Flippin Sack 2
Archive: 10 posts
Flippin Sack 2Quazau Like to flip around? Take a jaunt through this labyrinth in your sack-mo-thingy, enjoying teaser worlds as a backdrop. Requires intermediate motor skills and a little experimentation. Best played as a 1-person, but fun with 2 or 3 COOPERATIVE AND PATIENT sack-friends who know how to wait and help. If 2 or more, wait 7.5 seconds for each additional sack-mo-thingy. Glitch: Sometimes you might fling out of your sack-mo-thingy, and must restart the level (frustrating for impatient people). Enjoy! http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c198/imagiam/LBP/APhoto_6.jpg http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c198/imagiam/LBP/APhoto_7.jpg http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c198/imagiam/LBP/APhoto_3.jpg http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c198/imagiam/LBP/APhoto_1.jpg | 2010-10-14 02:00:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
Ill be sure to play your level so far even the title sounds terrific and can you play my level Freerunner part.2 or Ding! Thanks no h4h ![]() | 2010-10-14 04:25:00 Author: Threesin ![]() Posts: 5 |
Hey of course! There's nothing better than playing LBP levels! ![]() | 2010-10-14 05:38:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
It was a pretty good level, a little frustrating at first, but it was fun once I got the hang of it. Pretty creative custom vehicle, wish the controls where a little tighter though. The backgrounds where good. | 2010-10-23 19:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Looks enticing. Try my levels if you don't mind too. Some have been modified from some constructive criticism i have received from fellow forum friends. | 2010-10-24 23:22:00 Author: KILLA_TODDZILLA ![]() Posts: 653 |
Pretty creative custom vehicle, wish the controls where a little tighter though. Yes, I agree with you, and that is something I would like to change, but probably for a later 3rd version. I am working on a different LBP project right now which I am pretty excited about, and hopefully people will enjoy. I am thinking it will turn some heads, but I have this knack of spending most of my time making things visually appealing with less focus on mechanics, controls and gameplay/storyline. I realize it is a weakness of mine, and it is something I am working on. Perfect feedback, I appreciate it! | 2010-10-25 15:38:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
I played this and the one before it...I could not finish the first one because I may have accidentally destroyed all the jet grabbables. ![]() | 2010-10-28 18:48:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Now why didn't I think of that!?? Celsus, I like the emitter for prize bubbles triggered by key points to be put in the vehicle. Where were you when I was building the level! ![]() | 2010-10-29 20:19:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
Lol, if you are using emitters I feel sorry for you...I tried making some things timed once and it was pure evil. As for the emiting points I made a level where you are in a closed vehicle going down rail tracks and I realized the only way to add points was that way...seeing as your level also had a closed vehicle I figured you got stuck behind the same rock I was. | 2010-11-02 01:34:00 Author: celsus ![]() Posts: 822 |
Lol, if you are using emitters I feel sorry for you...I tried making some things timed once and it was pure evil. As for the emiting points I made a level where you are in a closed vehicle going down rail tracks and I realized the only way to add points was that way...seeing as your level also had a closed vehicle I figured you got stuck behind the same rock I was. Until I figured out the emitter thing....you're right, pure evil. After much trial and error though, I believe I have nailed down techniques with emitters that will blow a few minds. I am even beginning to understand how to tune down the colossal undertaking to create a little less overheating when making the level while achieving the same effect, however, a little late for this next debut, which was cut very short due to overheating. I am going to publish it soon anyway, so people can see what I've been up to. The concept should prove useful to others in their levels (assuming others haven't already figured it out, which I'm sure some have....I just haven't seen it any of the levels I have played). If you wanna take a peek before I publish, let me know. I'll arrange time for you to come steal a looksy. Still too busy to fix the problem you mentioned above, but I am hoping to get around to it after I publish this next thing. This website is extremely valuable to those trying to improve their skills as creators. Thanks to everyone for comments and help! Quazau | 2010-11-02 15:35:00 Author: Quazau ![]() Posts: 44 |
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