It's pretty official- LBP1 is obsolete.
Archive: 17 posts
Now that everyone's seen videos or have just EXPERIENCED LBP2, LBP1 feels like it's lost all its charm to its younger brother, making seem like a very gray planet... The only thing keeping LBP1 alive are mimics of LBP2 and the Community Spotlight, but other than that, what's the point of playing LBP1 if LBP2 is technically released? I feel like the beta ALONE took away almost half of LBP1's audience, leaving LBP1's audience isolated for three months until the full game is released. And if this is what JUST the beta of LBP2 can do to LBP1, then I'm gonna hate seeing what the full game will do... tl;dr, ONEEEEEEEEEEE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER THAT YOU'LL EVER DO | 2010-10-23 05:34:00 Author: JawboneX ![]() Posts: 90 |
Now that everyone's seen videos or have just EXPERIENCED LBP2, LBP1 feels like it's lost all its charm to its younger brother, making seem like a very gray planet... The only thing keeping LBP1 alive are mimics of LBP2 and the Community Spotlight, but other than that, what's the point of playing LBP1 if LBP2 is technically released? I feel like the beta ALONE took away almost half of LBP1's audience, leaving LBP1's audience isolated for three months until the full game is released. And if this is what JUST the beta of LBP2 can do to LBP1, then I'm gonna hate seeing what the full game will do... tl;dr, ONEEEEEEEEEEE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER THAT YOU'LL EVER DO I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that statement completely. LittleBIGPlanet (the 1st, thank you) can NEVER be obsolete, because, technically, LBP will also be included into LBP2. So either way, it'll still be there. Also, if you look at it this way, LBP2 is a LARGE expansion pack (much like WoW's Lich King or GTA IV's DLC), since it not only runs off the same base concept (and engine), but is the same game... just with more tools and shiny graphics. Mm had SOO many ideas for LBP that it was impossible to cram it all into one game!... hence the "2". ![]() And, finally... it there wasn't a LBP, then there wouldn't be a LBP2. Good games become great games, and since LBP was already great, then LBP2 will have to be greater. Sure, it'll have more stuff, but is more technically "more"? We'll have to wait and see. So don't you DARE call LBP obsolete. Because if it wasn't for LBP, then you would've never had this conversation in the first place. | 2010-10-23 06:37:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
You know what's funny. LBP2 has a lot in common with 1. When you get into create mode, your going to know so much because you've already played lbp1. Oh sure the logic is totally different and the lighting engine makes things look different but you'll feel right at home with a lot of 2 the second you start it up if you played 1. | 2010-10-23 06:42:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I have to agree with you all actually. Right now "LBP1" is pretty obsolete. Everyone has the beta (except me) and when it comes down to "What am I going to play today?" they're going to pick the beta. I know that it all will be included in the sequel, but other than the classic levels (the ones we already know and love) no one is going to play a mediocre level that was created a month before the release. I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but it's putting me off making a level and is probably the reason I'll never get to publish a real level. I know that's highly personel, but I'm sure others have the same views. In saying that, people still do pop back onto the original now and again. | 2010-10-23 11:53:00 Author: talbot-trembler ![]() Posts: 1114 |
LBP1 is obsolete, yeah LBP1 and LBP2 is pretty much the same game but LBP2 is a little better. But that's what obsolete means something better that offers all the same features and more. Just as the nintendo DS made the GBA obsolete and the GBA made the gameboy obsolete. It is a cycle of improvement, we will never forget about LBP1, but sadly LBP2 is the ps2 of craftworld, we don't need a ps1 anymore, but possible when the PS3 comes along unless you get it straight away you will still need a ps2. Wait what was I talking about, oh yeah nintendo.... | 2010-10-23 13:27:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
I'm not really sure LBP 1 is obsolete just yet. I can still find some good levels that i haven't played already. Plus, the amount of times my system crashed in the LBP 2 beta is unbelievable! it's not been very kind on my PS3. That's why i've become less & less willing to play it. So i find myself returning to LBP 1 more often where i don't have to worry about my PS3 crashing at the first loading screen. | 2010-10-23 15:10:00 Author: D-E-S_87 ![]() Posts: 148 |
Yeeeahh, something tells me I should stop trying to throw myself into situations like this... I'm sorry, everyone, I guess I haven't been looking at LBP1 the right way... I think I'm just feeling like this after seeing about a thousand videos of the beta, I feel more used to that... but patience is the key here, right? | 2010-10-23 16:31:00 Author: JawboneX ![]() Posts: 90 |
LBP is nowhere near obsolete. It can handle stuff even the beta cant handle, for some reason. I transfered my second level, Kinetic Crisis, to the beta and it overheats. On LBP1 it has thermo left which mean little has its strengths too. Its funny talbot because I been playing 1 more than the beta. Seems more fun to me. | 2010-10-23 16:40:00 Author: L1GhTmArE ![]() Posts: 519 |
LBP is nowhere near obsolete. It can handle stuff even the beta cant handle, for some reason. I transfered my second level, Kinetic Crisis, to the beta and it overheats. On LBP1 it has thermo left which mean little has its strengths too. Its funny talbot because I been playing 1 more than the beta. Seems more fun to me. I noticed, but there is a difference. You can create. ![]() | 2010-10-23 17:13:00 Author: talbot-trembler ![]() Posts: 1114 |
LBP is nowhere near obsolete. It can handle stuff even the beta cant handle, for some reason. I transfered my second level, Kinetic Crisis, to the beta and it overheats. On LBP1 it has thermo left which mean little has its strengths too. Its funny talbot because I been playing 1 more than the beta. Seems more fun to me. Kinetic Crisis was a great level, but knowing it won't work in the beta is quite a shame... Like I said, maybe I'm just looking at LBP1 the wrong way... | 2010-10-23 17:56:00 Author: JawboneX ![]() Posts: 90 |
I have the beta, but I actually find LittleBIGPlanet (First game, that is) more user-friendly and easier to operate. Just my thoughts though ![]() | 2010-10-23 18:29:00 Author: Symin ![]() Posts: 133 |
C'mon guys. LBP2 isn't truly out yet! We're still alive! Unlike the beta, we're a full game! LBP isn't obsolete just yet! *fist pump* | 2010-10-23 21:00:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
C'mon guys. LBP2 isn't truly out yet! We're still alive! Unlike the beta, we're a full game! LBP isn't obsolete just yet! *fist pump* That's true- we are what the beta isn't, a COMPLETED GAME. We gotta make the most of this game! Let's go! (yeah yeah, sorry for the sudden mood swing) | 2010-10-23 21:28:00 Author: JawboneX ![]() Posts: 90 |
A good indication to see if LBP is obsolete is to check how many people are playing when online. The day people mostly stop playing LBP = the day the game will be obsolete. That day is coming but it did not happen yet that's for sure. | 2010-10-23 23:37:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
one thing i wish is that though lbp 1 still has life people are ignoring its tools and possibilitys to try and mimic 2 beta, that and i hope everyone realises the day somone made a bomb survival was when lbp's orriginality died | 2010-10-23 23:51:00 Author: dragonights ![]() Posts: 209 |
i got bored of the beta pretty quick because all it's been is quick 'that's cool' gimmicks and solitary confinement in create mode. that will change as things grow in the final release, and of course story mode in LBP2 will be very good, but as it it now it's more fun to jump into LBP1, romp through some levels and slap friends around, or head into cocreate with a buddy and see what they're working on. i got a feel for everything and am keeping up on logic discussion, but i have no motivation to put in any significant work in the beta... it's all or nothing for me. at the same time i don't really feel like putting anything out on LBP1 either, but i've built quite a few empty shells to transfer over. that gets old too... all or nothing, like i said. that's probably why i've just been watching netflix instead. | 2010-10-24 02:19:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yeah, I feel similar to NinjaMicWZ. I'm already back to LBP1, working on my LBP1 level. The beta has very few full levels to play (mostly just demos), which won't change unless MM allows us to keep our work. I have submitted my share of bug reports, I haven't found any more since the patch. I know the beta logic basics, and that's all I need for now. Access to the beta is handy for testing "Can I do that in LBP2?" experiments, but 99% of my LBP time is now back in LBP1. I think LBP2 will be x100 more fun when we get to play all the levels and have access to all the decorations/etc. Plus no crash obviously. In regards to the OP: - LBP2 beta /= LBP2. - LBP1 isn't obsolete yet. It won't be until full LBP2 retail release. | 2010-10-24 04:12:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
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