How to redeem LBPs cool pages for the last time !
Archive: 14 posts
Diffrent sittuations that could fix the cool pages very easily.. * Rated raters, the kids and the noobs are so easily fooled that it has reached even more pathetic depths... So if we could make sure that the noobs/Kids aren't allowed to rate we would have the problem solved and the more mature raters would fix the cool pages in just a few moments =). This can be done by having requirements on wich players ratings will count. For example * Must have compleated the game. * Must have aced atleast 80 percent of all the original story levels. * Must have collected all on atleast 80 percent of the story levels. * Must have bought the 2 mayor expansions, POTC and MGS. * Must have released atleast 1 level that has atleast 60 percent of the thermo full. This would instantly increase the quallity of the cool pages as the shark survivals are quickly omitted into oblivion! The reason as to why the cool pages sucks is because 8 year old brittish boys have no idea of how hard it is to make a level. They have no idea that the levels on the cool pages they yust hearted are actually made by other authors. They are to stupid to realize that this " awesome shark survival " was made in 5 minutes........ They are to dumb to even realize how to make a bomb survival. This sollution would allso draw more seriuos players meaning more ka-ching for Media molecule ^^ And after all it's not just the levels allso kids shows have been dumbed down way to much. Im sure that if lbp was released 1994 with the same percentage being kids we would not have been as easily fooled and we would have wanted to have more story and more complex mindboggling puzzels ^^ | 2010-10-26 20:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I like the new ideas of how the kids/noobs rate the levels. | 2010-10-26 20:57:00 Author: Eronninja13 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Hmm, some of those ideas do seem unfair and it would prevent ratings at all, but you do make a good point. There should be requirements to meet before you can rate. I prefer LBP2's rating system way more, and it would be nice to have it implented into LBP1. But one quote in your post bugs me: '8 year old brittish boys' So your accusing only BOYS of doing the low ratings, and only BRITISH boys? Based on what I've seen its actually more likely that its mostly american (no offense to anyone, i'm american to!) kids doing the low ratings. (seriously, the attitude of NA on the beta forums before Patch 1.01 was embarrasing ![]() | 2010-10-26 21:08:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
The brittish kids are simply more annoying/iconic then american kids.... And yes i am stating that young people are way more likely to rate in an unfair way then older people =) They need to have media that is not dumbed down for them. Instead they should have to smart up sorta speak ^^ | 2010-10-26 21:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I can't even ace most of the story levels ![]() | 2010-10-26 21:19:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
The brittish kids are simply more annoying/iconic then american kids.... That's your opinion, not fact. If you ask me, where someone lives (or where they're from) has little to nothing to do with how good creators they are or how well they can judge a good level from bad. Admittedly age does have a lot to do with it, but even then you still can't blame it all on the 8 year old's, because it's not just them. Edit: Sorry if the above post came out seeming a bit angry, because it really wasn't meant to be. | 2010-10-26 21:24:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
we should not turn this into a war now.... really stupid to say kids from one place is dumber than the other kids, as it's both not true and it makes people ******. it's the age that matters now. anyway i agreed, but it would make it hard for adults that are alone and can't finish the 2x, 3x and 4x areas. EDIT: and for poor guys... (and girls) | 2010-10-26 21:49:00 Author: >er. ![]() Posts: 785 |
Actually i am 18 years old not 7 years old and i do have al life... I might be abit fat ( Lost 12 kilos allready or 25 pounds allready though)http://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation.php#!/profile.php?id=784300100 .. And cultural influences does indeed effect how well you can judge a level ! For example due to the dumb kids show they want everything dumbed downed and served ready.. but africian children are more picky and better at analysing stories since instead of watching dumb shows they gather around the story and listnen/commen to the shamans storys ^^ | 2010-10-26 21:58:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Welcome back. I disagree. I rate well, have never published a level AND most of the story mode is incomplete for me. I own all of the major dlc, I honestly don't see how that can make a difference in a players ability to rate. Every age group has their own taste, older having a preference for better made games where as most younger players prefer simple games. I thing that is an unfair reason to remove a rating feature for parts of the community. | 2010-10-26 22:00:00 Author: TheAffected ![]() Posts: 626 |
Because noobs who see water will think that the author of the level made the water, if you purchased the pack you know it was made by MM The younger you are the more noobishly you tend to rate ! | 2010-10-26 22:05:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Maybe we should lay off the kids bit before things get out of hand and stick to discussing the other aspects of dt's post. Personally, I disagree. Your ideas would make cool pages more to your liking, but who says your point of view is more valid than the shark survivalists etc.? Did they not spend the same $30-$60 (or the uk/eu equivalent) that you did for your copy of the game? The attitude of your post is kind of elitist and it reminds me of when the US had literacy tests for voting as a way of enforcing prejudice. Also, hasn't the "how to make cool pages better" thing been done to death by now? | 2010-10-26 22:05:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
No it is fair, because due to the dumb kids real players are left outside. Not ALL players have the same worth, we are worth more as players then thoose liking bomb/shark survivals Because we * Are registerd on a fansite. *Have bought alot more packs then the average noob has. * Spend infinetly more time on making levels then the average noob. * Have the common sence to spot a copy pasted levels, unlike the common noob.. * Have the common sence to guess that the bomb survival only has 5 minutes of work into it, unlike the common noob. * Spend more time making our costumes unique and not just emo/pre purchased/Tutorial customes. Unlike the common noob. * Promote innovative ideas and wellcome challenges, unlike the common noob. * Have a much higher percentage of us in the beta then the common noob has... Allthough sadly a few noobs did make it into the beta. * Are more likely to buy lbp2 the very same week it is released unlike casual dumb noobs who will start playing slowly after release.. Wich means the first few weeks on lbp2 will have alot of good levels.. UNTILL REINCARNATED BOMB SURVIVALS And ROCKET DEATH MATZH ALENA WITH REAL ZERO GRAVITY " comes :/ * We are more likely to be worth more in money ( The money/Property we own - What we owe to somebody else) than some dumb kid -.- * Are more likely to record videos for youtube that promotes the game and helps MM sell more copies. Allso, if 2 artist are to draw something, the one painting is crappy and the other is extremly good.. Well it doesn't matter if the crappy one had heart in iT ( Wich isn't the case with bomb survivals or shark survivals) you will still burn it and hang the good pic on ur wall right ? Because our levels have a much higher quality we are allso more worth as players... Sounds elitist ? WELL IT IS !!! <3 Better then anti Eletist with the worst levels getting all the glory =( | 2010-10-26 22:24:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
* Have bought alot more packs then the average noob has. So am I a noob because I can barely acess the PS Store and can't buy DLC by normal means? ![]() | 2010-10-26 23:36:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Locked for hostile ranting. Let's try to keep it a bit nicer next time, shall we. | 2010-10-27 01:00:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
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