What I "dislike" about the community at times
Archive: 11 posts
Okay I lied, It's Hate.. Now I'm just here to give my opinions on them. Please Post yours and discuss it here. It's like therapy to vent... so go ahead! 1.I hate it whenever I make a level and I get people Advertising like "Play my ____" , "H4H" , "Sucks, play my levels" It's so annoying. There's a reason why this is called a COMMENTS section. 2. I hate "well-trained" slap addicts who get the timing right and everything, literally rendering it impossible for me to move. 3. I hate it when People "Claim" to be Goth, Emo, etc. Seriously, It may be a style, But it's not a title to take for granted. Some people are actually Goth, Emo, etc. It can gain the potential of offending their community. 4. I hate it when All I see are COPIED LEVELS EVERYWHERE. Like seriously, can't we have an "originally made" section so that there wont be so much confusion and the creators can rightfully have their hearts and stars? 5. I hate it when I see nothing but survival levels, It's all Shark survivals, Bomb survivals, Jumps. I wouldn't hate it as much if they're actually original, But they're not like the single most important genre of level you can play! 6.I hate it when some players have massive Egos, Like, I hate it when people think they're better than you in absolutely everything. 7.I hate it when People get "Friction" or "Drama" between other players. Like seriously? What is this, Jersey Shore? It's a game for heaven's sake! 8. I hate racist players.I knew one before, And I Deleted him as fast as you could say "Hey are you gonna delete him yet?" 9.I hate it when I know fully grown males being womanizers online, I knew one that wouldn't talk to anyone that's his gender, He's always with Girls! Man up and act mature! 10. I hate those non-talkers who don't...well... talk. They're silent all the time, Beginning to end. Now i'm okay if it's a language barrier that's the issue, I understand. But to someone who speaks my language and doesn't wanna talk, clearly doesn't want me here. 11. I really hate it when I turn auto reject on. I get messages from people asking me whats my problem. Listen, I just wanna be alone, I'd like some personal space and I was pretty sure I caught you doing the same thing too. ![]() 12. I don't hate this, But i'm not really fond of this LBP Girlfriend/Boyfriend relationship, It gets akward and ridiculous sometimes.. 13. I hate it when "Hormone-activated" males harrass my female friends for "Certain pictures." That's wrong , I'm a dude And I find that just too disrespectful for any female players, It ruins their game experience. 14. I hate it when people make Straight-up offending levels. I've seen people making levels involving killing a certain person or certain people of Different Religion, Ethnicity, etc. Stuff like this needs to be cleaned up! 15. I hate it whenever I'm joining a level through quickplay or online and right when I join, I get kicked for no reason whatsoever, Seriously, If you wanted alone time, Play alone and not online! Well... I'll have more later. Just post yours if ya like, Discuss. Remember, this is Opinion, so I really wouldn't like to see people attacking others on opinipn. | 2010-10-19 00:07:00 Author: ishotthesherrif ![]() Posts: 101 |
The general attitude regarding female gamers is the one I'd have to agree with most. Why are there so few girls on your favourite games? Because you chase them away the instant they're there, tools. I've never met anyone with a mental age above 10 to think hitting on girls via online games was cool or clever. I dunno so much about your remark regarding 'drama' though. What exactly are you getting at? It may be a game, but the players are real. People argue, if you don't like it, just steer clear. Oh, yeah, and the 'goth'/'emo' Sackpeople? Maybe we should just dub them scenesacks. Based on what they actually are - Scene kiddies. ;3 | 2010-10-19 00:21:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
@ #10: Maybe they just don't have headset/ keyboard, and don't wanna take 3hrs to say hello. (Exagerated, but you know what I mean.) Also, why do people keep making these "Things I hate of LBP/ community/ etc.? You keep focusing in all the negative, instead of the positive, doesn't seem you're enjoying the game at all... Seriously, some stuff, can't be helped, and cannot be solved, so there's no point in a bunch of people repedately saying the same thing about hating something over and over, don't you think? | 2010-10-19 00:29:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
@ #10: Maybe they just don't have headset/ keyboard, and don't wanna take 3hrs to say hello. (Exagerated, but you know what I mean.) Also, why do people keep making these "Things I hate of LBP/ community/ etc.? You keep focusing in all the negative, instead of the positive, doesn't seem you're enjoying the game at all... Seriously, some stuff, can't be helped, and cannot be solved, so there's no point in a bunch of people repedately saying the same thing about hating something over and over, don't you think? I love the game, I just think theres some venting that needs to be done . Either way im not negative. I just felt like giving out and letting it go right? LOL | 2010-10-19 00:48:00 Author: ishotthesherrif ![]() Posts: 101 |
this is the kind of stuff I would leave to my blog but there are some really good reasons there like female harassing, that one of people asking for pictures is alarming, it can get to some serious issues, if you find any of this pervs again make sure to report them to Sony. | 2010-10-19 02:02:00 Author: Ragnarok ![]() Posts: 898 |
1.I hate it when I see a good level that I might like, but get distracted by those ugly sackboys/girls who thing there like models on the game. Takes away the interest 2. The Cool pages suck. If people just took the time to learn creating, they be good 3. I hate it when I see a wannabe emo playing with me 4. I hate it when a person stickers you and slaps you. 5. I hate it when I people make fun of another person. BULLYS! 6. I really hate when a person tries to have a relationship with another person who he/she might never even know exist online! Some girl asked me out and I was like "Do I even know you?!" | 2010-10-19 02:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
1. Agreed. I always thought it was tacky and those are the only posts I delete from my comments (I don't delete criticism; just advertising). 2. Why hang out with people who annoy you? I keep my friend list small and I kick anybody who bothers me. 3. Um.... ok. No idea why that sticks in your craw, but to each his own. 4. People are jerks. What are you gonna' do? 5. See no. 4. 6. I'm offended by this one. Just 'cuz I'm better than everybody and I know it, is no reason to hate me. 7. See no. 2. 8. 2 again. 9. Weird. And pathetic. 10. Maybe they just don't have anything to say. I'm not much of a talker when playing with people I don't know. I used to use a headset, but every time people would ask me to type instead, which was annoying 'cuz I'm using a controller. Now I only put on my headset when I'm playing with friends who also have headsets. 11. I've never turned auto-reject on, but then I don't keep annoying people on my friend list, so I'm generally ok with accepting invites. 12. Um....ok. 13. Ew. 14. I agree that they shouldn't do that, but why let it bother you? Personally, I can't be offended by somebody I don't have any respect for, and I can't imagine respecting these kinds of people. 15. Never had it happen, but I guess it'd be annoying. I hate when people post threads about all the stuff they hate. ![]() | 2010-10-20 09:59:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Well to be honest this is the reason we have blogs... not to sound rude but everyone has things they dislike, we don't need a topic for it so everyone can get mad together, Yohohoo! to be honest even more here's something i dislike my self, people who make i hate this or that topics, as if they want to poll everyone along in their hate party, its annoying, i want to just have fun and relax and for everyone else to do the same in their own ways, also i dislike people who judge others like they know anything or have a right to, @#12>i have lots of non annoying good friends who have online GFs or BFs... there's nothing wrong with it and its not sad like some of you may put it, i'm for true romance no matter if its real life or online, i support it if its real love no matter what, yes if its just some jerk guy or girl bugging people then im not for it at all, but the same goes for real life or anything in this case, i do my self really dislike all them guys who think they can get any girl etc, as long they find a way to be together in the end, then its a happy ending ever after, i know lots of people who got together after a while from online and some who got married and everything, yes more people should be far more careful then they are but the same from what i've seen goes for real life too, anyways topics like this will always just make everyone get mad and talk about things we hate then we'll start disagreeing with one another, then this topic will get closed after some time, best just to keep this kind of thing to your blogs and friends, best try Not to drag everyone else with you, Yoho~ *mew | 2010-10-20 14:12:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
i hate when people complain their not in the beta............. not mentioning any names ![]() | 2010-10-21 05:14:00 Author: rez455 ![]() Posts: 113 |
I don't know what number 12 means. | 2010-10-21 22:18:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
I think we're all aware by now that the community is garbage that may never be fully cleaned up. The best we can do is ignore it or try to fix it. I've tried complaining about the community myself, it gets nothing done, and even ignoring it can only work for so long. | 2010-10-22 02:01:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
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