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Who is Your Best Friend?

Archive: 101 posts

Who is your best friend? in real life? on lbp? on beta? on lbpc? wherever, and How did you meet them?

Me, right now, my best friend EVAR would have to be my friend Josh(ua) Henry. I met him in kindergarten, on my bus, where we ended up sitting next to each other all year, we became best friends, and we have been since. since that i have ended up moving, ( when i was between 7th ( i was done with this grade ) and 8th grades. ) to another county in kentucky, on the opposite side of a larger county ( daviess, which is where owensboro is, for those who know ) he lives in Ohio county, i live in Henderson. we are still best friends. one sad thing though... HE DOESN"T HAVE LBP! oh crap! but, he is the one who got me interested in the halo series, the ONLY first person shooting game i like. My best friend here, at lbpc, thus far would be SACKGIRLSRULE, because of how friendly she has been, and because she appreciates my artwork, and has requested me to do several pieces since i got here. thank you. ( and, i don't ever plan on losing touch with my best friend. we still talk every once in awhile, and i visit sometimes, i am in the 10th grade, which means we have been friends for ten years. pretty awesome. )
2010-10-30 14:16:00

Posts: 585

my best friend would be Max Viklund.

awesome fella, we got many crazy ideas and projects, we never finnish them though x3 he does not have a ps3 but he still like lbp alot. instead he got a wii with many great zelda games, (and gamecube, and gameboy advance, and DS, and nintendo entertainment system, and gameboy colour, and sega saturn, and LOADS of games to them. )

EDIT: oh, and best LBPC friend must be mnniska i guess, since he's the one (and almost only) i know best.
2010-10-30 14:30:00

Posts: 785

My best friend in real life is a guy called "Elias".
We like the same stuff: RPG, Big Bang Theory, games, etc. His only gaming console is a Super-Nintendo (lol), but he wants to buy a PS3 and I suggested LBP for him if he can connect it online.

My best friend on LBPC... I would guess either ExplosiveCheddar or Hybrid.
2010-10-30 16:01:00

Posts: 5891

one of my best mate is Craig , he is a awesome guy , he is a year older than me and has is own 5 BEDROOM HOUSE (lucky or what) he moved up Norfork a while ago for a few mouths i went up there a few times but 5 weeks ago he moved back into the house , and we have party's all the time (having one today aswell) he is a top G2010-10-30 16:13:00

Posts: 623

I don't really have a best friend, but I have lots of close friends. My closest, well, the one I've known the longest, is a girl called Eleanor. We met in Year 1 of Primary School and we would play together every day. We'd make up random little stories and then play them. So being friends with her really helped with my creativity.

I have loads of LBP(C) Friends! But some of the best would be: xkappax, Morgana25, Alec, Doopz, ARD, OneEyedBanshee, Keanster96 and lots of other people! (That I forgot, Sorry! Feel free to slap me! D: My memory is just blah.)
2010-10-30 16:16:00

Posts: 1913


Awww <3
You're all my best friends!
2010-10-30 16:18:00

Posts: 4291

My ps3 is my best friend 2010-10-30 16:19:00

Posts: 3871

Real life? That would be irrelevant! LBP? Probably Jedi_1993 2010-10-30 16:41:00

Posts: 2105

Glad to see so many people have such good friends... and
My ps3 is my best friend ... are you a robot ( jk... but seriously, that is funny. QUOTE FOR THE QUOTE BOOK )
EDIT* if you saw this post before i fixed my quote, i am sorry, i quoted the wrong person T.T i feel like a dummy.
2010-10-30 16:51:00

Posts: 585

Real life? Derrick, we both go to the same school, same grade, same liking for LBP, same liking for Black Ops...

LBP? RJA00000
2010-10-30 16:51:00

Posts: 3607

My best LBP/LBPC friend would have to be.... Alec.

My real-life best friend is a secret though.
2010-10-30 16:57:00

Posts: 1800

Either Martut, Incinerator22, or AgentBanana...hmm...2010-10-30 16:59:00

Posts: 4193

It would have to be Antoine in real life aka TakeoYamada on PSN. We've been bros since middle school and since then have done everything together even when I eneded up moving we were still inseperable almost everynight we're on PSN doing some sort of nonsense.2010-10-30 17:55:00

Posts: 96

Bremnen <32010-10-30 17:59:00

Unknown User

Bremnen <3

I thought you were more than just friends
2010-10-30 18:01:00

Posts: 3871

I thought you were more than just friends

You know it <3
2010-10-30 18:01:00

Unknown User

Bremnen <3

Uhm, is Bremnen aware of this??

For me in real life...jww and my twin sister Andrea.

PSN...These are all tied for me: Ungreth, Bremnen, Pounded_by-Slave, and AccumulationNone. I can't pick a favorite because they're all so unique.
2010-10-30 18:12:00

Posts: 537

Uhm, is Bremnen aware of this??

For me in real life...jww and my twin sister Andrea.

PSN...These are all tied for me: Ungreth, Bremnen, Pounded_by-Slave, and AccumulationNone. I can't pick a favorite because they're all so unique.

He's the one that gave me the Ring Pop (http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Ring-Pop-candy-75300_160_160.jpg) Ring to prove it <3
2010-10-30 18:17:00

Unknown User

Bremnen <3

Inanimacy <3

I thought you were more than just friends

You know it <3

We are <3

Uhm, is Bremnen aware of this??

For me in real life...jww and my twin sister Andrea.

PSN...These are all tied for me: Ungreth, Bremnen, Pounded_by-Slave, and AccumulationNone. I can't pick a favorite because they're all so unique.
Oh snap, can't forget about you all!
C,Ung, PBS and Accu are amazing <3

He's the one that gave me the Ring Pop (http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Ring-Pop-candy-75300_160_160.jpg) Ring to prove it <3
You better believe it! <3
2010-10-30 18:35:00

Posts: 1800

Inanimacy <3

We are <3

Oh snap, can't forget about you all!
C,Ung, PBS and Accu are amazing <3

You better believe it! <3

I love you Bremny <3
2010-10-30 18:42:00

Unknown User

I love you Bremny <3

I love you more Inan <3
2010-10-30 18:54:00

Posts: 1800

My best friend is... hmm... wow, I really don't know.

In real life, I have a few friends, but naming my best friend is hard. I use to be best friends with a long-time friend named Martin, ever since the 2nd Grade. He moved out in 7th, and I haven't talked much to him ever since (but I bet it'd be one very touching reunion if we were to ever meet again). Many of my friends come and go, since they're either older than me or drift off to another group.

As for LBP/LBPC... not entirely sure, either. I used to hang out with Incinerator, Littlebigdude, Joey and KernelM a whole lot, but it seems we've gone our separate ways. I usually don't invite (or join) others that much, so I really have no idea who I'm good friends with.

But I guess I can say that the people in the comic group are some really great friends.
2010-10-30 19:47:00

Posts: 5757

Awesome! I don't talk to my friend Josh muh either, but we keep in touch. i have his cellphone number, and every so random of a morning he'll text me,
Good morning and, well, i almost always say something back. ( though sometimes, i just wake up, fall back asleep and say.... oh crap, i missed the text... oh well.... i catch him next time.
2010-10-30 19:54:00

Posts: 585

Well, Sackboy and me have this thing...2010-10-30 21:27:00

Posts: 1113

Well, Sackboy and me have this thing...

Is it like a domination type thing? because you control him and....i'm gonna stop right there.....
2010-10-30 21:29:00

Unknown User

i'm gonna stop right there.....

Lol, yeah you probably should...
And yes, yes it is...
2010-10-30 21:32:00

Posts: 1113

haha funny, funny, but umm... sackboy doesnt really count.2010-10-30 21:51:00

Posts: 585

*Sigh* Okay. Just got off the phone with Sackboy, and I told him what you told me. He's not too happy - he insists he DOES count.
Anyway, the weddings off. You may as well bin those invitations...
2010-10-30 22:21:00

Posts: 1113

uh..... ok.... umm... isn't your sackboy... well... you know... you? ( you want to get married to yourself.....) whoa. unless that is a human name...2010-10-30 22:23:00

Posts: 585

Warlord_Evil and creator430 2010-10-30 22:30:00

Posts: 3251

Well my best friend in real life is Kentteh, its werid how we both have the same last name. He still thinks l'm his cousin.2010-10-31 05:46:00

Posts: 217

your best friend think's you're his cousin!?! wow.... thats... well....... i don't know what to call that. 2010-10-31 06:02:00

Posts: 585

I love you Bremny <3

I love you more Inan <3

AAAAWWWWww Come on guys! I'm gonna cry.I've never seen such passion since I first saw Titanic.
2010-10-31 06:02:00

Posts: 377

AAAAWWWWww Come on guys! I'm gonna cry.I've never seen such passion since I first saw Titanic.

Yeah... but Inanimacy dies in the end.

(We all know Bremnen's the girl in this situation.)
2010-10-31 07:09:00

Posts: 5757

Yeah... but Inanimacy dies in the end.

(We all know Bremnen's the girl in this situation.)

Why isn't there a 'Thank this person for making you laugh like you've never laughed before' button?
2010-10-31 07:15:00

Unknown User

Well, due to our constant moving from country to country/ state to state/ city to city, I don't really have a "Best frined" I "grew up with."

I used to, I knew some good frineds since Kindergarden I believe, but I started loosing contact with them a few years back, sad since we used good friends.
My friends where I currently live, we're good and all, but I wouldn't calll them "best friends," we see each other often and get along well and all, but I doubt I could count on them on something really important/ big, and vice-versa.

Funny tought, I think I got a better opinion of some online friends than a couple of the real ones. XD

As for online friends, lets see now.
I think Morgana would be at the top, considering I've known her for well over a year (continiously) so she's pretty much the one on my list I've known the longest, and she's a really good person overall, can really count on her.
Other really good online friends would include:
- Chump (Chuck_18MP)
- Joey (XTrophx)
- damaz10
- Foofles
- NinjaMicWZ
- Jufo (jwwphotos)
- Defmunky666/ RoseScythe
- Fume (Fumetsusozo)
- Inan (Inanimacy.)
(Oh wow, the list is larger than I remember. XD)
Srry if I left anyone out, got too many people on my list, some kinda slip my mind sometimed.
(Feel free to violently remind me until the name gets stuck on my mind tho. )

There are some others from outside LBPC, but I doubt it'd do any good telling the names here considering there's a 95% chance you won't know them.
2010-10-31 07:17:00

Posts: 6707

Yeah... but Inanimacy dies in the end.

(We all know Bremnen's the girl in this situation.)

Well played Sir.

I leave you with this:
2010-10-31 07:28:00

Posts: 1800

Well played Sir.

I leave you with this:

I can't stop laughing XD oh man, I don't even know if I should put this in the Quote archive XD

lmfao omg xD

oh man, lol, I went ahead and did it xD

Long quote though :S
2010-10-31 07:31:00

Unknown User

Huh my best friends Err?
Well I never had one in real life besides my mom
(we watch Anime and read Manga together a lot, so its not hard) xD
i live in a forest my whole life and don't like going places so duh,
But noo one else besides that I know from real face to face life,
(im super antisocial in real life, Not online, so its not odd this is how it is =P)
i used to know some people from playing yugioh in real life but i would not call them friends (>.>)
But online friends… I gots lots… if I put together all my friends from everywhere online,
LBP/LBPC/Other Random forums/Furry Art site, I Got about 100,

As for my most close friends I guess I got about 15?
My LBP related best friends:
And some others I’m forgetting at the min,
And yes, I have over 70 LBP friends on my psn list =P

Furry Art friends:
Hmm that’s about it for my close ones from there,

Yeah I've all together got close to 15 close good Buddies. =3 *mew
2010-10-31 07:47:00

Posts: 4261

IRL, this guy I met when I was 6. I'd just moved to the states, and we moved into the house next to his; he didn't speak a word of Spanish, and I didn't speak an ounce of English. Not sure how, but we began to get along magnificently the very second we met. I still consider him the brother I never had.

On LBPC? It would probably have to be Rawk. We squabble often, but that's part of the whole thing. We play of each other. And when either one of us goes crazy, the other makes sure to try and get the other one down to earth again.
2010-10-31 08:37:00

Posts: 2046

I don't have any friends...

*slowly walks over to corner to sulk alone*
2010-10-31 09:00:00

Posts: 654

No one has put me on their friends list... ;_;2010-10-31 10:06:00

Posts: 1913

You guys can both go ahead and add me on PSN, if you'd like. NO harm in making new friends 2010-10-31 19:00:00

Posts: 2046

Anyone can be my best friend when i drink enough.2010-10-31 19:37:00

Unknown User

Anyone can be my best friend when i drink enough.

Yeah, apple juice is pretty strong stuff
2010-10-31 19:39:00

Unknown User

Yeah, apple juice is pretty strong stuff

Oh it is, especially if you know who to ask...

2010-10-31 19:45:00

Unknown User

This dog


Now you might be wondering why that dog is my best friend... it is just an orange stuffed toy dog and doesn't even have a name.
I might aswell tell the whole story here. It was a sunny summer day with me and some of my friends in Helsinki having fun at the local amusement park. There was me, and two of my friends and one of them had her boyfriend with her so we were 4. The girl with her boyfriend didn't really want to get on all the rides and didn't buy the wristband thingy you need to enter the rides (hanging around in the park is still free so it was ok) but then we ended up more or less splitting apart since I was always in the rides with my other friend and the other two waited for us outside... It started to get boring really fast and somehow everyone had to leave... just suddenly everyone had an excuse to leave and I was there, alone... with this dog that I had won from one of the booths at the park. That's when I decided that this dog is my best friend since it didn't leave me. Although, being alone at an amusement park is very boring, even you if you are with a stuffed dog toy so I ended up leaving in half an hour... but still the dog is my best friend. Yay.

Please don't take the text above too seriously, I DO have friends and I have most certainly not forgot anyone from LBPC. I just felt like sharing that story. This does not mean that the dog wouldn't be my friend, at least it is a much better friend than those that ended up leaving me alone at the amusement park. Thank you for reading this little text down here, you just lost the game
2010-10-31 22:38:00

Posts: 1653

@Napero; http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii282/iceysphinx/sad-cat.jpg

That story made me sad

but it really does suck when you have 'friends' like that :/
2010-10-31 22:44:00

Unknown User

I suppose I have several close friends. Andrew Spencer, DavidMichael Bernal, and Melissa Hepler. For me I'd say the closest is Melissa. We talk about everything together, although we don't get to see each other much since we live many miles apart. Hehe, but on LBP...uh...I guess illuminationx? We screw around in create mode alot.2010-10-31 22:56:00

Posts: 1536

All the friends I have ever had have ended up beneath the flowers at the bottom of my garden. The only flowers that only ever grow there now are daffodills....

I like daffodills.
2010-10-31 23:00:00

Posts: 338

Does that mean you killed them?2010-10-31 23:20:00

Posts: 1536

In the words of 50cent

If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)
Can I be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)
Please say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)
Either he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) please say he's just a friend
If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time)
Can I be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine (Girl promise you'll be mine)
Please say he's just a friend (Uh huh) now girl let's not pretend (Come on)
Either he is or he ain't your man (Ha Ha!) please say he's just a friend
If I was your best friend
2010-11-01 00:11:00

Posts: 623

ummmm.. my best friend is my brother, he's cool2010-11-01 00:25:00

Posts: 277

My girlfriend. She is wonderful.2010-11-01 22:47:00

Unknown User

small school it was Jeffry 4 years
then it was hielke for 4 years
Highschool it was Rene for 2 years
Then it was Johan for 1 year
now its Redmer a bit
2010-11-02 07:14:00

Unknown User

in LBP.........that would be LyrradXOX, TheManOfSteel3k0, huntedstorm, ApeCheese, vezonfan01, xmanytimesx, Darkcloudrepeat, Ninjaferret22 and royal_pirate. Most aren't that famous on LBPC but they're sitll great friends.

In real life....................


that's an erm........secret.


Just kidding I have great friends outside of LBP
2010-11-02 17:20:00

Posts: 5208

My real life best friend is my partner. My ps3 best friend is TonyTwoGunz 2010-11-02 17:31:00

Posts: 1969

Satan is my best friend, everyone else is just some degree of adversary.2010-11-02 17:37:00

Posts: 369

Dont have one best friend in real life just alot of very good friends
On PS3 its Fenderjt and tom230889s a very close second (sorry dude lol )
2010-11-02 17:46:00

Posts: 139

I met my best friend in real life about two years ago...she used to hate me and I used to hate her, somehow we got along extremely well last year and now we're, liek, best friends
Anywho, my LBPC best friend would have to be SR20DETDOG
2010-11-02 23:18:00

Posts: 978

Satan is my best friend, everyone else is just some degree of adversary.

Satan loves you too

2010-11-02 23:24:00

Unknown User

On LBPC? It would probably have to be Rawk. We squabble often, but that's part of the whole thing. We play of each other. And when either one of us goes crazy, the other makes sure to try and get the other one down to earth again.

Frakking hippie. >_<

... I HAVE NO FRIENDS! /runs away crying
2010-11-03 01:06:00

Posts: 10882

What are 'friends'?2010-11-03 01:53:00

Posts: 1432

My best friend is Brixx101, he invented "cool" http://www.funnycatpix.com/_pics/Looks_Yummy.jpg we could go at each other all day... We're Cat and Mouse, lol.2011-03-07 16:26:00

Unknown User

My Best friend is 'camerongangsta', he copied me and says I play LittleSh**Planet, but he had it before and sold it because he was too crap at it...2011-03-07 16:56:00

Unknown User

My left hand.

2011-03-07 17:30:00

Unknown User

my left hand.


FAMILY FORUM BRO secret text :o
2011-03-07 18:31:00

Posts: 3262

FAMILY FORUM BRO secret text :o

WTF is wrong with talking to your left hand?


Oh you were thinking about... Oh god.
2011-03-07 18:42:00

Posts: 3871

Alec. But he hadn't been on PSN much recently, so the title goes to UltimateClay. (hear that Alec? :kz: But I still love you <3 )
ViniBR11 for Black Ops and LBP2 (when he gets it)
And Zim for when I just want to talk or watch someone build something.
2011-03-07 18:47:00

Posts: 5891

My Best friend is 'camerongangsta', he copied me and says I play LittleSh**Planet, but he had it before and sold it because he was too crap at it...

Is 'camerongangsta' you?
Your PSN is alexgangsta4, so they are alike......

My BFF is Rockadude999 We are like bros!
2011-03-07 18:50:00

Unknown User

My left hand.


Are you left handed?

Just curious.
2011-03-07 18:52:00

Posts: 5592

FAMILY FORUM BRO secret text :o

what? he listens to everything I say and I feel good when I can tell him about my feelings.

Are you left handed?

Just curious.

yes, both really but left because I need my right hand to browse the web when talking to him.
2011-03-07 19:58:00

Unknown User

Hmm well Obama is very freindly but, the british royal family go to good parties...
On the other hand Stella McCartney is lovely and those mafia bosses are alright...
Although, that 10th dan samurai warrior was a funny chap and...
*Looks at list*
Perhaps I shouldn't pick favourites
2011-03-07 22:01:00

Posts: 1132

My inner child......DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!!!2011-03-07 22:29:00

Posts: 653

Alec. But he hadn't been on PSN much recently, so the title goes to UltimateClay. (hear that Alec? :kz: But I still love you <3 )
ViniBR11 for Black Ops and LBP2 (when he gets it)
And Zim for when I just want to talk or watch someone build something.

I'm sorry, but what the hell happened to your first post in this thread D:

My best friend on LBPC... I would guess either ExplosiveCheddar or Hybrid.
2011-03-07 22:48:00

Posts: 978

I'm sorry, but what the hell happened to your first post in this thread D:
My new post is backwards compatible. :kz:
Plus, you are rarely on PSN. :kz:
2011-03-07 22:52:00

Posts: 5891

My new post is backwards compatible. :kz:
Plus, you are rarely on PSN. :kz:

It's not my fault I can't use PS3 on weekdays
and what does me being on PSN have to do with anything, we still stalk each other ;___;
2011-03-07 22:55:00

Posts: 978

It's not my fault I can't use PS3 on weekdays
and what does me being on PSN have to do with anything, we still stalk each other ;___;
Don't worry, we are still friends. Cooperative stalking, remember? :3
2011-03-07 22:56:00

Posts: 5891

Don't worry, we are still friends. Cooperative stalking, remember? :3

...yes but not best friends, according to your recent update in this thread ;-;

I would also like to add this for the people who are still best friends

2011-03-07 22:58:00

Posts: 978

...yes but not best friends, according to your recent update in this thread ;-;

I would also like to add this for the people who are still best friends

Alec. But he hadn't been on PSN much recently, so the title goes to UltimateClay. (hear that Alec? :kz: But I still love you <3 )
ViniBR11 for Black Ops and LBP2 (when he gets it)
And Zim for when I just want to talk or watch someone build something.
And Lia (that's ExplosiveCheddar btw), who I love to stalk. :3 xxx
2011-03-07 23:00:00

Posts: 5891

Well, my best LBPC friends now are:
gdn001 cooperative stalking :3
Many moar...
2011-03-07 23:05:00

Posts: 978

On LBP, my best fwiends are:
-XxJet_SetxX; Sure sometimes he can be slightly cold but usually in the end he's a nice chap to be with.
-a_mailbox; Though he has a bad rap on LBPC, he's pretty coolieo on LBP. Pretty fun seeing his stuff and all that.
-jeffpod; overall nice (ninja) guy.

-Alec, lol usually he's the one I say hi to when I'm bored lol
-a_mailbox... again. Pretty supportive here.
-XFennoX; Gives pretty nice ideas and stuff, very helpful in my lil project. :3

Other Good Friends:
-DynamiteDanTNT; I haz a blast with him on LBP but I don't shee him enough xO
-thi766; I play with him sometimes, usually he's working on stuff, but when he is doing something else it's interesting.
-Erm... can't think of any other peeps.

(Lol not disclosing any real life peeps since I know some of you stalk or something idk not now :kz
2011-03-08 02:10:00

Posts: 578

Well, my best LBPC friends now are:
gdn001 cooperative stalking :3
Many moar...

:'( heart ish broken
2011-03-08 03:02:00

Posts: 3262

Always loyal, and always understanding the mood I'm in, doesn't ask but always tell me what I need to hear.
2011-03-08 07:04:00

Posts: 5112

Sadly I don't have that much LBPC friends I try to join conversations but always be left forgotton, And most of my friends on PSN are always 'Busy' so I just review levels,But kinda get along with grayspence and Prattz2011-03-08 08:05:00

Unknown User

Mine would have to be without a doubt Sackgirlsrule, she's awesome!! and i'm sure everyone that knows her will agree. I'm also gona sey my lil brother too, he's the coolest lil guy in the world.2011-03-08 08:08:00

Posts: 277

I have more than 1 best friend. And depends on the area.
For every game, my best friends are: gdn001, gwennyboy, weeandy (not registered in LBPC) and Zim
For LBP1 and LBP2 (even though i still dont have it), my best friends are Shadowcrazy, Alec and the ones above
For Black Ops....hmm..my best friends are the ones above
For GTA IV......well..the ones above =)
2011-03-08 15:06:00

Posts: 546

My left hand.


2011-03-08 15:24:00

Posts: 5551

Everyone on my list is my bestest buddy! I like all my friends equally.2011-03-08 16:26:00

Posts: 849


... one of these days I'm gonna snap...

2011-03-08 17:04:00

Posts: 1436

Liebemonkey, Paragon, Aprice, Elsa, Silverleon, Stephanie_Ravens, Karolina,
and like 2 others that are not coming to mind. *mew
2011-03-08 17:27:00

Posts: 4261

He wipes his bum with his left hand? Or right? I changed my best friend to LBP2... Easy decision!2011-03-08 17:36:00

Unknown User

He wipes his bum with his left hand? Or right? I changed my best friend to LBP2... Easy decision!

*puts hand on alex's shoulder*
*stares deeply into his eyes*
When you're older...when you're older.
2011-03-08 18:54:00

Posts: 3262

What? He is just using dual wield attachment. Buuuut let's get back to the friends.2011-03-08 18:57:00

Posts: 5891

Out of all my freinds, my favorite has to be LBP.2011-03-08 19:04:00

Unknown User

... one of these days I'm gonna snap...



Guys, I think he's gonna snap....
2011-03-08 23:51:00

Posts: 5551

Chuck Norris....

Does that mean I win?

Other than Chuck,

I'd say its gotta be Klaww, Doopz, Tanrockstan, Chimpskice (AKA Chimp), and Ben, My Golden Retriever! :3
2011-03-09 01:49:00

Posts: 1990

On LBP: Probably HairySpud

In Real Life: *********** *******
2011-03-09 01:57:00

Posts: 440

Already a thread like this:

Mine would have to be Smart_Alex as I'm with him most of the time, but I can't really decide between him and Ricky_Bobby91 and several others I can't recall atm :/
I haven't played in so long, I hope no one's dead!
2011-03-09 03:00:00

Posts: 724

... one of these days I'm gonna snap...


:3 I love you too <3

:'( heart ish broken

2011-03-09 20:02:00

Posts: 978

I dun' have too many on this site. I had 3 but now it's two. My first one has gone all grey and won't respond to my calls.

He left me, I don't like him anymore. I have new people now, people don't seem to notice them much. But they love me as long as I burn people. So I love them.
2011-03-09 20:28:00

Posts: 324

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