Thermo lag?
Archive: 1 post
I have looked for other posts on this several times, but i have never found it. After trying to fix a level yesterday it bugged me enough to post. You have a level close to maxed out, use the corner edit and remove edges...but instead this causes your level to overheat? If you wait 25% of the time the thermo will drop back, but the other times it won't so you have to rewind and hope the thero doesn't follow you back in the rewind...because sometimes it stays in overheat mode even after you have undone everything you did and you are back to the start. If you do several edits in a row it will stay crazy, but there is a small chance that it will suddenly "catch-up" and drop, but the other 80% it will just stay in overheat. If you try to fix it by turning an emitter elsewhere in the level to zeroit will drop, but then the next edit you do it will go red again. I am not using any emitter glitches in the level, but I do have several things that emit other items, but in other levels I had this issue with there were next to no emitters, and zero 2 or three layer emitters. I got the level done, but it would be nice to know if there are work arounds for this...I have a feeling that the thermo mistakenly drops over time allowing you to add to the level through the weeks, but it is actually much higher, so when it finally resets to what it should be you are in trouble because you can be well over a notch above overheat by that time...but then that would not explain the fact that it drops back down 25% or so of the time...so then all I can figure is it has to do with online somehow...I swear I see that annoying checking online sysbol that occurs when you edit a speech bubble. | 2010-10-19 17:13:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
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