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RockSauron - The Chuck Norris of LBPC
Archive: 132 posts
For some time now, I and a few others have considered RockSauron the "Chuck Norris" of LBPC. Even I can't quite remember why, but I do like the idea of a new meme on LBPC ! http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/image.php?u=323&dateline=1287262346 = http://img.webthrowdown.com/scripts/timthumb.php?src=/throwdowns/chuck-norris-537-1.jpg&w=125&h=125&zc=1&q=100 Leave your funny or creative facts below, and I'll add them when I can! (Though I retain the right to make small modifications!) RockSauron scored infinity on "Tie Skipping". Twice. RockSauron invented reel waterz. Sackpeople swim through water. RockSauron swims through dark matter. A cheetah once crossed RockSauron and looked at him wrong. That cheetah now wears a surprised face and has a rocket protruding from his... RockSauron won the game. Media Molecule created LBP. RockSauron created Media Molecule. One day, RockSauron made the universe. Just because he was bored. RockSauron laughed at a pop. They are now called lolipops. RockSauron is the father of our country. No word yet on who the mother was In the beginning: RockSauron conceived and gave birth to himself. By himself. RockSauron can control everything. Last edited by RockSauron; 1 Hour Ago RockSauron had a car crash and "walked it off". Despite having lost both legs. RockSauron, over Millions of years ago, named his first kid "God". RockSauron can walk in the 3D layers. The cake wasn't a lie. RockSauron just ate it all. Nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. Except Rocksauron. Rocksauron eats black holes. They taste like peanuts. When kids go to sleep they check for monsters. When monsters go to sleep they check for Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris doesnt go to sleep because he's too busy checking for RockSauron. People claim RockSauron originated as a The Legend of Zelda fanfic character. The truth is that The Legend of Zelda is a fan game for RockSauron. Chuck Norris gets a tactical nuke with 1 kill. RockSauron starts the game with a tactical nuke. :kz: RockSauron taught The Stig how to drive. Once, RockSauron banned an admin.... RockSauron once found one point bubble in a level. It gave him a 100x multiplier. Sauron once claimed that he was the most powerful warlord in the universe. RockSauron then pointed out that Sauron was stupid enough to place all his power in a ring, and that cutting the ring from him would trap him inside the ring for all eternity unless it was thrown in a fire that made it, and was defeated by two little midgets. Sauron was last seen crying in a fetal position. RockSauron can eat his cake and have it too. One day RockSauron picked up a paintinator, he wasn't pleased, so he turned it into REEL WATERZ. It wasn't Luke who destroyed the Death Star, it was RockSauron. Only because it wasn't big enough Planter's Peanuts is secretly RockSauron's pawn in his conquest for world domination. Life is an RPG made by RockSauron. McGiver just needs gas, a rope and uranium to make an atomic bomb. RockSauron just needs the rope | 2010-10-23 14:33:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
RockSauron once typed some stuff then clicked the button called Post Quick Reply. | 2010-10-23 14:37:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
A cheetah once beat RockSauron in a race. RockSauron got angry and thought of an incredibly ironic punishment... And that is the origin of the rocket cheetah. Edit (Since RockSauron can't be beaten in a race): By DayneOram: A cheetah once crossed RockSauron and looked at him wrong. That cheetah now has big eyes and a rocket protruding from his... | 2010-10-23 14:37:00 Author: Jedi_1993 Posts: 1518 |
A cheetah once beat RockSauron in a race. RockSauron got angry and thought of an incredibly ironic punishment... And that is the origin of the rocket cheetah. RockSauron resents the notion that a cheetah can beat him in a race, and replaces it with his own notion. | 2010-10-23 14:39:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
RockSauron found Sephiroth's other wing. RockSauron raided 4chan. RockSauron can read Lady Gaga's poker face. RockSauron won the game. RockSauron had done that. | 2010-10-23 14:45:00 Author: Chdonga Posts: 388 |
Chuck Norris does not breathe,he take a breath dont like and throws XD | 2010-10-23 14:47:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
Media Molecule created LBP. RockSauron created Media Molecule. | 2010-10-23 14:48:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
DayneOram once made a thread that said Rocksauron was chuck norris. Rocksauron later made him king. Then he dethroned him because Rocksauron is all powerful. | 2010-10-23 14:54:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
I BEAT ROCKSAURON:kz: (lia=me/ callum=Doopz/ RockSauron= defeated/ GDN=gdn001) http://gyazo.com/b30c020500ecf69d46ee99e54e2d845a.png http://gyazo.com/a766735b9d5a9a491e86e7e535f58676.png http://gyazo.com/77dbf6dd3e8074b7eaf2c489060301ad.png After RockSauron is done I will come:kz: | 2010-10-23 14:56:00 Author: ExplosiveCheddar Posts: 978 |
Every Molecule that makes up RockSauron is a MediaMolecule. The one Molecule to rule them all. | 2010-10-23 15:00:00 Author: Jedi_1993 Posts: 1518 |
RockSauron was once bored. So he created the universe | 2010-10-23 15:01:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I got Evil (Rock) out of the LBPC Msn chat in a peacefull way Now its a peacfull happy place to talk with out evil Feals Good man | 2010-10-23 15:17:00 Author: Unknown User |
He's the father of our country. No word yet on who the Mother was. | 2010-10-23 15:23:00 Author: TheCountessZ Posts: 537 |
Rocksauron once saw a funny Pop. They are now known as Lolipops. | 2010-10-23 15:42:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
RockSauron wasnt hypnotized by the hypnotoad, THE HYPNOTOAD was hypnotized by RockSauron ALL GLORY TO ROCKSAURON | 2010-10-23 16:11:00 Author: wait wtf Posts: 853 |
LBP2 was his idea. | 2010-10-23 16:21:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
RockSauron can control everything. Last edited by RockSauron; 1 Hour Ago at 02:15 AM. | 2010-10-23 16:41:00 Author: warlord_evil Posts: 4193 |
RockSauron got in a car crash, lost both of his legs, and still walked it off. | 2010-10-23 16:50:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
RockSauron can edit people's posts How? | 2010-10-23 16:51:00 Author: Dragonvarsity Posts: 5208 |
RockSauron can edit people's posts How? Haha, he can't really - that was just warlord being clever | 2010-10-23 16:59:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
Rocksauron hypnotized hypnotoad. | 2010-10-23 17:12:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
When RockSauron does pushups, he doesn't push him self up he pushes the world down. Like a Boss. | 2010-10-23 17:55:00 Author: Unknown User |
RockSauron over Millions of years ago, named his first kid "God". | 2010-10-23 18:00:00 Author: HzX Posts: 15 |
i have worshipers does RockSauron? I sign t-shirts does RockSauron? I am better than RockSauron... hang on RockSauron beats up Chuck Norris... Sorry O great one... | 2010-10-23 18:11:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
RockSauron can walk on 3-D Layers. | 2010-10-23 18:19:00 Author: Unknown User |
Did this start because he was on GameInformer? XD | 2010-10-23 18:21:00 Author: Unknown User |
When RockSauron does pushups, he doesn't push him self up he pushes the world down. Like a Boss. The idea is to make up your own | 2010-10-23 18:28:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
The idea is to make up your own But RockSauron isn't original | 2010-10-23 18:32:00 Author: Unknown User |
But RockSauron isn't original There are also no quotes for the original RockSauron Adapting CN ones is just uncreative! | 2010-10-23 19:08:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
RockSauron talks about Fight Club | 2010-10-23 19:11:00 Author: Unknown User |
Rocksauron always wins bomb survivals, the bombs just don't affect him. | 2010-10-23 19:12:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
RockSauron Signs into PSN from his Xbox | 2010-10-23 19:13:00 Author: Unknown User |
Rocksauron is the only living being that has EVER eaten the cake. | 2010-10-23 19:16:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Rocksauron turned some points of BETA into a beautiful line. | 2010-10-23 19:19:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
RAWKs team created LBPCTG, RAWK created the team. | 2010-10-23 19:21:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
RockSauron doesn't play Impossible Jump Level. Impossible Jump Level plays him. | 2010-10-23 19:50:00 Author: Coconuts Posts: 384 |
RAWKs team created LBPCTG, RAWK created the team. That's true RockSauron doesn't play Impossible Jump Level. Impossible Jump Level plays him. And that's a soviet russia joke Nice try though! | 2010-10-23 19:55:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
I think any joke should be aloud, because it's a joke, see what I mean? Also you have a CN joke in your sig, you just replaced it with Rock, Hypocrite >:3 | 2010-10-23 20:03:00 Author: Unknown User |
I think any joke should be aloud, because it's a joke, see what I mean? Also you have a CN joke in your sig, you just replaced it with Rock, Hypocrite >:3 Yes, in my sig, not the OP I'm only putting the ones I really like in the OP, the rest will be fine in the thread comments The last thing I want to do is anger or annoy people, but that's just how I'd like to do things for now | 2010-10-23 20:15:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
Yes, in my sig, not the OP I'm only putting the ones I really like in the OP, the rest will be fine in the thread comments The last thing I want to do is anger or annoy people, but that's just how I'd like to do things for now OH WAIT, I didn't even know you were putting the jokes in the OP, I thought this was just a 'joke spam can' | 2010-10-23 20:17:00 Author: Unknown User |
Nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. Except Rocksauron. Rocksauron eats black holes. They taste like peanuts. | 2010-10-23 20:36:00 Author: JspOt Posts: 3607 |
You will join RockSauron's group even if you declined his invite in LittleBigPlanet. | 2010-10-23 21:07:00 Author: Coconuts Posts: 384 |
Nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. Except Rocksauron. Rocksauron eats black holes. They taste like peanuts. I was gonna thank you for that one but... uhh... the button's gone =S Why'd it go poof? EDIT: Oh right, it was moved to forum games >.< I was originally going to put it there, but I wasn't entirely sure if it fit under that category!! | 2010-10-23 21:43:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
Rock created mudkips. nuff said. | 2010-10-23 21:45:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
RockSauron was in Lord of the rings | 2010-10-23 21:50:00 Author: ExplosiveCheddar Posts: 978 |
the only way to have power over rock is to hijack his brain! *starts up mind controler* I have you now RockSauron! *mind controller explodes* errr sorry RockSauron... | 2010-10-23 22:43:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
People claim RockSauron originated as a The Legend of Zelda fanfic character. The truth is that The Legend of Zelda is a fan game for RockSauron. | 2010-10-23 22:50:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Rock never enters through doors, he likes to make his own by eating giant holes in buildings. | 2010-10-23 22:50:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Wait.. think what would it be like RockRouron was god.. Oh wait, he is! | 2010-10-23 22:52:00 Author: XHaveNoMercyX Posts: 124 |
when kids go to sleep they check for monsters. when monsters go to sleep they check for chuck norris. chuck norris doesnt go to sleep because hes too busy checking for RockSauron. | 2010-10-23 23:01:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
Captain Falcon once said that the only person who was unable to feel the pain of the Falcon Punch was RockSauron. He then proceeded to look around nervously and requested to leave. | 2010-10-23 23:04:00 Author: Astrosimi Posts: 2046 |
Chuck Norris gets a tactical nuke with 1 kill. RockSauron starts the game with a tactical nuke. :kz: | 2010-10-23 23:09:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
RockSauron taught The Stig how to drive. | 2010-10-23 23:18:00 Author: TheCountessZ Posts: 537 |
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King was completely based off of RockSauron. (I'm just wonderin'... if Rock is Chuck Norris, then who's Bruce Lee?) | 2010-10-23 23:22:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King was completely based off of RockSauron. (I'm just wonderin'... if Rock is Chuck Norris, then who's Bruce Lee?) Rtm223? (he's got the power at least) | 2010-10-23 23:27:00 Author: moonwire Posts: 1627 |
Haha! Brilliant! Keep 'em coming >.< | 2010-10-23 23:30:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
i am the only one equal to rock. this is because no one else is stupid enough to attack him... and live... *attacks rocksauron (again)* | 2010-10-23 23:49:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
RockSauron has two years dead, but death has no value to tell | 2010-10-23 23:58:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
meteorites are stones throw RockSauron million years ago | 2010-10-24 00:00:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
rocksauron happyhttp://http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoAq8KrkR2Ts0VmnKhLcn0SelFx4dw3 Ml1-2YfRgRbmIj6q6E&t=1&usg=__3ZFQH9drifRMBmZBJgfxDhBCFMc= rocksauron hungryhttp://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoAq8KrkR2Ts0VmnKhLcn0SelFx4dw3 Ml1-2YfRgRbmIj6q6E&t=1&usg=__3ZFQH9drifRMBmZBJgfxDhBCFMc= rocksauron sad http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoAq8KrkR2Ts0VmnKhLcn0SelFx4dw3 Ml1-2YfRgRbmIj6q6E&t=1&usg=__3ZFQH9drifRMBmZBJgfxDhBCFMc= rocksauron afraidhttp://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoAq8KrkR2Ts0VmnKhLcn0SelFx4dw3 Ml1-2YfRgRbmIj6q6E&t=1&usg=__3ZFQH9drifRMBmZBJgfxDhBCFMc= | 2010-10-24 00:04:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
i am the only one equal to rock. this is because no one else is stupid enough to attack him... and live... I have... and I won, too. | 2010-10-24 00:39:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
I have... and I won, too. You can't say that you won against RAWK on a thread dedicated to him! It's against teh rulez! | 2010-10-24 01:05:00 Author: Ninjaferret22 Posts: 1403 |
once RockSauron banned an admin.... | 2010-10-24 01:10:00 Author: AA_BATTERY Posts: 1117 |
RockSauron once found one point bubble in a level. He then had a 100x multiplier. | 2010-10-24 01:43:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X Posts: 1800 |
I have... and I won, too. Only because Code didn't obey his own rules >_<. Come on, what the frak was the point of that game if I could come up with the genius loophole that I did, yet you retconned it and survived because you were teh superz?! And sides, I committed suicide because you didn't die when I engaged in epic mindgame, despite the method of victory being to outthink the other. Just... come on, you KNOW I deserved to win after using my necromantic powers to summon the souls of the dead you slaughtered to haunt you >_<. What the hell was the point of that game if you could do the 5 year old's "But then the TANK got in the way!" excuse while playing Toy Soldiers? ... Also... Sauron once claimed that he was the most powerful warlord in the universe. RockSauron then pointed out that Sauron was stupid enough to place all his power in a ring, and that cutting the ring from him would trap him inside the ring for all eternity unless it was thrown in a fire that made it, and was defeated by two little midgets. Sauron was last seen crying in a fetal position. | 2010-10-24 01:55:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Only because Code didn't obey his own rules >_<. Come on, what the frak was the point of that game if I could come up with the genius loophole that I did, yet you retconned it and survived because you were teh superz?! And sides, I committed suicide because you didn't die when I engaged in epic mindgame, despite the method of victory being to outthink the other. Just... come on, you KNOW I deserved to win after using my necromantic powers to summon the souls of the dead you slaughtered to haunt you >_<. What the hell was the point of that game if you could do the 5 year old's "But then the TANK got in the way!" excuse while playing Toy Soldiers? You've got a point there... Then again, you also killed yourself when I tried reviving it. Ah well. But in the light of things, you could say that WoW is your *****. | 2010-10-24 01:59:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
RockSauron can eat his cake and have it too. | 2010-10-24 02:01:00 Author: Random Posts: 673 |
One day RockSauron picked up a paintinator, he wasn't pleased, so he turned it into REEL WATERZ. | 2010-10-24 02:14:00 Author: Merc Posts: 2135 |
It wasn't Luke who destroyed the Death Star, it was RockSauron. Only because it wasn't big enough | 2010-10-24 02:18:00 Author: TheAffected Posts: 626 |
You've got a point there... Then again, you also killed yourself when I tried reviving it. Ah well. But in the light of things, you could say that WoW is your *****. I killed myself for the same reason I killed myself the first time- no actual rules. We just fought and tried to outwrite the other, but when we DID outwrite the other, then the other can just say they lived and the fight continues. Not to mention the story wasn't worth anyway >_<. Slop like that ain't worth my time :kz: ... RockSauron loves pie. | 2010-10-24 02:29:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
McGiver just needs gas,a rope and uranium for an atomic rocksauron only needs the rope | 2010-10-24 17:26:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
Police identify anyone who has been attacked by rocksauron as a Code 45-11 ... a suicide | 2010-10-24 17:28:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
Life is an RPG made by RockSauron. | 2010-10-24 17:30:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
rocksauron made the world in 7 minutes, then threatened to God that you decorate the rest of the week | 2010-10-24 17:30:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
rocksauron went to the desert, and was bitten by a rattlesnake. The snake died. | 2010-10-24 17:32:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
rocksaurons tears cure cancer. Unfortunately, rocksauron never cries. | 2010-10-24 17:35:00 Author: xkjz3l Posts: 113 |
xkjz, try to use the edit button. Double posting (triple) is against the rules. | 2010-10-24 17:55:00 Author: Astrosimi Posts: 2046 |
Planter's Peanuts is secretly RockSauron's pawn in his conquest for world domination. | 2010-10-24 22:52:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
RockSauron has immense dark powers... ones that we pitiful sackpersons can't comprehend. | 2010-10-25 00:39:00 Author: TheAffected Posts: 626 |
Rocksauron created double posting. | 2010-10-26 01:06:00 Author: HappyGreenCactus Posts: 247 |
Rocksauron created double posting. But that would be a bad thing! We're trying to denote him as awesome | 2010-10-26 01:35:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
But that would be a bad thing! We're trying to denote him as awesome I am evil. Evil = Bad ??? Profit | 2010-10-26 01:36:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I am evil. Evil = Bad ??? Profit Alright then - Infamous! Better? Good! I- I mean bad! | 2010-10-26 01:39:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
I am evil. Evil = Bad ??? Profit Does the ??? mean he doesn't know something?! Or is he just keeping it a secret from us mortals? RockSauron can blow up metal in LBP. Without a bomb. | 2010-10-26 18:19:00 Author: Jedi_1993 Posts: 1518 |
Once RockSauron entered a F1 race- and won.... | 2010-10-27 03:53:00 Author: AA_BATTERY Posts: 1117 |
RockSauron can mash every button on the Joystick. Even R1, R2, R3, the D-pad, the select button, the PS button, the L-Stick, and some buttons inside the circuitboard. | 2010-10-27 19:46:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
RockSauron has a very high self esteem. ... OR low one. Eh, it sucks when I make jokes on myself >_> I mean, sure, I AM a living joke, but making comments on how awesome I am by myself is too... overt for me. :kz: | 2010-10-27 20:34:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
If you unzip a sackboy, rocksauron jumps out and kicks you in the mouth! | 2010-10-27 20:42:00 Author: Joshofsouls Posts: 1569 |
RockSauron lives in a island filled with bunnies, flowers, and teddybears. | 2010-10-27 21:01:00 Author: WESFUN Posts: 1336 |
RockSauron talks about Fight Club He also talks about /b/ | 2010-10-27 21:02:00 Author: Chdonga Posts: 388 |
Once RockSauron fell to the ground, this was the result... http://moralauthority.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/biggest-hole.jpg | 2010-10-27 21:18:00 Author: Ragnarok Posts: 898 |
RockSauron can hit the Thanks button to anyones post, even if its in Forum Games. | 2010-10-27 21:23:00 Author: TheAffected Posts: 626 |
They say that the Helix Nebula is the eye of god. This is a false statement, its just RockSauron eye looking down on you!!! | 2010-10-28 21:37:00 Author: Unknown User |
Rock Sauron..... Chuck Norris's secret identity | 2010-10-31 21:12:00 Author: Benoas Posts: 32 |
what i thought rocksauron was gods secret identity... bother i just told one of his secrets... please dont kill me... or hurt me... | 2010-10-31 22:43:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
Rock Sauron..... Chuck Norris's secret identity ... Don't insult me >_< what i thought rocksauron was gods secret identity... bother i just told one of his secrets... please dont kill me... or hurt me... I won't kill you... ... not yet. :kz: | 2010-10-31 22:44:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Aaarrrrrr *crawls away (at speed)* | 2010-10-31 22:54:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
Rocksauron's water tank is filled with orphan's tears. | 2010-10-31 22:56:00 Author: Gavin Posts: 338 |
Rocksauron's water tank is filled with orphan's tears. Ah come on, it's not like I'm some sort of monster >_> | 2010-10-31 22:59:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
i thought those were the tears of those without eyes(yes his awesomeness make them cry) *continues crawling (at speed/0.001mph)* | 2010-10-31 23:03:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
RockSauron put on a concert for deaf people. They rated it 10/10. | 2010-11-01 01:13:00 Author: Jaslow Posts: 775 |
RockSauron's water tank is filled with his own tears. Better? | 2010-11-01 11:30:00 Author: Gavin Posts: 338 |
The final speaker at John Doe's funeral had a heart attack, Rock Sauron gave him CPR, the speaker AND John Doe came back to life. | 2010-11-03 00:05:00 Author: LuckyShot Posts: 713 |
RockSauron once gave an obvious lead, saying he wasn't a monster, hoping someone would take the bait and say he was a monster. RockSauron would then then scream "I AM NOT A MONSTER" and rip said user's head off. But a'las, it was not to be. Many tears were shed that day. | 2010-11-03 00:10:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Rock Sauron was once like "make me a sweet sig" so I did, but Rock said "I don't want it" so I gave it to someone else, so rock said "No idiot, I want it" Edit: And he's a monster | 2010-11-03 00:12:00 Author: LuckyShot Posts: 713 |
what i thought rocksauron was gods secret identity... bother i just told one of his secrets... please dont kill me... or hurt me... Nope, check the OP - God is RockSauron's first son! | 2010-11-03 01:16:00 Author: Weretigr Posts: 2105 |
RockSauron walked up Mount Everest, from the lowest point to the highest, in half a step. | 2010-11-03 03:32:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
@ DayneOram thats what he wants you to think... | 2010-11-03 17:38:00 Author: unXpectiD Posts: 1132 |
RockSauron can punch you in the face using HTML code... | 2010-11-06 08:37:00 Author: AA_BATTERY Posts: 1117 |
RockSauron's my boss. -_- | 2010-11-07 01:53:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack Posts: 5757 |
RockSauron's my boss. -_- Wait, where was I when this happened? O_o I thought I told Helga to inform me when a new minion was hired? That toaster is being fired... ... wait, is that supposed to be a hint that you're my minion in Fatal Fantasia? I don't recall agreeing to that. Lousy Helga, giving away my license without consulting me... | 2010-11-07 01:59:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Rocksauron's internet is so fast that he can upload an elephant in 1,5 seconds. (when the servers are busy) | 2010-11-07 01:00:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
RockSauron's my boss. -_- Rocksauron actually really likes Mr.Peanut.... | 2010-11-08 03:22:00 Author: AA_BATTERY Posts: 1117 |
Most people can't breathe in space. Space can't breathe in Rocksauron. | 2010-11-08 08:01:00 Author: tomodon246 Posts: 624 |
Whenever RockSauron want's something to eat. He munches on a packet of these: http://www.scientificamerican.com/media/img_gallery/18026E78-B0A8-69A8-5363A6C02DB61EA9.jpg A Peanut Comet! (http://www.scientificamerican.com/gallery_directory.cfm?photo_id=18026E78-B0A8-69A8-5363A6C02DB61EA9) | 2010-11-08 18:03:00 Author: Jedi_1993 Posts: 1518 |
One day RockSauron was cold, so he created the Sun. | 2010-11-09 19:09:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
RockSauron always gets an extra Chicken McNugget in his Chicken McNugget meal. | 2010-11-11 17:07:00 Author: Coconuts Posts: 384 |
RockSauron can get a Jackpot at a slot machine without wasting a penny. | 2010-11-11 17:10:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
RockSauron is the real slim shady | 2010-11-11 21:31:00 Author: CheesyDemon Posts: 170 |
RockSauron is so awesome he can necro a thread about his epic win without seeming desperate for praise. | 2011-10-09 00:40:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
RockSauron is so awesome he can necro a thread about his epic win without seeming desperate for praise. Or not. Not. | 2011-10-09 00:44:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
Or not. Not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X_Ot0k4XJc | 2011-10-09 00:48:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
RockSauron is so awesome he can necro a thread about his epic win without seeming desperate for praise. And thus, the dusted remains of olde LBPC are resurrected. RockSauron is his own grandfather. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRz-U8KGofRYQ1SB_IgkqpER3OZ8pA6gBZhSZtCyDwTC7rIVeHCkL0 UGnwf | 2011-10-09 00:58:00 Author: Xenifus Posts: 306 |
And thus, the dusted remains of olde LBPC are resurrected. Nope! It's just RockSauron with another realistic mount. | 2011-10-09 01:27:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Nope! It's just RockSauron with another realistic mount. Hey, it's Gilgamesh! I haven't talked to you in a while. :v | 2011-10-09 01:29:00 Author: Xenifus Posts: 306 |
Hey, it's Gilgamesh! I haven't talked to you in a while. :v Nope! It's just... ok, let's not overuse that meme. I'm still hanging around, I just don't reply to much of anything. University, work, and recent steps to make positive life changes keep me busy as a bee. My PS3 is collecting dust and cat hair, sadly. But wait, wasn't this thread about ChuckSauron? | 2011-10-09 01:36:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Nope! It's just... ok, let's not overuse that meme. I'm still hanging around, I just don't reply to much of anything. University, work, and recent steps to make positive life changes keep me busy as a bee. My PS3 is collecting dust and cat hair, sadly. But wait, wasn't this thread about ChuckSauron? Oh yeah, let's not. :C I'm in the same boat as you, except my cat-haired PS3 still gets its rounds when I have creativity attacks. xD And yes, let's discuss more about RockNorris! Rock approves of our out-of-relevance discussion. http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1640/bro2.png | 2011-10-09 02:30:00 Author: Xenifus Posts: 306 |
Rock approves of our out-of-relevance discussion. http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1640/bro2.png http://einshtein.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/wrong_prerelease_cover2.jpg NO DISCUSSION OF NON-RAWK RELATED TOPICS ALLOWED! :kz: | 2011-10-09 03:02:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
RockSauron can't be seen by Humans, but he's not invisible, there would be no point because RockSauron doesn't need to be invisible to not be seen(Actually, one of my Friends came up with that one). | 2011-10-11 06:00:00 Author: Robo4900 Posts: 409 |
RockSauron once teached a blind person what red is. RockSauron can break bedrock with his bare hand. RockSauron is dead already, but death is afraid of telling him. When RockSauron plays Monopoly, it affects the world's economy. Rocksauron made the internet using some wooden sticks and glue. Enough epicosity? Not enough for RockSauron. When the universe was created, RockSauron was 5 years old. | 2011-10-15 04:07:00 Author: ALEXhatena Posts: 1110 |
There has always been debate as to the origins of our galaxy. But now we know the truth. The galaxy is a tiny cell in Rawk's brain. | 2011-10-15 10:28:00 Author: Gavin Posts: 338 |
RockSauron. 'Nuff Said. | 2011-10-15 20:22:00 Author: Valeview Posts: 1581 |
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