?

... Still, I really wonder what this thread is. Even though I don't, I do. That's how confused I am.
2010-11-03 00:08:00

Posts: 10882

(don't feel like reading all the pages to see if anyone has said this yet)
But, the atom smasher thing, has already been used, it didn't do anything important, they aren't going to fire it up again...
2010-11-03 00:09:00

Posts: 1569

Family as in people of any age could sign up? You don't get how a forum can be a good environment for kids and family?

... Still, I really wonder what this thread is. Even though I don't, I do. That's how confused I am.

Exactly. We have people of all ages here, so please keep that in mind. To answer your last question - this thread is wildly off-topic. It needs to get back on track or it's lockdown.
2010-11-03 00:13:00

Posts: 1567

Exactly. We have people of all ages here, so please keep that in mind. To answer your last question - this thread is wildly off-topic. It needs to get back on track or it's lockdown.

I vote for the second one. This is clearly not doing anything but stating that people that worry about death are wasting their time.
2010-11-03 00:14:00

Unknown User

Here's what I think. It is my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own.

Mayan Calendar - They thought humanity would kill each other before then.

Sun Storms - Yes solar flares are dangerous but they are not that big. The Sun will become a Red giant before a solar flare that big would occur.

The Atom Smasher - The Large Hadron Collider has already been turned on, sure it broke but only after the 'black hole' could have happened (Also this was one of many possibilities and was boosted by news companies to get good stories)

Bible - I'm agnostic so I still want to see some physical proof of a God before totally committing to a religion. However I also like the idea of life actually having a meaning (Not 42 btw)

Volcano - Probably is overdue but I think that the 2012 prediction is just a bandwagon deal to get people concerned about their National Park.

Physicists - Probabilities are not certainties. I could flip a coin 100 times and not get 50 heads and 50 tails.

Magnetic Field - haven't heard of this before, but it seems rather far-fetched.

My own theory, RockSauron will get the YloD on this day and we will all be punished out of pure rage!
2010-11-03 00:16:00

Posts: 1518

Bible - I'm agnostic so I still want to see some physical proof of a God before totally committing to a religion. However I also like the idea of life actually having a meaning

!!!! FORTY-
(Not 42 btw)

Awww Thunder = stolen

How could the mayans have possibly seen into the future? I think they would have had considerable difficulty getting all the way up to 88mph.

Or could they...? o_O *eerie music*


The only rational “2012 End of world” possibility is actually pole shifting. A Pole shift is a rare phenomenon and is characterized by the north and the south poles swapping places. Such reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals averaging about 300,000 years; the last one was 780,000 years ago.*

Such event could really disrupt our planet that’s true. Imagine the North pole and South pole swapping places: Telecommunications, animals, humans, etc. would all be affected and it would be a really important change. There’s only one thing you need to consider… I’ve read in a lot of different places that a polar shift is going to happen on December 21 2012 and it is totally false:
Polar shift is a process that roughly takes 5,000 years to complete and doesn’t start on a specific date and time. The real truth is that nobody knows when the next one is due.
The process takes time and another myth wants the earth’s magnetic field strength to be near zero during that transition time. It would actually be as strong as it is now but simply a lot more complicated.


So to you apocalypse!!

*Unless you're religious. In which case it never happened, and never will and we're all gonna be fine anyway.
2010-11-03 01:15:00

Posts: 2105

Wait, you don't believe in global warming? That's gotten to the point where it's an indisputable fact.

Anyone that tries to deny global warming by citing current weather patterns has no clue what they are talking about. You should learn about the difference between weather and climate; and climate and global climate.

Humans are dumping carbon into the atmosphere and the ocean at a faster speed than those pools are cycling it back out. To deny global warming is to deny that we are burning a forest the size of New York every year, to deny that we are burning fossil fuels that have been undisturbed for millions of years, and to deny that carbon + atmosphere = heat.

Where is the heat going? Heat, science declares, attempts to stay uniform... It is retreating to the poles, and the general public doesn't care or want to believe or have the self-discipline to act (myself included) on the fact that polar regions are warming and their species have nowhere colder to go. If global warming were to have as great an effect on California as it has on polar regions, you would be experiencing midsummer temperatures.

Yes, but you've got to realize as well that although there may be heat entering the atmosphere, there is as much (if not more) escaping through the ozone layer, hence why I have my rights to say that global warming is, rather, a misleading term in comparison to the whole situation.

As more carbon and other air pollutants contaminate the air, more and more of our precious ozone, the same ozone responsible for holding in Earth's warm temperatures, breaks apart, thus letting the heat disperse into the vacuum of space.

Global warming in California is rather "global cooling". Whereas you'd expect record-breaking heatspells for the 11th consecutive year in a row... it was the coldest summer in california to occur ever since the election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. Average temperatures all around the state were 10-20 degrees colder than average on a daily basis; 20-30 degrees colder in northern California. The only hot days we've recieved was when heatwaves passed through from the desert, and even then the temperature never broke 105 (which is normal in my region).

This crisis has reached the point that there is as much (if not more) heat leaving the Earth's atmosphere as there is entering it. I do not denounce global warming because of my religion or refusal to believe that it exists; I denounce it because, according to the information I've gathered, it does not portray an accurate representation of what is really happening in the Earth's atmosphere. If anything, I believe in "global dissipation".

And what does this have to do with the apocalyptic scenario of 2012? This should be in it's own thread to discuss.
2010-11-03 05:02:00

Posts: 5757

As more carbon and other air pollutants contaminate the air, more and more of our precious ozone, the same ozone responsible for holding in Earth's warm temperatures, breaks apart, thus letting the heat disperse into the vacuum of space.

You're saying the excess carbon and its heat is leaving the atmosphere - this is hotly debated. Another theory (that I'm more familiar with) is that most of carbon is entering the ocean. It's a big question, "Where is all the carbon going?"

The poles are getting slightly warmer however, and poles don't have significantly fluctuating weather like California does. Your cold temperatures are probably coincidental, and it's not really possible to assume it's a change in climate.

If the carbon is entering the oceans as some scientists believe, the oceans can't hold that carbon forever, and the carbon will only be able to escape into the atmosphere. That's when the carbon domino effect can begin and the changes would be dramatic.

And what does this have to do with the apocalyptic scenario of 2012? This should be in it's own thread to discuss.

Babydoll, can you change the thread title ?
2010-11-03 05:22:00

Posts: 3251

global warming is, rather, a misleading term in comparison to the whole situation.

Yes, and that's why pretty much everyone has gone to calling it climate change and some even call it climate chaos.
2010-11-03 08:58:00

Posts: 3193

I've been doing some research myself on this topic; I don't really think the world's going to end.
SO, according to the books I read, it's more of a "next age of the human race", because right now we've already ended the piscean age of humanity or something among those lines. Now, we're in exponential times and our "natural geometry" is advancing. To prove our species worthiness, our race will be put to the test in 2033 or 34 something when a meteor/comet/rock half the size of earth comes directly towards us. Have we not the technological capabilities to save us, we'll just end up like the dinosaurs. Poor lil boogers; despite the cool race they are, they didn't have much intelligence, hence why they are no more. You'll know humans succeeded when we leave this galaxy.

This is just something I faintly remember from something I think I read maybe a few years ago. You can ignore this post.
2010-11-03 12:05:00

Posts: 724

The mayan calendar was interpreted wrong, if you know anything about it youll know that it works on a system of cycles for example each day of the week is an animal (i think) each week is something like a "pot" or "house" and each month would be named after a king or famous historical figure, basically the day "dog/house/king-whatsisname" only came around every 150 years or so

basically their prediction for the end of the world has gone by thousands of times with nothing happening (if you dont count the spanish coming and "destryoying their world") 2012 just happens to be the year predicted so people thought theyd bring it up to scare us

basically unless youre scared of being invaded by the spanish (or the mexicans for our US friends) then there is nothing to fear from the coming of 2012
2010-11-03 12:36:00

Posts: 920

Me being a Christian, I know we can't know the day. It says so in the Bible. Not even Jesus, the Son of God knows. If we were meant to know when everything would end, wouldn't that just make us sad and prevent us from enjoying life? In my opinion, this whole 2012 thing might have been designed by God to simply test our faith.2010-11-03 12:47:00

Unknown User

Considering how old the world is, could it really logically just end in an instant, with no signs whatsoever?

It's like a person dying of old age after having perfect health the day before, without a single wrinkle or grey hair.
2010-11-03 14:48:00

Posts: 2278

Considering how old the world is, could it really logically just end in an instant, with no signs whatsoever?

It's like a person dying of old age after having perfect health the day before, without a single wrinkle or grey hair.

It could if there are creatures out there in space that have developed some weapon that can do that, but if we only consider realistic, and plausible but highly unlikely events, than no. There will in all cases be a sign.

Unless god exists and decides that it is time for a bit of spring clean.
2010-11-03 17:23:00

Posts: 3193

Wait,wait,wait,wait,wait,wait,WAIT.............if all this stuff is supposed to happen the same day, technically wouldnt they destroy each other?2010-11-04 00:04:00

Posts: 513

I am personally requesting that TS comes back and responds to our criticisms.2010-11-04 00:05:00

Unknown User


This is scientific evidence, right here.
2010-11-04 08:59:00

Posts: 1893

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