MD&C Vs Flea Part 3 - Sewer Escape
Archive: 8 posts
MD&C Vs Flea Part 3 - Sewer Escapeshotgun_69 You have been captured by The Fleas and the only way out isn't pretty. You'll need to traverse lock mechanisms and swim through a rotting sewer but in the end you should escape... maybe. This is part 3 in my eventual 4 part series and I have put everything I have learned into it. Any feedback is very much appreciated and if you want to know the story behind the level there is a prologue and parts 1 & 2 that gives you a rough idea what is going on. Here are some photos from the level to get yall interested. There not the best photos but they show off the underwater section and your fellow cell mates. Will F4F anyone who leaves feedback as I know how hard it is to get feedback sometimes. 2557225573 | 2010-10-18 19:52:00 Author: shotgun_69 ![]() Posts: 157 |
Hey folks I have updated this as I originally wanted to beta test the level before going live but it seems it's easier to go live then fix all the niggles as the feedback comes in, you learn something new in this game every time you play it and that's why I love it. Again, any help anyone could give is really appreciated and for the people that have already agreed to help thanks again. | 2010-10-20 06:28:00 Author: shotgun_69 ![]() Posts: 157 |
thanks for leaving feedback on my level. when I go on LBP tomorrow, I'll be sure to check your level out and leave my feedback here when I'm done!! | 2010-10-22 20:33:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
Cheers dude, if you ever need any feedback for a level let us know. | 2010-10-23 16:07:00 Author: shotgun_69 ![]() Posts: 157 |
sorry I haven't been able to post any reviews on your level yet, I've been having a bit of trouble with my internet. Its all fixed now and I'm off to play your level! EDIT: just played about (half?) your level and I will review what I played. Story. What exactly was going on? I tried the other parts to make sense of it but All I could get was some army fleas slaughter some animals because of beasts then go into a base and get teleported into a weel of death.I'm not quite sure what was going on here. Good: characters were quite funny, if a little strange Less Good: I couldn't understand what was going on. even after playing the others in the series, it didn't make a whole lot of sense 3/5 Looks The levels visuals were alot prettier then the previous levels in the series and I can see that you have improved from your first levels. the atmosphere and lighting effects were great! you should try and build apon this in your next levels. Good: atmosphere lighting Less Good: some characters set pieces could have used some decoration 4/5 Gameplay the gameplay was, like the visuals, alot better then your previous levels but some parts (the second wheel) were a little hard. if you missed a jump you were often sent down a path you didn't want to go down without being able to do much about it. Good: you tried new and interesting gameplay out the first wheel. Less Good: the electrical bit in the second wheel was overly hard, and I lost all my lives on it, and couldn't beat your level. the second wheel could have used something to grab onto at the corners so you don't always get sent back to the start, or even down the wrong pathway! not many point orbs to collect. the dangers seem rather rewardless and lack motivation because of this. 3/5 Level design the level design was, overall very good, the difficulty did progress along with the level and the bit where you switched the two wheels was quite clever. Good: clever use of the space in the level interesting obsticalls. Less Good: I'm not sure what that flaming thing was at the start, it seemed out of place 4/5 Other Bits I think the level could use some music and at the start a glowing rabbit was talking to a mouse. I could see no mouse. was this a glitch or was the rabbit talking to nothing? Good: lots of different materials were used to keep the visuals fresh Less Good: could do with some music and sound effects crazy rabbit. 3/5 overall, what I played of your level was good fun, if a little strange. I gave it 4 stars because of the exciting wheels. for the fith star try adding points, decorations and making the second wheel less frustrating. I'm all for challenge but at some points it seemed alittle unfair. thanks again for playing and reviewing my level! | 2010-10-28 11:16:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
Thanks for the feedback man. The story is all going to be explained in the final level so don't worry if it's a bit confusing, I'm not even sure what's going on half the time lol. I haven't changed the wheel because I like the fact that you feel kind of helpless when you're tossed about, adds to the tension. Sorry it has taken me ages to reply to this but I also had a problem with me internet then, joy upon joys, me ps3 yellow lighted but it's all good now and the level is officially published ![]() | 2010-11-12 23:07:00 Author: shotgun_69 ![]() Posts: 157 |
I didn't get the story, but maybe that's because I haven't played part one or two. I liked the big wheel, I did not like the big square. I gave up after ten minutes in the big square maze. I gave you three stars. Thanks for playing my level. | 2010-12-01 22:44:00 Author: Babkockdood ![]() Posts: 26 |
What part of the square was it that caused you trouble or was it just trying to find the right path? | 2010-12-02 08:48:00 Author: shotgun_69 ![]() Posts: 157 |
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