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Which Supervillain are you? Quiz
Archive: 37 posts
http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/ I am Magneto Magneto 77% The Joker 68% Green Goblin 64% Apocalypse 60% Two-Face 56% Mr. Freeze 53% Riddler 53% Lex Luthor 48% Venom 46% Catwoman 44% Dr. Doom 40% Mystique 40% Dark Phoenix 33% Kingpin 21% Juggernaut 20% Poison Ivy 20% You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause. | 2008-10-29 04:53:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
The Joker 61% Venom 59% Magneto 54% Mystique 54% Apocalypse 50% Juggernaut 50% Catwoman 49% Dark Phoenix 49% Dr. Doom 47% Riddler 44% Mr. Freeze 43% Lex Luthor 42% Green Goblin 34% Two-Face 30% Poison Ivy 29% Kingpin 29% wow... the joker?? | 2008-10-29 05:15:00 Author: Go,Mouse! Posts: 388 |
Dr. Doom 63% Apocalypse 60% Juggernaut 59% Lex Luthor 51% Venom 48% Dark Phoenix 47% Kingpin 47% Magneto 45% The Joker 43% Catwoman 42% Mr. Freeze 40% Mystique 39% Poison Ivy 37% Riddler 33% Green Goblin 31% Two-Face 23% I wanted to be Juggernaut ;_; | 2008-10-29 06:24:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
This is just like mine and i refuse to take i am HERO till DEATH | 2008-10-29 06:30:00 Author: Thee-Flash Posts: 3154 |
I'm guessing you'll be similar to mine...So you're Dr. Doom too =D | 2008-10-29 06:37:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
-.- DR. Hero! | 2008-10-29 06:39:00 Author: Thee-Flash Posts: 3154 |
Nope...I'm pretty sure it's Doom =D You're an evil person nao | 2008-10-29 06:40:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
haha curse you and your funny ways STIX!! well last time i checked hero manual page 152 paragraph 2 verse 3 is states DR. HERO | 2008-10-29 06:43:00 Author: Thee-Flash Posts: 3154 |
Yeah well, what can I say? I'm just TOTALLYEPICLIKETHAT! =D Yeah, but you're reading the 1996 version...Get the 2009 version, and you'll see that it's Doom >_> | 2008-10-29 06:47:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
*still refuses to take test* Stix does not realise it is accutly 2008 copy 2009 will get released in year 3102 so until then you can shh shh and more shh!!! | 2008-10-29 06:49:00 Author: Thee-Flash Posts: 3154 |
Nope, I believe you're wrong! The 2009 version is already released. The only version that will be released in the year you mentioned in the "Ultimate X" edition, and that's totally different Ya! =D | 2008-10-29 06:50:00 Author: Stix489 Posts: 2080 |
O does not realise this and pats stix on the back for telling me this | 2008-10-29 06:52:00 Author: Thee-Flash Posts: 3154 |
Venom 46% Catwoman 46% Juggernaut 45% Mr. Freeze 40% Dr. Doom 37% Two-Face 33% The Joker 32% Dark Phoenix 30% Kingpin 30% Lex Luthor 28% Riddler 26% Apocalypse 25% Mystique 25% Green Goblin 25% Magneto 21% Poison Ivy 16% 2 away from THE JUGGERNAUT! lol.. catwomen. | 2008-10-29 07:06:00 Author: BobMarley Posts: 260 |
who is JUGGERNAUT?? also lmao cat women! | 2008-10-29 07:08:00 Author: Thee-Flash Posts: 3154 |
Your results: You are The Joker 48% The Joker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40% Venom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40% Mr. Freeze -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40% Riddler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31% Dr. Doom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29% Lex Luthor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29% Apocalypse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29% Juggernaut -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29% Mystique -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29% Kingpin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27% Magneto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27% Dark Phoenix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26% Poison Ivy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23% Catwoman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 231 Green Goblin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13% Two-Face -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Clown Prince of Crime. You are a brilliant mastermind but are criminally insane. You love to joke around while accomplishing the task at hand. http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/pics/joker.jpg Clicky. (http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/result.htm?a=40&b=48&c=23&d=27&e=29&f=29&g=26&h=29&i=31&j=29&k=40&l=27&m=40&n=21&o=13&p=29) Lalalalala... | 2008-10-29 10:11:00 Author: Unknown User |
The Joker 68% Apocalypse 67% Dr. Doom 62% Magneto 61% Dark Phoenix 60% Juggernaut 55% Venom 54% Lex Luthor 54% Two-Face 47% Kingpin 47% Mr. Freeze 46% Riddler 44% Catwoman 40% Mystique 39% Poison Ivy 37% Green Goblin 31% | 2008-10-29 11:47:00 Author: Unknown User |
So many jokers... >_> | 2008-10-29 12:56:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
Clicky. (http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/result.htm?a=40&b=48&c=23&d=27&e=29&f=29&g=26&h=29&i=31&j=29&k=40&l=27&m=40&n=21&o=13&p=29) Lalalalala... i choose mr. freeze. hes cool | 2008-10-29 13:14:00 Author: Unknown User |
...? You can't choose your supervillain. Also, welcome to the forums! | 2008-10-29 13:17:00 Author: Unknown User |
Apocalypse 66% Magneto 55% Dr. Doom 53% Lex Luthor 48% Mr. Freeze 47% Juggernaut 45% The Joker 41% Kingpin 40% Venom 37% Catwoman 34% Dark Phoenix 34% Riddler 33% Green Goblin 33% Mystique 25% Poison Ivy 17% Two-Face 13% | 2008-10-29 13:19:00 Author: supersickie Posts: 1366 |
o..well now i get it, and ty creative Mr. Freeze 80% Dr. Doom 77% Joker 72% Magneto 55% Green Goblin 51% Two-Face 49% Apocalypse 45% Lex Luthor 41% Venom 38% Catwoman 35% Dark Phoenix 31% Riddler 25% Juggernaut 19% Kingpin 7% Poison Ivy 4% Mystique 1% is this ok creative? | 2008-10-29 13:57:00 Author: Unknown User |
Yup, that's how you do it | 2008-10-29 14:01:00 Author: Unknown User |
Mine came out as: Lex Luthor, The Joker & Riddler. All the same percentage... lol. | 2008-10-29 14:42:00 Author: alexbull_uk Posts: 1287 |
Im Dr doom... Me likey! | 2008-10-29 15:00:00 Author: MC Banhammer Posts: 78 |
You are Venom Venom 70% Juggernaut 69% Dr. Doom 67% Lex Luthor 66% The Joker 62% Magneto 58% Riddler 58% Apocalypse 57% Kingpin 56% Dark Phoenix 53% Poison Ivy 51% Mr. Freeze 50% Catwoman 47% Mystique 41% Two-Face 29% Green Goblin 21% Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons. http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/pics/venom.jpg Booyah, 2% away from being Juggernaut though :arg: | 2008-10-29 15:15:00 Author: PriCHuR Posts: 9 |
I got Mr. Freeze | 2008-10-29 15:31:00 Author: Unknown User |
You are Poison Ivy Poison Ivy 62% Mystique 53% Dr. Doom 52% Apocalypse 49% The Joker 47% Magneto 46% Lex Luthor 44% Riddler 44% Mr. Freeze 43% Dark Phoenix 40% Venom 37% Kingpin 36% Juggernaut 33% Catwoman 31% Green Goblin 29% Two-Face 13% You would go to almost any length for the protection of the environment including manipulation and elimination. | 2008-10-29 17:10:00 Author: cocojen Posts: 90 |
Your results: You are The Joker The Joker 63% Mystique 62% Venom 59% Dark Phoenix 57% Mr. Freeze 54% Catwoman 53% Two-Face 50% Poison Ivy 49% Riddler 48% Dr. Doom 46% Lex Luthor 38% Apocalypse 38% Green Goblin 38% Magneto 34% Juggernaut 30% Kingpin 25% The Clown Prince of Crime. You are a brilliant mastermind but are criminally insane. You love to joke around while accomplishing the task at hand. Yayyy I love the Joker!! I wish I was Harley Quinn though. | 2008-10-29 17:51:00 Author: Yana Posts: 134 |
Magneto 76% Venom 75% Apocalypse 75% The Joker 68% Dr. Doom 68% Two-Face 67% Mr. Freeze 65% Green Goblin 63% Kingpin 60% Juggernaut 59% Lex Luthor 57% Riddler 54% Dark Phoenix 47% Catwoman 44% Mystique 39% Poison Ivy 28% Oooo Magneto I feel all powerful yet scary :You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause. | 2008-10-29 18:02:00 Author: Kyashu Posts: 447 |
Tried it twice, with different choices (Though very close to reality); And I got Dr.Doom twice. lol. Guess it's meant to be. Dr. Doom 42% Lex Luthor 34% The Joker 33% Magneto 33% Apocalypse 33% Mr. Freeze 32% Venom 31% Juggernaut 29% Mystique 29% Dark Phoenix 29% Green Goblin 25% Two-Face 25% Catwoman 24% Kingpin 23% Riddler 22% Poison Ivy 19% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. | 2008-10-29 18:27:00 Author: Forsaken Posts: 950 |
heres mine Dr. Doom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75% Lex Luthor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67% Green Goblin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62% Magneto -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54% Mr. Freeze -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50% Two-Face -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50% Venom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47% Apocalypse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44% The Joker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42% Mystique -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30% Poison Ivy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29% Kingpin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28% Dark Phoenix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27% Catwoman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23% Juggernaut -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22% Riddler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11% how can i be 54% dr freeze when i hate the cold and love the warmth | 2008-10-29 19:58:00 Author: panzer3000 Posts: 362 |
The Clown Prince of Crime. You are a brilliant mastermind but are criminally insane. You love to joke around while accomplishing the task at hand. http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/pics/joker.jpg The Joker 67% Riddler 57% Dr. Doom 53% Lex Luthor 50% Magneto 47% Apocalypse 40% Green Goblin 37% Poison Ivy 36% Mr. Freeze 36% Two-Face 33% Dark Phoenix 31% Venom 25% Mystique 21% Juggernaut 17% Catwoman 15% Kingpin 14% grr | 2008-10-29 20:25:00 Author: scratchbachstan Posts: 65 |
Your results: You are Dr. Doom Dr. Doom 64% Apocalypse 62% Magneto 57% Dark Phoenix 52% Green Goblin 52% The Joker 50% Two-Face 48% Poison Ivy 47% Lex Luthor 44% Mr. Freeze 37% Venom 30% Catwoman 30% Juggernaut 24% Riddler 22% Mystique 20% Kingpin 18% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. WOW. So true. :arg: | 2008-10-29 21:04:00 Author: Unknown User |
No other Magnetos? D: | 2008-10-29 21:16:00 Author: Code1337 Posts: 3476 |
No other Magnetos? D: Me Im a magneto you magneto too ??? | 2008-10-29 21:28:00 Author: Kyashu Posts: 447 |
YAY! The first Riddler :hero: You are Riddler Riddler 61% Dr. Doom 60% The Joker 59% Magneto 58% Apocalypse 58% Mystique 56% Poison Ivy 55% Lex Luthor 52% Juggernaut 52% Green Goblin 48% Kingpin 48% Catwoman 47% Mr. Freeze 47% Venom 45% Dark Phoenix 30% Two-Face 28% | 2008-10-29 21:30:00 Author: RedPanda Posts: 191 |
Dr. Doom 66% Lex Luthor 58% The Joker 54% Juggernaut 53% Magneto 51% Apocalypse 51% Venom 49% Mr. Freeze 46% Dark Phoenix 45% Kingpin 39% Catwoman 34% Green Goblin 29% Riddler 29% Mystique 21% Poison Ivy 21% Two-Face 9% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. | 2008-10-29 22:10:00 Author: ea9492 Posts: 444 |
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