Dwarven Community Service
Archive: 3 posts
Dwarven Community ServiceBIG_WILLIE_27 Dwarven Community Service is a 1-2 player minigame based around removing "graffiti" (just stickers) from moving minecarts. The different types of cart have vastly different point rewards and difficulties to remove. This makes for some quick tactical decisions as well as tricky popit aiming and X tapping. taggin and sprayin your nabourhood is hairy buisness, you and your gang decided, so you went down to the abandoned mine to spread the word in privacy. Unfortunately though it turns out the dwarves (who had been hiding in the mines) don't take too kindly to trouble makers, and forced you to clean up all the mess you made on thier rusty old minecarts. And thats where the level beggins. I didn't want to slow players down with a cutscene becuase after all, it is just a mini-game so you'll want to replay it many times. Anyway the good news is you'll be dropped straight into the action! The very original "sticker removing shooter" gameplay means you won't be furiouosly painting stickers everywhere like in other sticker shooters. there is also a few clever "rainbow signs" that you can win. They're made from loads of LEDs of every colour attached to some neat logic. It's a very fun, quick game that i can see having a very competetive leaderboard. Any feedback is really appreciated as this is my first real level. Hope you enjoy ![]() | 2010-10-14 21:50:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I had 6 or 7 goes then gave up with a score of 8,000. ![]() This is great fun. It's a really nice idea. But man the Popit annoys me regarding how glitchy or laggy it is at times. x3 Anyways, I felt that was an awesome game. My only comment would be regarding your visible sensor switches and stuff. That, and your Magic Mouths at the start don't seem to be playing in the right order. It showed me the smiley sticker first, then the eyes, then then the 3 1pt stickers, then the clean cart. Sweet idea, though. I gave you 4 stars, and a heart for a new idea I haven't seen before. | 2010-10-14 22:19:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
oh god thx for telling me about the mouths, i just realised what i've done. i'll fix it tommorow mornin ![]() about the popoit though, I actually thought it was just my controller that did that... shame really, could be a lot better if they fixed that. anyway thx for taking the time to play it, really glad you liked it ![]() | 2010-10-14 22:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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