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V2 Advanced mech prototype

Archive: 18 posts

Hello, I made this realy cool mech with lots of functions. It kan make jumps, change weapons with the click of a button, fire the selected weapon, walk and much more. You can try it for yourself in my lvl advanced mech. Please note that the decorations of the lvl it self are pretty bad, as i did not putt many attention to it, bevause my main focus is to show the mech. It has a pretty advanced logic system containing over 100 wires to make my mech work properly.
I would like feedback from people about, wat functions to add, things not working optimal, wat nnew weapons to add etc

If you want to see my mech logic box, want me to help you learn how to make a mech, want to help me make my mech work better etc then please comment here and I will add you.

Enjoy and please give feedback!
2010-10-26 17:56:00

Posts: 22

pics plz

i woud be glad to help make the showcase level better

if you want to do it today just PM me

2010-10-26 19:00:00

Posts: 157

Hey, haven't tried the level yet, (darn math teacher) but may I suggest my services as a weapon man? I've done all kinds of that stuff, just see my weapons.2010-10-26 21:39:00

Posts: 2135

wait,are you posting in school?

im at home sick right now
2010-10-26 21:55:00

Posts: 157

no... just have math homework to do.2010-10-26 22:53:00

Posts: 2135

math homework can make a grown man cry.

hold on mercury, hold on.
2010-10-27 02:09:00

Posts: 157

Hey thx guys, i could use youre help just add me psn: aagobert i will be online today so i will check my invs. O and if any of you has someting to take pics with right from the screen (like a capture card) i would realy appricate if you could post a pic of my mech here2010-10-27 15:28:00

Posts: 22

Hey thx guys, i could use youre help just add me psn: aagobert i will be online today so i will check my invs. O and if any of you has someting to take pics with right from the screen (like a capture card) i would realy appricate if you could post a pic of my mech here

OR you could simply use the in game picture system and export them to your HDD, then use a USB and take it to your computer and upload it here.
2010-10-28 18:13:00

Posts: 898

Hello the mech is now V3 I doubled the walking speed and enhanced the jumping to be way more accurate. It took me 4 hours to make the improvements. So i could now use some testers for my updated mech, if youre intrested add me on psn. psn: aagobert2010-10-29 16:17:00

Posts: 22

aagobert, you really should add some pictures for the people who can't get to their ps3 ATM. Just a suggestion 2010-10-30 00:43:00

Posts: 607

ill have a look later but please check out my thread https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=37711-The-Factory2010-11-01 19:31:00

Unknown User

Hey guys, vid coming up next Friday, be sure to check it out, it features my V3 prototype version of my mech, the one in the lvl you can play for yourself is my V 2 version, V3 is way faster, can jump better and is more stabile. The reason I did not releas V3 yet is because I want to fix the weapon a cycle little bit (it's to fast ATM) I want to make a a really good showcase lvl, add more guns and lot more2010-11-01 21:47:00

Posts: 22

Aagobert, any pictures of the new one? It is a great looking mech now and we can re-shoot that video if you want to with the new one 2010-11-20 00:43:00

Posts: 715

Did someone say capture card? Well, just got one a while back and I took a picture you can add to the OP. I hope I picked the right level but anyway, here it is.


Yeah, sorry the quality's not so great, especially on the mech, not sure why it looks pixelly, looked better before uploaded to LBPC but it's still not amazing quality.
2010-11-23 00:29:00

Posts: 5208

I think a video on youtube is whats needed here. Pics won't capture what is the focal point of a mech....MOVEMENT.2010-11-23 02:13:00

Posts: 653

Well I need to figure out how to change a VOB file to an MPEG or AVI before I can upload videos from pinnacle studio 14 onto youtube so if you can help me with that, it'd be much appreciated.2010-11-23 02:28:00

Posts: 5208

Well I need to figure out how to change a VOB file to an MPEG or AVI...

A VOB file is an MPEG.

To be precise, it's an MPEG2 program stream. You can just rename it to .mpg and it'll work fine.
2010-12-01 17:35:00

Posts: 2870

Nice!I still got a long way to go to get my meck jumper to function.Good for you bud! 2010-12-02 23:06:00

Posts: 354

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