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Realistic Ferris Wheel

Archive: 2 posts

Hi everybody, I just wanted to say that you can use cardboard circles connected by string to create ferris wheels. This is quites similar to how actual ferris wheels are built, with thin strands of metal. I'm not sure if this is new, but i will be posting a level with an example this week.

Opinions? Feedback? Delicious meats between breads?
2010-10-29 02:02:00

Posts: 4

It's a nice technique for realism I must say. Have you got any pictures to show? Because that is usually the reason wether people comment or not tbh
And as a working concept it has been done before but it hasn't been perfected. And I recommend using a light coloured material and rods for more realism still.

Hope that helps!
2010-11-04 05:33:00

Posts: 715

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