Inspiration? Annotance?
Archive: 4 posts
OK, so, I personnaly find it hard to create a original level or costume, or even come up with one, and it seems the case with levels is, even if you get the insiration, and create the level, it gets hardly any plays and sometimes even a low rating, and a lot of the time you spent ages creating it, whereas effortless jump and bomb survivals get 1000s of plays. This annoys me, and what do you do to create a really original level?![]() | 2010-10-15 19:54:00 Author: Sabooza ![]() Posts: 68 |
You could try for what inspires you...do a level on one star people...I wanted to do one where you rate the level as the level goes on...and each time if you rated it less than 5 stars you would get killed...basically a lever you pull to asswign the number of hearts...and some kind of puzzle with each one where if you tried to go forward before all five stars were in place you would get pwned...I started it, that turned into a horror story, which changed into a FP driving scene...and that is as far as I have gotten so for...so ADD helps...then again my levels are not the most played to say the least...had it not been for this forum I think I would have not had a play in the last few months. | 2010-10-15 22:07:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Create what you love is my advice. I love Calvin & Hobbes, and Ratchet & Clank, they have been the eaisest (conceptually at least) to create for me. | 2010-10-15 22:33:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Just make something you like and are proud of. If you like it that is all that matters. The LBP community can be fickle, but if you put effort and like what you did it shouldnt matter. (The LBPC Community is amazing and if you want to get plays and good honest reviews then come here) | 2010-10-15 22:50:00 Author: TheAffected ![]() Posts: 626 |
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