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Ejection seat help!

Archive: 4 posts

Well, i made a pretty good ejection seat that can be made to go into any car, or any vehicle. What it is, is the roof of the vehicle is made of dissolve, the seat of the vehicle is not glued on, to the vehicle, it has a high strength, stiff spring that pushes the seat out when you dissolve the roof. the problem im having is that when i put the spring to a length over 35, it starts glitching through the roof, or it starts going on an angle. Any suggestions? I will submit pics if truly needed.2010-10-22 23:28:00

Posts: 176

Is the angle thing affecting the actual axis of the spring? If not, don't worry, LBP connectors appear to have their axes fly off on weird angles when they're made really short. If it IS affecting your angle/trajectory, then the issue is probably that your spring strength/length combo is just too much for those objects to handle. As an alternative, I may just suggest switching to controlled pistons instead of springs; they tend to be less volatile under extreme pressure, and are much more efficient at... Making things fly.2010-10-23 03:06:00

Posts: 74

ya, the only reason i really used springs was because i wouldnt need a switch to power them, they would just fly out, and it also added realistic effect, if u wanna see an example of one of MY ejection seats, just search my psn (assassinshooterX), or "cool machines!" Thanks for the help.2010-10-24 01:44:00

Posts: 176

Try glueing the seat, just to the roof. Right when the roof is gone, it is free to move and will shoot up. if it does not work make sure that the seat is only on the spring and the roof. If you just cant get it, then make a nother dissolve and glue it to the floor. attach a string to the seat. it would dissolve with the roof, leting it move. i dont know if it will work, but its worth a try. If you need anymore help, you can pm me.2010-10-24 02:55:00

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