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Meaning Of 'Inverted'

Archive: 4 posts

Something I never really got round to in the beta was the Inverted option on switches and buttons, and am now intrigued into how they work. What does it do 2008-10-30 18:15:00

Posts: 287

Means they do the opposite. If you invert a piston which would shoot up, it would be standing up and shoot down, etc etc. Just puts things backwards.2008-10-30 18:17:00

Posts: 2758

Means they do the opposite. If you invert a piston which would shoot up, it would be standing up and shoot down, etc etc. Just puts things backwards.

Thanks for the explanation!
2008-10-30 18:19:00

Posts: 287

Regular switches do something when the key is close by. Inverted switches do something when the key is not close by. Inverted switches are awesome for creating a one-time effect. For example:

You have a peice of dissolvable material offscreen with a key on it and a peice of dark matter underneath with an inverted switch. You can then make another switch (grab switch, sensor switch, etc.) destroy the dissolvable material, thereby turning on the inverted switch since the key is not close by anymore.

I use this alot in my level I am making where you grab the Sun Statue and trap is activated, which are pistons with huge, flaming blocks slamming into the ground.
2008-10-30 20:57:00

Posts: 646

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