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I failed ... BIG TIME!

Archive: 4 posts

When i wanted to play little big planet online i couldnt because i was getting the error 403. But I have solved this before by resetting my PS3 but this time I accidently resetted the whole System!! I had many projects going on in my moon and they are all gone. I dont know what happened to my 16 published levels because I am still getting error 403. 5 or maybe 6 of them were rated 5 :star: ! .

I wonder if my published levels dissapeared and if I can restore my levels on "my moon". My backups were destroyed as well so i cant do use them. Please help me!
2010-10-27 21:00:00

Unknown User

Well, if your levels are published on the servers then they will not have been deleted by a system reset. This also means that tomorrow when the servers are back up, you can copy all your levels back.2010-10-27 21:03:00

Posts: 631

That's too bad. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

Luckily, any published levels will still be there, and you can safely copy them back to your moon.
2010-10-27 21:09:00

Posts: 5338

Try doing this
1: get a sludge hammer
2: grab your PS3
3: remove your LBP disk
4: take sludge hammer and aply force onto your PS3
5: destroy the PS3
6: everything will be back to normal

I hope this helps

PS if you did this im sorry for your loss!!!
2010-10-27 21:10:00

Posts: 1336

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