HUD Beta Testing
Archive: 10 posts
HUD Beta TestingTomeh-The-Jedi A beta version of a Heads-Up Display http://lbp.me/v/tv8s4z In this level you will get to test my Heads-Up Display that includes: -HP/MP system -(Hopefully) Neat Design -Point System (If wanted can turn into Experience System) -And whatever the audience desires! The level itself includes secrets with hidden points, currently only 9 points are in the whole level as it is just a Beta level. I will upload pictures soon which will show the design of the HUD, the enemies (In level and Works in Progress) and maybe some logic. If you want a full level please say so! | 2010-10-30 00:58:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
Can you post me some pictures asap, when you get it done. so that i know what i might see! and, is this lbp2, because if it is.... if should be in the lbp2 section. just in case you didnt know. but yes, i would like a full level. that would be amazing. | 2010-10-30 01:29:00 Author: flamesterart ![]() Posts: 585 |
No this HUD is in LBP 1. And I will create a full level if enough people want it. Also, I will post pictures today when I get on my PS3. | 2010-10-30 14:00:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
Hi, the reason I havent left feedback on your level yet is because when typing your name, it shows up as no results so I thought you may have been deleted or cancelled your account. Anyway about you "level", where do I start... To be honest, I don't even know if I could class it as a level because it just didn't feel like one. As the name suggests, it was just a test or "beta" of some more ideas you have planned. To be honest I don't know if it's fair for to say what I think seeing as it's technically an unfinished level, but since you had it published and asked i'll say what I can about what you have. I'll be honest first off, it felt unfinished. I'm not sure if this was your intention but from the very start I try to look around and see what sort of detail to the "intro" has been implemeted and with yours the first thing I found was an invisible wall to the left of the start of the level. I am not an fan of awkwardly placed invisible walls and it just felt that way to me. Also, there was practically no detail in the level. Its just one basic material with the same color all the way through with very basic enemies which got pretty boring quick. Im a big fan of RPG's but personally I am not a big fan of them in LBP bar maybe 1 or 2 RPG levels I've played that I liked so I may be a little biased in this respect. I do like you highly stat based gameplay, alot of work was obviously put into the fundamentals of this whole concept of your level, which I really like. The element of magic and the way you attack and get damaged had a unique feel to it but also frustrating at times because the sword often would appear in wierd places and get stuck in the floor when calling upon it but besides that it was pretty cool. The element of magic, and healing potions was very cool. I don't mean to be harsh and I hope you understand but this is just my opinion on it. I will add some suggestions that I believe could make it much more fun for all. Colour is up a little, add a little vibrancy to it because the way it is, it lacks character. Also, the tutorial could be simplified and made to flow smoother because as it is, it's a little disruptive to the flow of the game play but I guess it is necessary to have. I'd also improve the phyical properties of the sword somehow, like may a material change, or the size it or something to make it more fun and practical to attack with. All in all, I commend you for your creativity and originallity to try something new and different & I really feel that if you iron out the kinks and create a full, smoother flowing and detailed version of this then, it could really be a fun level. Thank you. P.S. If you ever finished it. Let me know and I will deifnitely give you my full thoughts on it. Good luck. ![]() | 2010-11-01 18:03:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
Hi again, I couldn't find an F4F thread for you mini game level, the one with the lava balls shooting out and the platforms that elevate up and down and you have a gun so I thought Id post the details here:I thought it was pretty good! A very unique and fun level that could be improved if it moved a little quicker as it takes far too long to get things moving at the start but I enjoyed it so well done! | 2010-11-01 18:20:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
@LFiers-Post 1 I know the level is unfinished and lacking detail at the current moment, but this is only a Beta, which of course you also noticed. I am thinking of making this Beta level into strictly a tutorial level when a full level is released. I'm thinking to go with Sci-Fi or Apocalyptic for the theme. So right now my main question is Does it work? which is the main reason for this Beta. You seem to have answered that in the post as you seemed to enjoy the actual HUD part of it. As for the sword I don't seem to fully get what your saying but if I'm correct you want me to: -Make it easier to swing -Make it more fun to fight with - Example - Make blade longer So in general for an actual level I will add Detail, and in the current Beta stage I will add an easier way to use the sword, which may be tricky. @LFiers-Post 2 Actually there is a thread for that level! It has been pretty dead though and is probably buried in the forums. Thanks for the feedback though! I know it does go off to a slow start, but I really don't know how to make it better. If you can think of a way that would be great, and it would be really appreciated, but for now I'm leaving it as is so I don't accidently break the level! | 2010-11-01 20:21:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
@LFiers-Post 1 I know the level is unfinished and lacking detail at the current moment, but this is only a Beta, which of course you also noticed. I am thinking of making this Beta level into strictly a tutorial level when a full level is released. I'm thinking to go with Sci-Fi or Apocalyptic for the theme. So right now my main question is Does it work? which is the main reason for this Beta. You seem to have answered that in the post as you seemed to enjoy the actual HUD part of it. As for the sword I don't seem to fully get what your saying but if I'm correct you want me to: -Make it easier to swing -Make it more fun to fight with - Example - Make blade longer So in general for an actual level I will add Detail, and in the current Beta stage I will add an easier way to use the sword, which may be tricky. @LFiers-Post 2 Actually there is a thread for that level! It has been pretty dead though and is probably buried in the forums. Thanks for the feedback though! I know it does go off to a slow start, but I really don't know how to make it better. If you can think of a way that would be great, and it would be really appreciated, but for now I'm leaving it as is so I don't accidently break the level! Well I cant think of a way right now to make it better. About your HUD level. Basically what I'm saying is in a way if feels like a mostly inaccessible prototype, I dont mean inaccessible to me but as an overall overview of what Im saying, Im referring to how I believe the acerage player will see it as. But that I mean, it seems made mainly for the hardcore. If you want to see your concept bloom you will have make it more accessible and a little more streamlined so the massed and the harcsore can truley enjoy it but if you want that level to be your tutorial, I say thats a great idea. This is what you must do I believe, make the intro absolutely catch and grab your audience... Make it so they want to learn and get to the end, trust me. If you can hook your players in with a great intro, you will succeed to get to want them to really learn it because in many ways your level isnt even LBP, its a whole different game so you must work that much harder to grab them. Honestly most people will just quit when they dont know what to do almost straight away. Unfortunately, LBP has a massive audience of kids and impatient people so you must try to cater to them a little too but ofcourse, stick to what you want first and foremost but try to sprinkle some of the elements I mentione throughout and I think it an definitely work. About the sword I mean both. Seeing as the sword is the heart of your game, it must carry with it more pizzazz, more style and character within it while being more fun and also easlier to use. I could use it fine but it just didnt feel as good as it could be. For example it kept wanting to float up when trying to swing down i you know what I mean. Maybe mixing some heavier materials within it could help with this but thats up to you. It wasnt bad or anything like that but i feel it could even be better with a bit of work. Im not sure exactly how at the moment, but I think you will work it out. ![]() Overall, yes, the whole concept can indeed work... But all im pretty much saying is because its so different, you'll have to push a little harder to really make people want to learn how to play your game. Good luck. | 2010-11-01 20:49:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
Thanks for wishing me luck it took me a long time to build the HUD and well... I want it to do well Even if most my time when into building a second HUD design because I needed to add one thing to the first one and the thing unalligned itself with the grid. In the end it became a good thing as the second design looked better. After playing around for a bit I learned that I will be making the full level post apocalyptic, so I think I will turn the blade into something rugged and rusty and the handle will look as if it was made from different parts, but while improving the design I will try to improve mobility and swingyness (yes I know it isn't a word but it works ![]() Jetpacks hmmm... I know! In the second layer I will put a whole so that only the borders exist and when you use the Fly ability a tethered jetpack (So you don't fly past the whole level) will appear in that hole. It will have peach floaty material attached to it so it floats up, and since you don't need to be directly on the jetpack to use it, you will get it and fly! And I'm rethinking about the Beta as a tutorial, I will remake a level for the tutorial with the updated fly ability as well as introduce the HUD in a simple, yet nice way to grab the users attention while not overwhelming them. | 2010-11-01 23:57:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
Yes I think this is a good idea indeed. Not overwhelming the player and making even the tutorial accessible is definitely the way to go as this way, you wont alienate the potential playerbase of noobs and children if you know I mean. I love post apocalyptic settings too. Speaking of the I just brought Fallout New Vegas! The sword idea sounds good too. Rusty materials will work perfect here. And maybe mix it up with some stickers to emphasize the wrecked setting to make it more immersive. Like holes in the metal for example. I can already see it in my head. ![]() | 2010-11-03 18:09:00 Author: LFiers ![]() Posts: 161 |
Thanks for the feedback... but I got some bad news. I won't be able to work on this for quite a while because well, I got in trouble recently and my mom took away my Little Big Planet. That was a sad day... I hope I can get it back soon... ![]() | 2010-11-06 13:45:00 Author: Tomeh999 ![]() Posts: 763 |
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