My art style is personal to me and your's should be to you
Archive: 38 posts
Feel free to use ideas from anything of my but art style its not the same it is more personal and Im really protective of it, I do not mind if they put his own take on it. I put alot into come up with my own personal art style's, maybe someone can be close to the same and i know that Iv seen alot of level, I can tell it they own art style and when its not. Best way to really show you is that if someone make a mario level bad or not they will be elelmets in that level that make you think "oh it like mario" Im not saying if you see somthing and think "oh that a good way of doing it" im not going to kill you, but if you use all the same elelmets in the same ways. | 2010-10-31 20:14:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
This is about that one level in the beta isn't it? Certainly, art style is important and individual. | 2010-10-31 20:18:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
I think I see what you're getting at. I've seen a lot of levels that revolve around a Sky Island and a Windmill since you started working on your series. Same with Black & White levels. Obviously, you didn't invent windmills and colors, but there are many more since you did your levels. Personally, I really love killing time on DeviantART, looking at amazing drawings and pictures. Those drawings from DeviantART inspire me a lot. Anyway, I think I'd be proud if I were you to have influenced so many people. They just mustn't steal each and every piece of work you make. | 2010-10-31 20:36:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
I think I see what you're getting at. I've seen a lot of levels that revolve around a Sky Island and a Windmill since you started working on your series. Same with Black & White levels. Obviously, you didn't invent windmills and colors, but there are many more since you did your levels. Personally, I really love killing time on DeviantART, looking at amazing drawings and pictures. Those drawings from DeviantART inspire me a lot. Anyway, I think I'd be proud if I were you to have influenced so many people. They just mustn't steal each and every piece of work you make. I dont mind that at all as long as it is someone own take on them and when you are influenced its never just one you get influenced by everyone and every thing you see around you that why no one could have the exact same influences | 2010-10-31 20:56:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
I see. Everyones art is special in there own way. I enjoy your art on DeviantART a lot, makes me get inspired a bunch. I would feel devastated if someone stole my art style and claimed it has there own and I get blamed that I copied it. Art styles is very unique in the personal way. You can get influenced by it, but that doesn't mean you can copy the style | 2010-10-31 21:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah, I've thought of this as a concern with you. I've seen a lot of people who do the Skytown thing and don't give credit or mention that you inspired it, and a lot of other things of yours too. I saw one person who's levels were all ideas you created - I'm fine with that, but...As soon as you come out with a level that has some cool mechanic in it, they'd come out with a level that uses that same mechanic or style shortly after. Your art/level style is one-of-a-kind and I really don't think so many people should be pretending it's theirs. If there's one thing that bothers me, it's art theft, and this is a form of it. | 2010-11-01 04:28:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
Personally I would would be fine with it, but that is only because I stole all of my art from someone else and claimed it as mine already. ![]() But people copy Mario levels and everyother level under the sun of games they really liked, so maybe they are just doing the same to you. I would be honored if someone copied a level of mine...but they would have to play it first to do that. I think the darker side is if they are copying your level and then using the same name to steal plays to get trophies...but those people are not playing a game for creativity, they are playing it for points and they are busy H4Hing everyone under the sun. Which still means your levels are good enough for a person to spend so much time on replicating because they know you have ceated something wonderful. I know that may not be the most comforting thing, but it still is a round about compliment. | 2010-11-01 15:47:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Jump, Not everyone is as creative as you or has developed their own style yet. If people are inspired by your levels and want to try their hand at creating something similar/identical, just be flattered...it isn't malicious, just people who really enjoy your stuff and are trying to have fun with the game. Your levels will still stand out because someone that merely copies can't innovate so their levels will always be derivative. I think you've gotten plenty of recognition for what you've done in LBP, don't take every little thing so seriously. | 2010-11-01 19:11:00 Author: fullofwin ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Jump_Button is Jump_Button and you can tell when it's not him. Besides, I will repeat what's in the thread already but yeah, we are NOT in a world with mostly creative people, it's the opposite: a handful of people actually are artists (like you). This will inevitably result in a handfull of people directing/evolving/revolutionning art and all the rest of people will only imitate. This happens in ALL art form and is completely normal. I hope you can somehow find a way to feel good about those copy cats out there. In overall,they cannot exactly copy you anyways. | 2010-11-01 20:43:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
So are talking about me? on beta (Chalkboy)? as i said before i was not thinking of your sign or your bw level its just something i thought of in school. if your not talking about me then i srry. | 2010-11-01 21:45:00 Author: The_Lil_JoKeR ![]() Posts: 745 |
sigh, this again? personally, i feel you borrow as much as you have borrowed. sorry if that isnt what you wanted to hear. | 2010-11-01 23:38:00 Author: Deftmute ![]() Posts: 730 |
He might be referring to my art thread, although I'm not sure. Perhaps he can clear this dilemma up. | 2010-11-01 23:50:00 Author: dragonember ![]() Posts: 607 |
It's Lil_Joker. Everything he does is a jump_button rip off. Nostalgia of Dreams, and he also has a level thats icon is the exact same as the picture in jump_button's signature and is a Black and White planet clone. | 2010-11-02 00:43:00 Author: Jaslow ![]() Posts: 775 |
It's Lil_Joker. Everything he does is a jump_button rip off. Nostalgia of Dreams, and he also has a level thats icon is the exact same as the picture in jump_button's signature and is a Black and White planet clone. I'm guessing he was inspired | 2010-11-02 01:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh, I thought he was talking about me because some of my drawings are somewhat similar to his levels. I assure you this is purely coincidental, since I was inspired by the movie Castle in the Sky. Cheers! | 2010-11-02 02:05:00 Author: dragonember ![]() Posts: 607 |
Let's not point fingers now... Anyways, I grab many of my ideas from things I have seen other people do. However, I try my best to put my own twist on them. As an example, the pic I have as my avatar right now. This was a pic I made after studying a lot of Zim's art. (Hers is much better than mine, check it out if you haven't.) Honestly, I tried not to copy her too much. I don't feel right when I copy people line for line... But, I did take some of her ideas and use them to create something on my own. Zim, if you feel like I copied you then I am sorry. So what I'm basically trying to say is this. "Be creative. You can look at other people's work for inspiration, but don't copy them. That's like tracing the Mona Lisa." | 2010-11-02 02:06:00 Author: ShamgarBlade ![]() Posts: 1010 |
It's Lil_Joker. Everything he does is a jump_button rip off. What a lovely thing to say. Lets see, he has one level that was inspired by up and away in sky town. Then, he has a beta level that has an art design that looks like chalk on a chalkboard. Unless I'm behind on things, I don't think jump_button has copyrighted that. How about we don't go and attack people if we really don't know how they got their ideas, ok? Ok. | 2010-11-02 02:40:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
jaslow No i dont copy jump_button you may see it but i dont, i respect jump_button and is work, know i admit chalkboy may look like jump_button bw and sign, but it was not intentional. But all my other levels are MY WORK!!!!!!!!! like my leaf level, (right when LBP was announce i was gathering level ideas, and i came up with a idea where you grab a leaf and it glides you from tree to tree, it did not make it to LBP1 because it was to hard and jump_button came up with the balloon idea. NOW the leaf level is ALL my work and imagination, it does not represent jump_buttons work in anyway Note i was originally going to make a leaf level in LBP1 but never got to it.) I respect jump_button and is work, it just ticks me off by ppl saying im a rip-off of him. | 2010-11-02 03:34:00 Author: The_Lil_JoKeR ![]() Posts: 745 |
After playing Chalkboy in the beta, I made the connection with the "Tower of Woop" stickers (chalk on blackboard, someone copyright that quick!) not JB's stuff. You can't say all silhouette style levels where stolen (off who ever created it first), it's just a slider on the global settings. Same with chalk. I could accuse you off ripping off MM's sticker designs, but I won't, it's just an example. I'm sure there are tons of similar artists you have been inspired by. (for example a few robots here (http://jump-button.deviantart.com/art/cute-robots-108295594?q=gallery%3Ajump-button%2F136580&qo=97)are similar to the TV costume in LBP with the TV head/cord) If it is happening, you should be proud that people want to imitate your style. The rest of us can tell if it's yours or not by simply looking at the level author. If you want to keep your ideas to yourself, don't publish. Play, Create, Share. EDIT: @ Zim: I agree, it all comes down to that invisible line in the sand. Some creator's lines are more lax or strict than others. | 2010-11-02 04:50:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
@Jaslow That was pretty rude and unexpected, we don't need to point fingers. And just to clear something up, I wasn't talking about anyone here. I also realize that midnight_heist made a very good point - If you don't want to share your ideas and be okay with it if someone is heavily inspired by them, then don't publish. I do agree with jump_button though, about how you shouldn't copy things word-for-word, line-for-line or even block-for-block - There's a fine line between copying someone, and being inspired by someone. | 2010-11-02 05:01:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
I also agree that if you publish something, you are intending on sharing all your thoughts and imagination. After all, that is what LBP was founded on and is its biggest strength. And not meaning to bash Media Molecule, but the story was pretty lame in comparison to what you can find on the community levels. I know at times things may appear that they are ripped off someone else but hey, who cares. I for one, hope to inspire others as others have inspired me. | 2010-11-02 05:53:00 Author: John82wa ![]() Posts: 221 |
Alot of you are missing the point to the post and im not pointing fingers at anyone, im just really protective over somthing i feel is personal to me and i want to see other develop they own mush more and make it they own. maybe this was a bit to too direct and some are takeing it was an attack. and as i told you i dont mind it it bit here and there but they is a line you dont cross | 2010-11-02 08:10:00 Author: jump_button ![]() Posts: 1014 |
When you put your work out there, you can't help it if people get inspiration from it or down right try to copy it. I see it happening a lot with some of my levels (you can definitely tell when they use your giveaway prizes hehe) but one thing I found out, they can't copy your own personal style exactly, they use might use the rules you set up, but it will never be exactly the same. Saying this is a small drop in the ocean, this won't reach most people, fewer will even consider what you said. | 2010-11-02 09:37:00 Author: PPp_Killer ![]() Posts: 449 |
Like you invented black and white or something? You cant copyright stuff, you just have to keep trailblazing to stay ahead of the pack. | 2010-11-02 15:02:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
@jump_button We weren't saying you were pointing fingers - Jaslow was. And I do understand your point...The thing is, what can you do about it? People will always be flat out copying you, just because your art style is superior to theirs, so they think they're going to get popular by using yours. But you can't stop that, because you'd have to tell each and every person individually, and that's virtually impossible, and yet even if you do, people may still continue to copy you. As long as you appreciate your own style and you're proud of your work, no worries. Everybody already knows that your style is yours. | 2010-11-02 19:39:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
... black and white levels are a over used theme...? i think i just gotten myself 3 useless levels on my moon that no one will respect anymore... :[ | 2010-11-02 19:54:00 Author: >er. ![]() Posts: 785 |
My space level copies the Scary Door episode with the T Rex vs Aliens, the OK Escape copies coal mine cars, the OK Space Accident copies the elevator lift thingy you see in every Ghost in the shell like movie, the OK Murder Mystery on the Mississippi Express copies Poirot in the Murder on the Orient, OK Picnic is a direct rip of the Teddy Bear's Picnic, OK Worlder is a rip of Little Prince and Melt with You, my OK Chicken race is a mix of Excite Bike and Frogger, OK Castle has a ship that is a rip of Herg?'s Tintin in Space, OK Ocean explorers is a rip of Jacques Cousteau, OK Space Mach 4 is a rip of Farscape, Red Dwarf, Hitchhiker's Guide, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, BSG, SGU, and 2001, OK Choice is not a rip of "The Time Machine" by H. G. Wells because while it was a good story timetravel always bugs me as did that story...sorry HG, but the cars and Enforcers where rips of certain germermans in the past (and germermans is a rip of "Dead Men Don't Wear Plad" which is a rip of every B&W movie in history). My point is why is no one copying me? Is it just because I lack the "skills" to be copied, because that seems kind of elitist! | 2010-11-03 01:25:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
If someone is so called 'copying' you, turn the other cheek. Be proud of what YOU have made and what YOU have accomplished. No matter who or what is being copied. If a person is commiting said act, they won't be anywhere near as satisfied with their work as you are with yours. Simply ignore them and move on. ![]() | 2010-11-03 02:01:00 Author: Frinklebumper ![]() Posts: 941 |
No offense, but your style isn't exactly the most unique when transferred into LBP. I mean, it's extremely derivative of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. Sure, I know when I'm playing a JumpButton level because it involves balloons, the sky, windmills, or whatever, but honestly you should just stop making a big deal about being different and unique because it really doesn't show. | 2010-11-03 02:12:00 Author: Sack-Jake ![]() Posts: 1153 |
It's Lil_Joker. Everything he does is a jump_button rip off. Nostalgia of Dreams, and he also has a level thats icon is the exact same as the picture in jump_button's signature and is a Black and White planet clone. WOW! Just... WOW!! ![]() DISCLAIMER!! If you don't like reading novels then just move past this response... I have a lot to say and a pretty strong opinion on this one. Also, no need to tell me my post is long. I know it is... I wrote it. ![]() Well, well, well... the age old canundrum of "Who Thought of it FIrst?" (because when you really look at it... we aren't even talking about artistic style here anyways folks). People need to get informed as to what "artistic style" is before making or responding to threads like this. I've seen several creators in LBP who's artistic style is eerily similar to my own. I however, don't go around complaining that I'm not unique or original. There's two reasons why I don't. Firstly, I'm aware that what we create is limited to the tools and materials we have access to in the game. Secondly, as an artist myself, I am fully aware that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the world who have similar (if not identical) ideas and artistic imagery floating around their heads on a minute to minute basis every hour of every day. Before responding to the topic, I thought I'd take some time and play through Jump Buttons levels, as well as the "wrongly accused" Lil_Joker's levels. To be honest, it CAN'T be Lil_Joker because he clearly has not ripped off any of JB's ideas or style. At least... none that appear on his moon in the beta (my copy of LBP is at a friends so I can't compare any levels in that game). The closest thing I can see to "style" being blatantly ripped off is in JB's sig. Let's be honest though... it's a B&W drawing of a sackboy, so it's not a far stretch to think that someone was bound to come up with this on their own at some point anyways. B&W levels and other colour contrast levels have been around since the games' release, and as far as I know JB was not the first to implement the idea in a level. I'd only been familiar with JB's "Sky" levels up until this point and am certainly a fan of them (great gameplay and nice visuals). Are they an original idea? Not really. The idea has been done before on paper, canvas, and in clay by many many artists (myself included, as a young teenager). Is it the first time it was done in LBP? Probably.... but that doesn't mean it's his original idea, and it certainly isn't his style to own.. It's not a new concept and I can guarantee that by accident or by design he was influenced by these same ideas that previous artists put forth long before him. It's a beautiful look... but to call it original is a slap in the face to the many other artists who've done it before him. As for Lil_Joker's leaf level... yes, it uses the exact same game mechanics as in the Skytown levels, but the similarities end right there. Notice how I called them "game mechanics" and not "style"? It's because there's a BIG difference. Are we going to start telling people to stop using other gadgets and means of getting from one part of a level to another based on whether we think it's "copied" as well? Because I can tell you right now that if that's the case, you're all going to get pretty sick and tired of bland levels with uninteresting game play real fast. Interestingly enough, I was playing through JB's levels and came across one that is pretty much identical to a level idea that I plan on making. I'm a big fan of MC Escher, and when I saw what could be done with the new camera's I realized it was possible to finally pay tribute to the man here in LBP. I had planned on making a level called "Escherized" (or something to that effect) and incorporate his Op Art styles into the level. Specifically, I wanted to use his idea as seen in his work "Relativity" as I thought it would make great game play (it's the one with all the funky staricases that lead to different plains). So now I see that JB has made a level called "Maze Steps" that is this exact same idea that I had come up with on my own several weeks ago (idea as in copying MC Escher's work). Coincidence? Of course it is! The main difference as I see it is that I was going to point out that my level is a tribute to another artist's "style" and body of work. To be honest... I don't recal JB giving any credit to Mr. Escher when he blatantly used his artistic style in his own level though? (tsk tsk) Any younger player in LBP might assume that JB had come up with a brilliant idea or artistic style of his own after playing Maze Steps... and they would be sooooooo wrong in doing so. JB has every right to use that idea and artistic style here in LBP because he's not making any money off of someone else's ideas and works. Had he been selling admission tickets to play his level... there might be a problem with copyright infringement... but this is LBP so I hardly think there's much risk. As for Jrange378's comment that "You can't copyright stuff..." that's actually incorrect. You can copyright specific works of art, and that is something I'm looking into at the moment and how it applies to LBP and Sony, as I'm considering bringing copyrighted material and idea's of mine that I've been working on for several years into LBP. The fact is... if you don't want anyone to "steal" your ideas or style... don't introduce it to the Play, Create, Share concept without taking the proper measures to protect you and your artistic property. To wrap up, I'd like to give you a few good examples of just how vague the notion of "ownership of artistic ideas and style" really is. I've personally seen things that I've created done many times by other artists.. sometimes better, sometimes worse - both in real life as well as in LBP. Ideas, concepts, and images that are so strikingly similar that you'd have a tough time believing one of us hadn't ripped the other's idea or "style" off. Know why this happens? Because we are influenced by the world around us and what we have been exposed to. Like the story I just told of seeing JB's Maze Steps level above, here's some more personal examples of where someone has had almost the identical idea's as me (or should I say, "I've had the same idea as someone else(?)... I don't really know). 1. When I saw Star Wars back in 1977, I went home and started drawing all sorts of spaceships right away and continued to do so up until two days ago (and I don't plan on stopping any time soon). I remember being a big fan of motorcycles at the time and thinking that Lucas should have done hover-bikes as well as Land Speeders... so I started drawing my own designs. Then wouldn't you know it, ROTJ comes out years later and there's "my" idea on screen... flying motorcycles. Meh... it was bound to happen right? 2. As a costume freak, I've been trying to find ways of making my sackboys look uniquely different and sometimes to look as different from an actual sackboy as I possibly can. The day they released the Monster Pack, I immediately purchased it and began playing with the costumes and decorations. Within a half an hour of the content being released, I had finally come up with a costume that truly looked nothing like a sackboy and was completely original. Big lime green Patapon head with a giant eye, Seaweed on the head, and a bunch of tentacled arms all over him. I've had that character ever since and it's been posted in the "Show Us Your Sackboy" thread as well. Shortly after, I stopped coming to the forum. Then many months later, I get back on to the forum and see that I've missed the LBPC Costume Poster thing (insert sad face here) and start looking at the costumes in there. Wouldn't you know it... someone here has made an almost identical costume to mine? The only difference is that they used the Plant costume for the head really. Did they copy me? Maybe.... maybe not. Did they do it on purpose? Maybe, but they also might have had the same desires and ideas as me and finally found a way to implement them with the new DLC. Does it matter? Not to me... and I doubt they are even aware of it or give it much thought if they are. Meh... who really cares. See my point? 3. This 3rd example is a bit different.. but still applies IMHO. I've recently re-created a spaceship in LBP from a sketch I did about ten years ago for my upcoming series, and was showing my roommate the ship. He commented on it and said, "Oh... so it's basically the Millenium Falcon!" My initial reaction in my head was "You are an idiot! Where do you get the MIllenium Falcon from this large, boxy, military looking fighter ship? This looks NOTHING like the Falcon" (which it doesn't). So I asked him what made him make that comparison. He said, "The cockpit" (which is a side-mounted cockpit that extends past the front of the ship). I had to try and make some kind of sense of his thinking in order not to school him on the intricacies of artistic design and talk down to him on account of the fact that I was extremely offended by his conclusion. He is someone who is not artistic like me, and his initial thought process was to find something he was familiar with to compare and connect it to... a natural reaction. Was he right? Absolutely not... it looks nothing like the Falcon and is probably more similar to the drop ship in Aliens now that I think of it ( and that is completely unintentional I can assure you) Was he wrong for trying to make comparisons? No... that is human... we all do it (though I still think his conclusion was idiotic). I'm not too worried about Ralph McQuarry or Lucas coming after me for designing a vehicle with a side mounted cockpit, any more than I am about the designer of the Drop Ship in Aliens coming after me for having a ship that is slightly reminiscent of it's design. Why? Because artistic "style" is influenced by our environment and what we've been exposed to in our cultures. Every single artist out there is inspired by what other artists and designers have created before them. Our ideas are a mixture of other peoples' ideas, culminating into a vision that suits our own ideas that we put to paper. If you're worried about people using your ideas... then don't show anyone your creations unless you can copyright them. I'm taking the proper measures to do so with my concept that I'd like to bring to LBP and you should do the same. This entire thread is really more about game mechanics and what we can do within the limitations of the tools available to us than it is about "artistic style". | 2010-11-03 20:05:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
I don't think you should be taking in the way you are. First of all, it's a video game. Nothing is copyrighted, nothing is actually anyone's property, and nothing in the game really matters in real life. It's like saying you were the first person to cut down a tree. You may have been the first, but someone else would've done it eventually. You can't say you are the owner of cutting down trees. You won't catch me stealing anyone's stuff, but this is just over exaggerating and, in my opinion, immature. I think you should take it as a compliment that someone did it like you. They won't be able to make it just the same, and just about everyone here knows you were the one who started it. There's always going to be people who copy other's work, but you don't know their situation, their lives. Put yourself in their shoes. Think how a person feels when they're accused of copying, even if they didn't. That makes me sick when I see it happening in real life. It bugged me right away seeing you hint at accusing The_Lil_JokeR of copying in the Beta thread. I was amazed how you hinted at him copying you right then and there. Is it possible to believe the guy for crying out loud? He's a member here, he should be respected, he can make a dang level if he wants, and it can be his idea even if it looks a bit like yours! Then, he says that he did think of it as his own idea and this thread comes up, obviously fueled by that level. I've always respected you, but I found it extremely unfair to The_Lil_JoKeR. I may sound like I'm ranting and that's okay, because I really am a little angry. A little note though: I see that you get angry when people take your ideas, but I don't really think its that big of a deal. I mean, put it in perspective. Why get mad at someone copying you in a video game, when you could've just got put in jail because a person accused you of something you didn't do? That's something to get mad about, not a level copier. Take it as a compliment to your skill. No hard feelings. Just my opinion, okay. Sorry I had to put it out there. | 2010-11-03 20:41:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
I didn't read all posts here, since some of them were really long, but I say that it is awesome that so many people are trying to do what you do. It means that they love your work. Heck, if I had the skill to copy your type of game play or (not and) your graphical style, I would probably do it too. I LOVE your levels. Accept if you had it copyable and somebody straight up stole it, without giving you credit. Then It is just wrong and they should be punished. | 2010-11-03 21:44:00 Author: Super_Dork_42 ![]() Posts: 1874 |
Yyyyeah I think Rustbukkit pretty much summed everything up. Y'know, I think we should just drop it right here... | 2010-11-03 21:51:00 Author: TheZimInvader ![]() Posts: 3149 |
And that's the risk of being famous, people will try to emulate your skills and follow your example/design, and in most of cases improving it (which has happened all along history), want to prevent it then keep it to yourself and don't share it, but wheres the point in doing that? As if it hasn't happened before that people copies others art and publish it as its own, it will become a matter of public opinion if it was a copy or original creation, so don't worry, most people (or at least those with a sense of recognition) will know that those that emulate you got the ideas from you. | 2010-11-03 21:53:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
I see what you mean jump_button, I'd say the same if someone just uses an idea that they got from my level but yet was too lazy to add any significant changes to make it look even a little bit like their own thing. | 2010-11-04 00:09:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
My Digital reality level was partially inspired by you ^^ | 2010-11-08 00:20:00 Author: Voodeedoo ![]() Posts: 724 |
Wait, too many people referring to too many other people. I'm confuzzled. My opinion: I don't think anyone copies your style, jump, I think they just try to copy game mechanics (such as the balloon, black and white background, ect.). Like poms made "The Miracle of Life" with the balloon mechanic, definately different style. Well, actually.....what does define your style in LBP jump? Your levels are great, but I don't see any specific style in your work...just a bunch of fun levels. (in your drawings I can see consistency, though.) | 2010-11-08 04:40:00 Author: Prince Pixelton ![]() Posts: 286 |
So creative, I love your unique ideas | 2010-11-13 03:04:00 Author: BillyMays ![]() Posts: 67 |
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