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VIP/Owner house

Archive: 4 posts

I made a house which only selected people can go in. There are 3 areas. Regular VIP, Super VIP and Owner/friend zone. In the Regular VIP area you get points and a place to chill. Super VIP gives you power-ups to help you with the level and more points. The owner/friend zone gives you a teleporter to the end of the level and prizes.

This will be updated when LBP2 is released.
Pictures about it will be posted soon.
2010-10-25 17:05:00

Unknown User

Wait, so if you have the right sticker you can get all these freebies and stuff that makes it easier to win the level? What is this, Roblox?

Just kidding, but how would these stickers be obtained in a normal level? I understand that the owner would be for you and your friends, but what about the others? Also, pics or it didn't happen.
2010-10-28 10:48:00

Posts: 14

Wait, so if you have the right sticker you can get all these freebies and stuff that makes it easier to win the level? What is this, Roblox?

Just kidding, but how would these stickers be obtained in a normal level? I understand that the owner would be for you and your friends, but what about the others? Also, pics or it didn't happen.

The stickers will be hidden in hard to reach places e.g. 2 player, 3 player areas and those will be the VIP and Super VIP stickers. Also pics will be posted soon when I have time to go on my PS3 (I'm currently buried in homework).
2010-11-26 22:26:00

Unknown User

Yeah watch that homework it'll bit if it isn't done!JK
Good idea!Another hard yet secret way you could do it is when the people are done with the regular level,they can ask for the stickers.
2010-12-03 05:32:00

Posts: 354

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