The Evil Dr Kaboozer
Archive: 6 posts
The Evil Dr KaboozerMikeLFC9 Hi all! I've decided to introduce myself by posting my latest levels here on LBPCentral! The basic plot of this series is that there's an evil Dr named Dr Kaboozer who is after the five Statues of Pazower, mystical artifacts with great power. The levels are of fair length, include various secret areas, including easter eggs and bonus minigames, vehicles, characters and more. My goal was to create a fun, somewhat humourous level series that takes the player to many varied locations. Here are some pics: http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/APhoto.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/APhoto_2.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/APhoto_3.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/APhoto_4.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/SnowCavesIcon.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/APhoto_30.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/APhoto_25.jpg http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee485/mikeness2/APhoto_23.jpg These pics are from the two currently existing levels in the series, The Evil Dr Kaboozer 1: Forest Tribe, and The Evil Dr Kaboozer 2: Snow Caves. More levels are to come, but may still be a while away. Also, here is the trailer for the first in the series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbnEZKBbd-E I would like to thank Spendew for creating this trailer for my level! ![]() Next are these reviews: The Evil Dr Kaboozer 1: Forest Tribe Review By: MikeLFC9 Level type: Platformer/Story Difficulty: Medium Yo Ho! This level was actually pretty fun, and funny at times too. I haven?t actually played many LBP levels that made me laugh before actually. When I first started the level, I was influenced by many other levels that I played before, and started freaking out and trying to kill everything then moved by jumping on them, but these were only the story characters doing there thing, and soon realized this isn?t a level like many other LBP levels. Yo Ho! The story is pretty loose and comedic, while the platforming is fun, with a few highlights. Yo Ho! Pros: - Good handcrafted characters and creatures - Good humor - Lengthy, but not too lengthy - Well decorated Cons: - Some ideas from story (just like 2) Graphics: Very nice, the background layer is filled with lots of stickers, some are random and completely unrelated, but still welcome. The world is roamed by custom made creatures, of different variety. The story characters are also hand made, they could use more corners and style, but still look pretty good. The level mainly uses wood materials and some grass, which fits its theme and style very well. 7/10 Gameplay: A fun and crazy level. There?s mostly basic platforming at first, with a pretty sweet elevator ride. Then it soon changes to crazy hamster wheel fun and a pretty nifty balloon that takes you up, down, left, right, with only one grab switch . There?s also the occasional ?jump on enemy? type enemies. They are pretty well made, but kind of simple and could be improved. 7/10 Sound: The music was a good choice fit the theme of the level through out ( it changes in several places according to the action ), which actually kind of surprised me XD. Though non of the sound effects really stood out, most likely because they are blended into the environment and action pretty well. 8/10 Lasting appeal: A fun, humorous, and creative level filled with some really weird things, with a soon coming sequel? 8/10 Overall: 8/10?? good level Stars 4/5 Level hearted/ Author not hearted Thanks to RiceMonkey from A_Mailbox of reviews for that review! The Dr. Evil Kaboozer 1 Author: MikeLFC9 Difficulty: [Medium] Category: Story/Platformer Pros: ?Clean writing and spelling in every speechbubble ?Lots of well placed (non-custom) stickers ?Straight up fun platforming Cons: ?Slightly repetitive Nitpicks: ?The story felt quickly introduced. ?The "wooden cave" theme seems to be quite popular for platform story adventures. Suggestions: ?Nothing at the moment. Notes: I'll play this again and add to this same review with pictures and more pros/cons. Rating: 4 out of 5 stars! [Hearted] And thanks to Lucidess of the LittleBIGReviewers for that review. Both these reviews and the trailer are thanks to the friendly folk at the LittleBigWorkshop forums! If you want to see more you may check out http://forums.littlebigplanet.com/t5/PS3-Promotion-Zone/The-Evil-Dr-Kaboozer-Series/m-p/227125#U227125, though it mostly just restates what has been said here. Edit: I am now willing to do F4F. For the moment I don't have a limit on how many I'm willing to do, but this could change if I find myself too busy. This is my first time doing F4F, so I'm looking forward to trying it out, possibly helping out my fellow creator, being helped by my fellow creator, or just having fun. | 2010-10-31 15:51:00 Author: MikeLFC9 ![]() Posts: 3 |
Hi, this looks like fun, I will try to play it soon! I have a list of levels I want to play, and it takes some time to get through them, and make comments, etc, but I have added yours to my list to play! Quazau | 2010-11-02 16:33:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
You accomplished your goal. "Cutesy" level with beginner-to-moderate type gameplay (for me). I can see how this would appeal to a larger audience than a more specialized highly technical or difficult level. I liked the length of the level, not too short, not too long. There was an area in the game where you are inside a wheel that turns, making it appear like you are "log rolling," and beneath you was a widespread area of flames. There was a block of wood that the wheel connected to (to hold it up?), which floated over the flames, causing it to appear like you were rolling the wheel through the flames. It would look even better if that block of wood was itself flame material to blend in with the fire below, then maybe emit a plain block at the end of that area when you step out of the wheel (so as not to step on the flaming block). All in all though, quite a nice little "standard" lbp level. Thanks for inviting us to play! Can't wait to play your next levels! | 2010-11-03 17:13:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
Thanks for the feedback! As for the wheel that turns, it was never intended to be an effect to make it look like you were rolling the wheel through the flames, it was a vehicle. A lot of vehicles use a grabbable sponge to accelerate, I thought I'd try something different using a spinning wheel, and turning the idea into a motif for the race section. Every part of the vehicle was intended to be seen. Thanks again for the feedback! | 2010-11-04 05:41:00 Author: MikeLFC9 ![]() Posts: 3 |
Ahh, gotcha! In that case, well done. It certainly didn't detract either way. You workin' on another one? | 2010-11-04 15:43:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
You workin' on another one? At the moment, no. I'm thinking that I'll wait for LBP2, update the existing two and then start the third. I figure why use the existing tools when the new game will offer way more possibilities? Rest assured that more will be made (probably 5 or 6, depending on what I decide to do), just in the future. | 2010-11-05 06:09:00 Author: MikeLFC9 ![]() Posts: 3 |
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