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The Super-Uni!!!!

Archive: 3 posts

One of my new creations! A uni-cycle with a little twist! This thing can move forward, backward, and JUMP!!! It is stable and fast, i based the support system off Sehven's for his mech. I emmited a peice of super floaty to support it in the sky. The support for the wheel is an invisible peice of theck (the thin one) glass. This thing has 3 glitches, the compression glitch, invisibility glitch, and theck and thack layers! It took more than 3 days to make, around 4 hours a day. I have also published a level with it in there. The controls are, grab forward for forward, back for back, and down for jumping. While in the air the logic will switch the controls to the flight mode controls.If it falls, just grab the fly button and back off, it will be straight afterwards. Enjoy!!!

P.S In the level, there are 2 Super-Unis, The one on the top is the original (my favourite) The bottom is the "in-flight direction" one. I recommend BOLTH!!!!!!


The logic



The Super-Uni in create mode



In play mode!

I hope you all love it!!
2010-10-29 21:53:00

Posts: 176

looking at the logic makes me sad that it will become obsolete in lbp2 but the new logic is awsome took me a week to get it.2010-10-29 23:18:00

Posts: 538

yea, but in lbp 2 im not even gonna need a support system to keep it straight, just stick a gyro on it lol. And the directional control, done with premade logic. Makes like easier, but makes standards higher.......2010-10-29 23:55:00

Posts: 176

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