MAG question
Archive: 18 posts
I am getting MAG tomorrow (please no questions... i'll explain) and want to know if update 2.00 and 2.01 have made the game good now... i will still play it just to see how it is, but any opinions? one of my teachers husbands works for sony, and i sent him a letter with some questions, he showed it to his boss and apparently his boss found it interesting... and gave my teachers husband a MAG disc to give to me! so obviously i practically have it, just need to get it 5th period tomorrow. so thats why i am asking this... phew... basically... is MAG any good now? and have the updates fixed the main imbalanced factions problem? | 2010-10-21 05:39:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Well everybody complains that the factions are unbalanced but for me I don't think this is true. 2.0 Changed the skill tree and the way we make classes and although it is a big change it is improved, it forces you to develop your character around a certain weopon class. The main problem with the game and everyone will agree is the blue dots (noobs) A lot of people don't know what they are doing and some even team kill (a lot) I don't know whether it is by accident or not. I love the game and I would in no way discourage anyone from playing it, just don't join S.V.E.R Or RAVEN ![]() | 2010-10-21 11:40:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
the east faction (forgot the name) got inpossible defences to beat | 2010-10-21 14:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
S.V.E.R But I can beat them. | 2010-10-21 14:41:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
I think there's nothing at all wrong with Mag, it's awesome. Granted I play purely as a medic - but I regularly finish with an MVP. What do you mean by "Made the game good 'now'"? - as if it wasn;t a good game before?! | 2010-10-21 15:01:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
thanks, i can't wait till i get home... at school now | 2010-10-21 18:01:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
If you didn't like the Beta the week before it was released, you won't like this. Weapon damages have been altered alot since 1.00, and bits of the maps have been shuffled around, or extra walls added. For instance, that downright stupid open plain on the way to SVERs A objective in Sabotage got some extra walls and such so you could make it through, months ago. New skill trees and an odd 'Supply Depo' system for buying weapons is nice, but it makes the game alot harder for newbies. If you're going to play this, don't expect to do well at all until you have enough skill points to level the playing field. It'll take time before it's really all that fair on you. Oh, yeah, and the training mode is still only for the basic controls. You only get good and understand what's going on by reading the tutorials and by good old experience. As for factions, it's still fairly imbalanced. Some people disagree, but these people either don't understand game balance, or just enjoy winning all the time - SVER has almost all the contracts, all the time. Whether this is caused by the maps, the weapons, or the playerbase itself, it's still a game imbalance. I keep waiting for Zipper to say they're going to add a new feature to coax good SVER players to Valor to level things out, because until they do, SVER is easy mode, and Valor and Raven are playing a totally different game. | 2010-10-22 16:41:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
the east faction (forgot the name) got inpossible defences to beat Lies. Just too many unco-ordinated people on all sides. This game is great when people play it the way it is meant to be played, but people seem to think it is COD. Anyways, buy interdiction, it is the best game mode. | 2010-10-22 16:49:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
Lies. Just too many unco-ordinated people on all sides. Yeah, because SVER having their gates behind the bunkerline, as opposed to infront of it, like Valor & Raven is totally a balanced way to set up the maps. In addition to SVERs bunkers being closer together, making repairs a faster process. Are we playing the same game here? | 2010-10-22 21:45:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
Yeah, because SVER having their gates behind the bunkerline, as opposed to infront of it, like Valor & Raven is totally a balanced way to set up the maps. In addition to SVERs bunkers being closer together, making repairs a faster process. Are we playing the same game here? Like i sed The SVER defences are inposible The bunkers ![]() | 2010-10-22 21:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The only SVER map I have a problem with is the acquisition map, everyone thinks go right to left, if I manage to persuade my squad to go left to right we usually win, SVER never defend that left bunker. | 2010-10-22 21:52:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Agreed with Robotid, If you can get two or three squads on the same page you can roll SVER. That said, can't lie that it's gotten tougher again. I'm surprised Valor hasn't had a patch that has made them the big bad OP faction yet. lol | 2010-10-22 23:10:00 Author: 4wheel ![]() Posts: 511 |
The only SVER map I have a problem with is the acquisition map, everyone thinks go right to left, if I manage to persuade my squad to go left to right we usually win, SVER never defend that left bunker. Lol i alwasy tryed on the drill map at the rigth flank where we respawn but its a whole deathtrap there :star: | 2010-10-22 23:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm on SVER myself, and most of the time when we're on defense, we lose. | 2010-10-23 04:57:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
Agreed with Robotid, If you can get two or three squads on the same page you can roll SVER. That said, can't lie that it's gotten tougher again. I'm surprised Valor hasn't had a patch that has made them the big bad OP faction yet. lol wouldnt that go for any team? i dont think platoon leaders realise that they need to co-ordinate squads aswell... if only a platoon leader could give a squad leader a FRAGO :l but yes, being a SVER player myself, we are easy mode most of the time due to our un balanced map. But at one point alot of our players jumped ship to valor and we werent as good. They ended up coming back though. if i knew SVER were this easy, i wouldnt have joined them... valor would have been my team of choice. That said, we do have our dark days >_>' | 2010-10-24 03:31:00 Author: Yekk ![]() Posts: 7 |
joined valor... fun, but HARD | 2010-10-24 04:07:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
wouldnt that go for any team? i dont think platoon leaders realise that they need to co-ordinate squads aswell... if only a platoon leader could give a squad leader a FRAGO :l Indeed that does go for any team on all PMCs, Yekk. SVER was just the current topic so I put it in an against SVER spin. Still if a PL can get his Platoon on the same page, some amazing moments can be born. Taking it a step further, if an OIC can get all his platoons under his control...Well, I'd hate to face 'em. | 2010-10-24 05:45:00 Author: 4wheel ![]() Posts: 511 |
I love valor, we get looked down upon because we never have the contracts for very long but we are the best. I only lost a single game yesterday, it was an unfortunate loss against SVER, we were defending on SVER's sabotage map and they managed to win with 13 seconds left. | 2010-10-24 10:08:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
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