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NVM please ignore this thread.... it failed, and ended up with some spam.

Archive: 51 posts

Ok... this thread was on topic... but it got out of hand, the spam was deleted ( most anyway ) and should be ignored. we were just having fun.... and got a bit lost thank you. i would not mind if this thread were deleted forever.2010-10-30 01:34:00

Posts: 585

It's easy to get lol just be on for like 10 hours or something, idk, i've only gotten it like 3 times, never really payed attention to how much time I spent on LBPC....

Congrats though!
2010-10-30 01:35:00

Unknown User

uh.... it says the number of users to earn it is only one.... i am talking about lbpc awards. and i KNOW i havent been on that long.2010-10-30 01:37:00

Posts: 585

Yeah, one at a time, You lose it when you become less active and you hand it off to others.

That's how it works.

You don't get an actual award or anything special, you just get an annoying notification >.<
2010-10-30 01:38:00

Unknown User

oh.... that sucks... are you sure you're not talking about awards... like the gold posting award ( which i currently have ) cause i am talking about trophies.2010-10-30 01:39:00

Posts: 585

oh.... that sucks... are you sure you're not talking about awards... like the gold posting award ( which i currently have ) cause i am talking about trophies.
Yep- Right now I have the Bronze Activity Award, I'll get it either taken away and get the Silver Activity Award or just get it taken away because I logged off and did other stuff
2010-10-30 01:41:00

Unknown User

rrr... what about the 100% TROPHY? ( picture in a minute )EDIT heres the picture of the trophy. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/xperience/icons/atom_32.png2010-10-30 01:46:00

Posts: 585

Not so sure about that one....I think they might be the same thing

Probably not though
2010-10-30 01:47:00

Unknown User

I think cc may be holding back on us... he is the only one with that trophy... hmpfff...2010-10-30 01:49:00

Posts: 585

Points system may still have some bugs, /shrug/ seeing as it's only us two I think this thread is a bit spammy, Blog or something would've been better2010-10-30 01:50:00

Unknown User

rr... i wouldn't know, and no i wouldn't call it spammy, unless someone was saying the exact same thig over and over again, or you know, going out of context, we are having a logical, on-topic discussion. i believe it is legal.2010-10-30 01:53:00

Posts: 585

I think cc may be holding back on us... he is the only one with that trophy... hmpfff...

Its this guy called GDN001
and dont know how he got it but he did!
2010-10-30 01:53:00

Posts: 2442

There is no trophy.. I had the gold one for like a week or so and several other times over the past several months. Been 100% several times.. it is just a stat more than anything. It is simply saying that you have more time on the system posting and such currently than anyone else. Therefore you are 100%, whatever your time was.. and anyone else will be a percentage of that.

So congrats, but it is really just a happy stat more than anything. No speeches required and no hardware / medals / trophies are mailed out to the winners. As soon as you drop under someone else, it will automatically move to whoever was more active.. usually Aya or rtm.
2010-10-30 01:57:00

Posts: 11383

@flamesterart you need to get out more .2010-10-30 01:57:00

Posts: 623

There is no trophy.. I had the gold one for like a week or so and several other times over the past several months. Been 100% several times.. it is just a stat more than anything. It is simply saying that you have more time on the system posting and such currently than anyone else. Therefore you are 100%, whatever your time was.. and anyone else will be a percentage of that.

So congrats, but it is really just a happy stat more than anything. No speeches required and no hardware / medals / trophies are mailed out to the winners. As soon as you drop under someone else, it will automatically move to whoever was more active.. usually Aya or rtm.

But how come gdn has the trophy?
2010-10-30 02:00:00

Posts: 2442

then why is ther a 100% trophy in the lbpcxp trophy thing.... i thought that was a prize! meanie site ( no offense ) i really wanted that cause i love planets, and it is there, so it shoud be handed out to more than one person.. the one person is ConfusedCartman, i think he may have made it just for himself now. hmmppfff... oh well... sigh.... do you guys think that shoud be a trophy that is earnable, cause i certainly do....

EDIT* last time i checked, it said CC had it... i wonder why...
2010-10-30 02:01:00

Posts: 585

I think it's pixels....i'd rather not whine about them.2010-10-30 02:03:00

Unknown User

im not... but the thing is... why have it on the page, when it is unearnable, that detours people. haveing an unearnable trophy. and is this guy who got the trophy still active?2010-10-30 02:05:00

Posts: 585

uh... sorry. but, i made the thread because i earned the trophy, and it says so.... but it isn't in my trophy list. and i am wondering why. and for me this is an accomplishment, maybe not for you, but it is for me.2010-10-30 02:13:00

Posts: 585

Because it is listed in the awards, not the trophies. 2010-10-30 02:16:00

Posts: 11383

Yep, definitely being useful.

...well, the award is called Hyperactive Geek.
2010-10-30 02:19:00

Posts: 11383

uh... because it is glitched.. i know that was the original post, but i changed topic when it turned out that the trophy wasn't showing up, and i know.... i was showing off... a bit.... but the stats on the trophy had me fooled, and i thought i was only the second to get that. so... yeah.... i didn't know. i am gonna see if i can convince the mods, or whoever, to fix that trophy. ( and maybe make a level limit on it, like, idk.. twelve or thirteen. ) @silverleon are you umm.. well basically being a smart alac? yeah.. i know you are.. there are other posts i made, and yes, i guess i am kinda a hyperactive geek ( i quite literally am.. i have ADHD, and i am good at math, and some people call me a gamer geek, because my mind is always on games... like mario.... or lbp.... sorry if i am making anyone mad... stupid trophy....2010-10-30 02:23:00

Posts: 585

Hey flame, you seem to be pressing the period key a lot.

It can't be good for your keyboard, try distributing it evenly with other characters.

2010-10-30 02:24:00

Posts: 775

it is called umm... i forgot what it is called but it is some type of punctuation use to show an extended akward pause in talking, or text... ( man, maybe i shouldn't use that so much... youre right, ill try to lessen up on it a bit.. ) and as everyone can see, i am a hyperactive geek with nothing to do but sit and post on a forum all afternoon anyways ( yes, that is true m8 ) so... until one of the guys from the CIA clan ( HALO ) messages me, or something else happens, i am on this website from the time i get home from school, to the time i go to bed... yeah.. big dedication.2010-10-30 02:27:00

Posts: 585

it is called umm... i forgot what it is called but it is some type of punctuation use to show an extended akward pause in talking, or text... ( man, maybe i shouldn't use that so much... youre right, ill try to lessen up on it a bit.. )


And guys, I'm sorry for being a mini-mod... but yeah, can you try not ganging up on him? :/ ... Yeah, I know, that was weak. Still, don't? D: ... /clicks report
2010-10-30 02:29:00

Posts: 10882

uh... because it is glitched.. i know that was the original post, but i changed topic when it turned out that the trophy wasn't showing up, and i know.... i was showing off... a bit.... but the stats on the trophy had me fooled, and i thought i was only the second to get that. so... yeah.... i didn't know. i am gonna see if i can convince the mods, or whoever, to fix that trophy. ( and maybe make a level limit on it, like, idk.. twelve or thirteen. ) @silverleon are you umm.. well basically being a smart alac? yeah.. i know you are.. there are other posts i made, and yes, i guess i am kinda a hyperactive geek ( i quite literally am.. i have ADHD, and i am good at math, and some people call me a gamer geek, because my mind is always on games... like mario.... or lbp.... sorry if i am making anyone mad... stupid trophy....

I mean not to be rude but, Rest of the site's problems (if any) > One trophy not showing up for one whiny member.

CC has it because he is level 100, CC is the Administrator. THATS why he has it.

EDIT: Thank gawd im not trolling because Rock just reported C:
2010-10-30 02:29:00

Unknown User

No, CC has it because he is CC.

2010-10-30 02:30:00

Posts: 775

yeah, but other people have gotten 100% whih reaches the requirments for it, and it should be fixed. because right now it is just a lie. ( the trophie. ) and please don't report. this is good, logial discussion and once were done you can lock it. and i dont mind the gang up.. i am used to it. being a shorty gamer geek with ADHD isn't exactly the best position to be in. and i am used to it. 2010-10-30 02:33:00

Posts: 585

Yeah, but other people have gotten 100%, which reaches the requirments for it, and it should be fixed. Because right now it is just a lie, the trophy. Please don't report, this is good logical discussion, and once we're done you can lock it. I dont mind the gang up, I am used to it. Being a short gamer geek with ADHD isn't exactly the best position to be in, and I am used to it.

Reading that annoyed me, >.<, I had to fix the grammar.
2010-10-30 02:37:00

Unknown User


You forgot to capitalize the last I in the paragraph.
2010-10-30 02:39:00

Posts: 775

Reading that annoyed me, >.<, I had to fix the grammar.

Grammar Nazi fail. lol
The sentence structure is still wrong, all you did was capitalize and fix punctuations. xD
2010-10-30 02:40:00

Posts: 1800

sorry... I just type fast, and think later. only at school, or when typing something important do I make sure everything is capitalized right, plus, I am used to microsoft word fixing most of that for me... ( GOOD GRAMMAR THIS TIME ) oh, and that was off topic LOL GRAMMAR NAZI FAILURE! I laughed so hard when i read that, i almost ended up with nutty bar ( which i was eating ) up my nose... i would have felt dumb.
anyway. please get back on topic.
2010-10-30 02:42:00

Posts: 585

sorry... I just type fast, and think later. only at school, or when typing something important do I make sure everything is capitalized right, plus, I am used to microsoft word fixing most of that for me... ( GOOD GRAMMAR THIS TIME ) oh, and that was off topic oh well.

That's Hybrid's excuse, and everyone tells him to 'Edit Post', and he doesn't, and he gets picked on it a lot. So have fun being the new Hybrid bro.
2010-10-30 02:44:00

Unknown User

How about you don't spend as much time trailing off on completely irrelevant and hard to understand sentences and instead spend the time you use to make them to correct your grammar?2010-10-30 02:52:00

Posts: 775

Yeah. i realize that. i am not the one who started to bring out his inner GRAMMAR NAZI. that is what pulled us off track.
EDIT* because i want to get the thought off my head before i forget it. because i am bad about things like that ( telling the truth, my mom will tell me to get her a coke, from her bedroom upstairs, i will go down the stairs, and i will have forgotten what she asked for, and have to re-ask what she needed. )
2010-10-30 02:52:00

Posts: 585

Other people have gotten 100% with the requirements for it. It should be fixed because right now the trophie's just a lie. Please don't report, this is a good, logial discussion and once we're done you can lock it. I don't mind the ganging up, I am used to it. Being a short gamer-geek with ADHD isn't exactly the best position to be in and I am used to it.

I'm the real Grammar Nazi.
2010-10-30 02:53:00

Posts: 1800

I'm the real Grammar Nazi.

Not according to Hybrid and that 8 Mile Rap of yours, "it's not im it's i'm"
He forgot to capitalize. /facepalm/

Also there isn't a period in your signature where there should be :3

"~I'm making the Mona Lisa in LBP.~"
2010-10-30 02:56:00

Unknown User

HAHA! you are both horible grammar nazis. you remind me of this cat.... http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/meow.gif?w=258&h=1452010-10-30 03:00:00

Posts: 585

Also, by virtue of taking English Language at A-level (and hopefully Uni) I am allowed to be a grammar Nazi.

However, i can't be bothered a lot of the time.
2010-10-30 03:02:00

Unknown User

"it's not im it's i'm"
He forgot to capitalize. /facepalm/


Theres no period because it's enclosed in tildas. As far as I know, when a word is surrounded by something like ( ) or [ ] then it doesn't need an ending punctuation.
2010-10-30 03:03:00

Posts: 1800

oh what the ----!?

Subtle point win.
2010-10-30 03:04:00

Unknown User

It's called Google Images.

Very little tricky tool to work, I would suggest not even trying.
2010-10-30 03:09:00

Posts: 775

where so you people get these graphs and things from! it would take me awhile to find stuff like that. ( this conversation is starting to get fun. )


Also, you should rename this thread to something a bit more, on topic as to what we are talking about.....
2010-10-30 03:10:00

Unknown User

'Teh Ultimit Grammar Thr3ad !!!!?!?!?!' ?

Seems about right to me.
2010-10-30 03:12:00

Unknown User

.....You live in a swamp shudup your hat is dumb >:C

Joke's on you, I have no hat. :kz:
2010-10-30 03:15:00

Posts: 1800

It's a pity it's 3am here, I love these threads.

Ah well, G'nite all.
2010-10-30 03:15:00

Unknown User

It's 3AM where you are?

It's always 6PM here. I fly in a spaceship around the world at the rate of one timezone per hour. I never have to sleep or anything! It's totally awesome.
2010-10-30 03:17:00

Posts: 775

This won't be noticed fer sure2010-10-30 03:44:00

Unknown User

/salutes thread


"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen of other-chats now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon All Saints day."

(I just wanted an excuse to say that)
2010-10-30 03:53:00

Posts: 1800

yep youre right, if youll stop posting and let it get to page 2 before the mods log on. crap....

EDIT* /ubermodshield/
2010-10-30 03:53:00

Posts: 585

This thread is a very good example of what NOT to do. Half of the thread has been deleted either by the original posters or myself and four people are receiving infractions or warnings. Let's try to keep it reigned in.

[EDIT] For future reference, mods can see deleted posts so try to think things through before posting
2010-10-30 05:19:00

Posts: 2188

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